Minutes of STOKEClimsland parish council
held on Monday 19thSeptember 2016 commencing at 7.30Pm in the Parish hALL
IN ATTENDANCE: Cllr burden
l power
SC 16/09/1 Apologies for absence: J FORBES,D CRAWLEY,S CAZALY,
SC 16/09/2 Declarations of Interest: none
SC 16/09/3 Public Session: none
SC16/09/4 Minutes: The minutes of 15th August 2016 were amended.It was proposed by N Cooperand seconded by S Bruna that the minutes were signed. All agreed.It was agreed to sing the minutes of 5th September 2016 at the next meeting.
SC16/09/5 Matters Arising
1.Improvements to Luckett car park: tender for work on path and possibly new parking area: No quotes have been received yet.
2.Request for quotes on pollarding trees on the Green: There was only one quote received for this. It was proposed by P Barriball and seconded by C Vulliamy that this was accepted. All agreed.
3.Venterdon Bus Shelter: Report on costs: S Cazaley was absent so this matter is deferred until next meeting.
4.Quote for removal of bench. Bench and concrete footings need to be removed: No quote has been received yet. .
SC 16/09/6 Planning:
Cornwall Council list of Application;
PA16/05407: Mrs S Sleep, Glenmoor Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall PL17 8HL, Retrospective application for two bedroom dwelling on site of previously approved garage/annex. (Application no. PA13/11267 dated 31/1/14 relates). Mr Whitehead attended the meeting is support of this application. He outlined the history of the property. The building was originally an annex but was altered to a standalone property following the illness of Mr A Sleep. The Parish Council supported the previous withdrawn application on condition it was tied to Glenmoor, that the cess pit was an adequate size for the number of people who are likely to live in the property. There followed a discussion about the possibility of putting a S106 to keep it tied to Glenmoor, given the application is for a standalone building. It was proposed by P Barriball and seconded by S Ross that the Parish Council supports this application on condition that there is a S106 that the house when sold is sold to a member of the parish with local need. In addition we would like the cess pit to be inspected to ensure that it is large enough for the possible number of people who live there. In a vote 5 voted for with one abstention.
Refusals, Approvals and Appeal:
PA16/04524: Mr And Mrs T M Peart, Land Between 1 Park Hill And Braemar Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall: Erection of 2no. two storey detached houses; one with three bedrooms and garage; second with four bedrooms, including new access to lane with associated landscaping and parking. Refused
PA16/05095: Mr R Buscombe, Land Rear Of Basil, Southcoombe Road, Downgate, Callington, Cornwall: Removal of condition 5 in relation to decision notice PA14/02177 dated 22/05/2014: Lowering of boundary wall. Pending consideration.
PA16/06626: Mr and Mrs Tweedle, Land At Clitters Higher Downgate Callington Cornwall; Proposed General Purpose Agricultural Building. Awaiting decision
PA16/06440: Mr Harvey Harper, 1 Mine View Winsor Lane Kelly Bray Callington Cornwall PL17 8HD; Stationing of a mobile home. Withdrawn
PA16/06268: Mr and Mrs J Chaldecott, Greencombe House Greenscoombe Lane Luckett Callington PL17 8LF: Single storey extension to existing cottage and new pitched roof to existing garage building. Approved
SC 16/09/7 Items for Report and Discussion
1.Report from Cllr Burden: Clllr Burden has agreed to follow up reported problems on the planning web sites. One was that parish councillors were unable to access the web site. Also comments put onto the web site appear to have been moved from one application to another. The zig-zag issued outside the school is an ongoing problem. Regarding the upkeep of leaisure centres in the county, only one operator is in the frame. There have been difficulties in getting EU grants because of the tortuous system requiring Government vetting. If the grant is not approved by the autumn the grant is unlikely to be approved. Cornwall Council has given £700000 to Duchy College for training. Contaminated land is becoming a big issue as the Environment agency is very strict. The ‘one stop shop’ in Callington consists of 2 computers, and a telephone. There are no helpers which is causing real problems to members of the public if they can’t use the computer. It is not fit for purpose. If anyone has any problems please let Cllr Burden know. A number of very minor roads have been resurfaced recently.
2.Removal of Phone box in Luckett: There are four boxes in the parish due to be decommissioned. There is concern about the loss of the box in Luckett as there is little mobile phone reception and it is on a walking route, the box should be retained for safety. It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by S Ross that we buy all the boxes.
3.Report on Kyl Cober Parc Land Registration: The clerk is to contact the Land Registry to see who own that land.
4.Request for donation for Luckett Memorial Garden: The clerk presented a policy document for donations from the Parish Council. After some discussion it was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by P Barriball that the document was accepted. The clerk will send out the forms and policy document to interested parties.
SC 16/09/8Highways and Maintenance:
There has been builder’s waste dumped at Coombeshead Lane, Jerico Lane and the layby at Roundhouse. This is commercial waste. The Parish Council needs to find a site for the grit bins. N Cooper will check sites at Trehingsta and J Coombe will investigate sites at Tutwell and Bealsmill. The Millennium stone needs repainting. This will go onto the next agenda. There are potholes at the top of Pounds Lane and the top of the hill to Horsebridge. A pink pig has appeared at the Penill junction. This has been placed there by the YFC to advertise their charitable activities. The gates and styles on footpaths are the Land owner’s responsibility. If they are building new they need permission to do this. They will need to pay Cornwall Council for the plans. If they are replacing an old one they get a 25% discount. The bridle wasy should have been cleared by N Holding.
SC 16/09/9 Correspondence:
SC 16/09/10Finance:
It was proposed by N Cooper and seconded by J Coumbe that the accounts we accepted. All agreed.
Payments: It was proposed by S Bruna and seconded by J Coumbe that the cheques should be written. All agreed. Cheques to a total of £875.00were written for clerk’s wages, allotment rent, Parish hall rent and AED Locator rent sign were paid.
Receipts: Allotments: £60, VAT Return £ 5701.94
SC 16/09/11Items for Agenda for next meeting:
- Letters of thanks to the people who empty the rubbish bins.
- Report on Kyl Cober land registry
- Luckett Car park quotes.
SC 16/09/12 Date and Time of Next Meeting
7.30 pm in the Parish Hallon 17thOctober2016
Clerk: Mrs Power, Top Flat, Half Moon Court, Stoke Climsland PL17 8NY
Tel: 01579 370819