STIOffice – Grading Reports

About Grading Reports

This document provides instructions on how to generate report cards, honor rolls, the failure list, GPA’s and many other grade-related reports.

Grading reports are located under Daily | Grading Reports.

A brief summary of each report is provided below.

Midterm Sheets

This report prints Midterm Progress Reports for a student or groups of students. These reports are forms for teachers to complete, containing the student schedule and some fields that teachers can fill in indicating student progress. This is not the same as the Progress Reports that are pulled directly from the STIClassroom Grade Book or Principal’s Console.

Rosters to Collect Grades

Select this report to print a set of class rosters (or scan sheets) to issue to teachers for collecting student grades to enter into STIOffice. This form allows teachers to write in the grade and comment for each student so these may be entered into STIOffice more easily. You may also generate a list of all teachers printed in this report, which will appear after the roster has generated. Make sure that the correct grading period is selected when printing these. This is used if teachers are not posting with STIClassroom.

Verification Rosters

Print these course rosters after grade entry for teachers to verify that grades were correctly entered. Teachers will be able to see what grades they entered through STIOffice or posted through STIClassroom. This will help keep errors on report cards to a minimum by having teachers double-check their data entries. You may also generate a list of all teachers printed in this report, which will appear after the roster has generated.

Missing Grades Report

This report may be used to print a list of students who are missing grades before report cards are printed. Select the appropriate options for the type of report desired.

Missing Skills Marks Report

This report may be used to print a list of students who are missing marks in Skills for a selected grading period. The students may be grouped either by teacher or by course.

Report Cards (Traditional)

This selection will print report cards for all students or for a specified group of students. To print reports cards in this manner, fill out the information on the screen as follows::

·  Select Filter: Click the drop-list button at right to select a previously created QBE Filter for use with this report, or you may click the Ellipsis button to add or edit the QBE Filter list.

·  Order: Click the drop-list button at right to select the order in which you wish this report printed.

·  Report Options: Click the drop-list button at right to select the grading period to include in your report card print routine. If a grading period other than the first is selected, more options will be available.

·  Previous: Check this box to include previous grading periods on the report cards.

·  Pro/Ret: Check this box to print Promotion or Retained status on the report cards.

·  Room #: Check if you wish to include the room number on the report cards.

·  Notes: Check here if you wish to include any teacher notes on the report cards.

·  Picture: Check here if you wish to print student pictures on the report cards.

·  Scale: Check this item if you wish your school grade scale printed on report cards.

·  Print to Mail: Check this if you print report cards using the printer attachment and report card form.

·  Fee Balance: Student’s current fee balance will print if this option is chosen.

·  1 Line/Subject: This option places multiple terms per subject on one line rather than separating terms.

·  Term: This will print one line per subject per term. This will appear only if the 1 Line/Subject box is checked.

·  Hide Boxes: Check this box to exclude grading period descriptions from the report cards.

·  Parent Signature: Check here if you wish to include a Parent Signature line on the report cards.

·  Sort By Period: If you wish courses on the report cards printed in period order, check this box. Otherwise courses will appear in numeric order.

·  Picture: Check this to print student pictures on report cards.

·  Add Numeric Weight: You may now add weight to any printed grade.

·  Include Credit: Check here if you wish credit for courses to be printed on the report card.

·  Include GPA: Check here if you wish GPA information to be included on the report card.

·  Year or Grading Period: Bullet Year if you wish include GPA for the year on your report cards; bullet Grading Period if you wish to include only separate GPA information for the present grading period on your report cards. This option will appear only if the Include GPA box is checked.

·  Unearned Points: Check here if you wish unearned points to be assigned when calculating GPA.

·  Rank: Check this box to include class ranking on the report card. This option will appear only if the Include GPA box is checked.

·  Rnk GPA: Check this box to print the rank GPA for cumulative grades on the report card.

·  GPA For All Grading Periods: Check this box if you wish for a separate GPA to be printed for each grading period.

·  ID To Print: Click the drop-list button at right to select the type of student ID to use on this report.

·  Codes to Print: Click the drop-list button to select the type of attendance codes you wish used when printing this report. You may also double click each code to select that code for inclusion.

·  Daily Attendance Included

  • Yearly: Check here if you wish total daily attendance for the year included.
  • GP: Check here if you wish to include only attendance totals for the present grading period.
  • All GP: Check this box to print attendance totals for each grading period on the report card.

·  Period Attendance: Check here if you wish to include period attendance totals.

·  Heading: You may select the default heading (as shown) or type a customized heading of your choosing for inclusion on this report.

·  Letterhead: Check here if the paper you are printing on has a letterhead. This drops the report down to allow for this information. If unchecked, your school information from your System File will print as the letterhead.

·  Caller: Check if you wish to print the STICaller PIN on this report card.

·  Home: Check if you wish to print the STIHome PIN on this report card.

·  Addressing: You may choose to print for a window envelope and/or use the student address.

·  Mailings: Print copies for Guardians with Mailing Switch checked.

·  Special Messages: You may choose to print announcements for specific groups rather than for all students. Choose the group and enter the message in the space provided, then click the Ellipsis button to move the message in the Description box above. There is a pre-installed failing message group in the selection list. Choose this option to print a message for each student who has a grade of E or F for a course.

·  Print: Click here when you are ready to print.

Report Cards (Skills Based)

Choose this option to print report cards for classes using skills-based reporting. The same procedure as above applies to these reports. The Show Course checkbox activates the capability of including the Subject Grades and hiding the Categories in the report.

Honor Roll

Select this report to print a list of students who met your school standards for inclusion on an Honor Roll List. Select appropriate filter and options for this report.

Report Options

·  Heading: Enter a custom heading for this report (optional).

·  Ignore: Insert any grades that will not count in calculating honor roll inclusion. Example: A class that only gives S’s and U’s. You would wish to ignore the S because it is the same as an A for calculation purposes.

·  ID to Print: Select the type of student ID to print on the report.

·  Check Master: Check this box to base calculations only on those classes that have the Honor Roll box checked in the Master Schedule.

·  Simple Report: Check this box to print names only.

·  Grades Earned: Check this box to print the actual grades earned by students.

·  Average: Check this box to print grade averages. IMPORTANT: This option will only work when Number Grades are selected for the grading period.

·  Unlisted Info: Check this box to print unlisted phone/address information.

·  Remove Non-Included: Check this box to save the students included in this Honor Roll report into a temporary filter, to be used with another type of report immediately following Honor Roll generation.

Using Letter Grades

If you wish to use letter grades when compiling your list, insert those grades on the use this section. They will be looked up using your grade scale. Each letter grade entered here should be separated by a PIPE ( | ) symbol. This symbol is located on the same key as the “backslash”. Example: A|B. If you are checking for minimums and you enter A|A|A, a student must have earned an A in at least three courses to be on the Honor Roll List.

·  Letter Grades: If this box is checked, STIOffice will print students without the letter grades entered. Example: If a D|F is entered, only students without a D or an F will print.

Using Number Grades

If you are using percentage grades in your selection of Honor Roll students, insert a range of grades (high to low) for each checked grade at left and for each grading period included. If you are not using percentage grades, leave this area blank.

·  Number Grades: If this box is checked, STIOffice will print students where ALL numeric grades are within the range entered. If unchecked, STIOffice will print students with an average of the range entered.

Saving Honor Roll Settings

You may now save your Honor Roll Settings from year to year via the Folder icon .To save a setting, click the folder icon and name the settings appropriately. For example: 1st nine weeks A honor roll. To delete the setting, click the folder and delete selected setting.

If changes to the structure of the grade system file are made, these setting may need to be altered.

Failure List

Click this selection to print a list of students who have failed one or more subjects during a specific grading period.

·  Minimum Occurrences for Inclusion: Insert the correct number of failing grades necessary for a student’s name to appear on this failure list.

·  Grades To Include: Type the student grades that must be earned by students for the student name to appear on this report. Multiple grades entered must be separated by a PIPE ( | ) symbol. This symbol is located on the same key as the “backslash”.

·  Remove Non-Included: Check this box to save the students included in this Honor Roll report into a temporary filter, to be used with another type of report immediately following Honor Roll generation, such as Letters.

Example: F|N|I Letter grades must be entered here – regardless of type of grade collected.

Grade Distribution

Print this report to get the number of students earning each letter grade in each course taught at your school. Select the appropriate report options, grading information, and breakdowns, filter options, and course types for the type of report you wish to generate.

Grades by Student

This report will print a list of students and the grade received during selected grading period(s).


Use this report to list students who do or do not meet eligibility requirements for various extracurricular activities in school. Select the filter. If running the report for elementary or middle/jr. high students, check the box labeled Non-High School Students. Select the criteria of meeting or not meeting requirements. Select the grading period(s) to include. Select the course types to include in report and the minimum credits passed and average earned. Click Print to run report.

Permanent Record Labels

This report prints a grade for each student for a particular grading period, for placement on the student permanent record card. Different label sizes may be selected. Selecting each label size displays the number of courses and grades available on that label.


This report will rank all or groups of your students and print the rankings based upon the options selected.

·  Select Filter: Click the drop-list button at right to select a previously created QBE Filter for use with this report, or you may click the Ellipsis button to add or edit the QBE Filter list.

·  Order: Click the drop-list button at right to select the order in which you wish this report printed.

·  GPA To Rank: Use the drop-down list to select the method of ranking you want used with this report (standard or numeric).

·  Type: Use the drop-down list to select the type of ranking to use (weighted or unweighted).

·  GPA Range: This allows you to limit the length of your ranking report (example: limit it to the top students). High – Insert the highest GPA that you wish included in this report. Low – Insert the lowest GPA that you wish included in this report.

·  Percentage to Include: You may choose to include only the top percent in this report. (Example: Top 10%)