Frequently Asked Questions: iSupplier
1. I need access into iSupplier, who do I contact?
a. Contact the iSupplier administrator within your company. They can add you into iSupplier through their EPC iSupplier User Management responsibility.
b. Contact and request access by providing them your first name, last name, email address, phone number, and the correct Supplier Name and Supplier Number if possible.
2. There are three terms and conditions when registering. Why do I have to accept all three?
a. To use the system you must acknowledge that you understand all of the terms and conditions. You have to select between either Gradient or NET 30 as your standard payment terms. The forms explain what happens if they are selected and also the choices you have. The selection will apply for the whole company. This is also why an officer at your company should be signing those forms. You have to sign all forms acknowledging that you understand what Gradient is, and what Pay-Me-Now is.
i. You have a choice between two standard terms either Gradient or NET 30.
ii. You also have a choice to use pay-me-now on any invoice at any time, or to never use it.
b. All forms must be signed / acknowledged at sign up to use the system.
3. What are the Pay Me Now payment terms?
a. Pay Me Now in general is a special set of terms that can be chosen on a per invoice basis. If you choose this option on one of your invoices, this means that once all approvals have been received, our AP department will expedite your payment while taking a discount based on the number of days. (See the Pay Me Now agreement on the registration site for the specific details of the terms.)
1. What is the iSupplier website address?
a. To access the iSupplier site please go to the iSupplier Portal at . Then click the login button. Please DO NOT save the login page as a favorite or bookmark, however you can always save the iSupplier Portal page as a favorite or bookmark for easy access.
2. Who should I contact with concerns?
a. PO invoice question and concerns- . This email is for invoice issues only. Purchase order concerns should be directed to the buyer listed on the purchase order documents.
b. Non-PO invoice questions and concerns- .
c. System access issues- . Communication to this address will be directed to our customer and supplier setup (CSSU) group, but should be restricted to those system access questions that cannot be resolved by the non-Enterprise Products access administrator for the specific company.
3. How do I change my password / My password will not work / I forgot my password?
a. Click on “Forgot Password?” on the login screen and answer the three security questions. Once you answer the three security questions successfully, you’ll be able to enter a new password.
b. Otherwise, please contact the Enterprise support center at (713) 381-6600 or and ask them to reset your password.
4. I’ve made a mistake or would like to cancel a submitted invoice. How do I make the correction?
a. Once an invoice is submitted the supplier would need to contact AP: PO Invoice - or Non-PO Invoice - to have the invoice rejected. Once the invoice is rejected they can make the correction or cancel.
5. I realized after I submitted my invoice that I entered in the wrong PO number, AFE#, Work Order #, or Pay Key.
a. Please notify Corporate AP asap by sending an email to indicating which invoices were submitted incorrectly.
6. Will I get notified if an invoice I submitted gets canceled?
a. When an invoice gets cancelled by Enterprise Products, there will be a notification in your worklist. In addition, you will receive an email notifying you of the invoice cancellation.
7. Is the invoice date automatically generated?
a. Yes, the system will automatically generate the invoice date on the date the invoice was created in the system. Enterprise will only honor the invoice date in the system.
8. Can I enter the invoice date?
a. No. The invoice date is automatically generated from the system as the day that you created the invoice in the system. It cannot be changed.
9. Where do I enter the AFE number?
a. You can enter the AFE number into the attachment and notes section but you are still going to need to get the project number for invoice routing/approvals.
10. When will EDI integration be available?
a. For high volume suppliers we anticipate to have EDI integration functionality ready in the 3rd quarter of 2013.
11. Do I still need to attach my invoice that I generated inside of my company?
a. Depending on the nature of service, there may be information on the invoice that is relevant to an approver being able to make a decision on the invoice. While it has never been required that suppliers continue to attach the paper copy, it still may be necessary in certain cases. The approver could reject the invoice if it has insufficient information to validate the charges.
12. Is the first field on my Purchase Order an “O” or a zero?
a. The first field for a Purchase Order is an “O” instead of a zero.
1. How do I increase a Purchase Order in iSupplier?
a. You may request the change through the system; otherwise, contact the buyer or Project Manager directly. It is preferred that you make the change request via iSupplier.
2. Can I still charge invoices under $10,000 to the buyer’s credit card?
a. If a PO is issued, an invoice must be paid against the PO. If a PO is not issued, create a nonPO invoice using one of the three key identifiers (project, work order, or paykey).
1. When I try to log in, I’m getting an “Error 500 – Internal Server Error”
a. You may have reached the max sessions. Please contact to clear out your sessions.
b. Otherwise, please wait one hour and the sessions will clear themselves.
c. To prevent this problem moving forward, be sure to always click the Logout button and wait for iSupplier to completely log you out, do NOT just click the X to exit.
2. When I try to log in and try to submit an invoice, I’m getting a “Fatal Error” message
a. You may have too many sessions open as a result of not clicking the logout button when exiting iSupplier. Please contact to clear out your sessions.
b. Otherwise, please wait one hour and the sessions will clear themselves.
c. To prevent this problem moving forward, be sure to always click the Logout button and wait for iSupplier to completely log you out, do NOT just click the X to exit.
3. When I try to log in, I’m getting a “System Error. Please retry your action.”
a. You may have bookmarked the Login Page or tagged the Login Page as a favorite. Please go to the iSupplier Portal and click the Login Link and try again. Please feel free to bookmark or favorite the iSupplier Portal page ONLY.
b. Email for assistance.
4. I’m getting PO notifications, even though the notification does not pertain to me or my department/branch.
a. The iSupplier system does not have a way of limiting what POs individual supplier contacts are exposed to. Each contact will be notified through email of every PO for their company, regardless if they are the contact that needs to act on the PO.
b. If you'd like to disable the email notifications:
i. Log into iSupplier
ii. Click on Preferences (top right hand corner)
iii. Click Display Preferences
iv. In the notifications drop down menu, select "Disabled"
v. Click Apply.
5. When I log into iSupplier, the responsibility menu options are showing up as “Undefined”
a. While on the login screen, click the compatibility view button:
b. Or, follow these steps:
i. Hit F12 on the page.
ii. Click on Browse Mode: IE10
iii. Select IE9
iv. Close out the lower window
6. I’m getting an error (Cursor error) when I try to log in. Or, the screen just freezes when I try to log in.
a. Close the Browser
b. Open Command Prompt (Go to start menu and type CMD)
c. Complete the Command “ipconfig /flushdns”
d. Open Browser and Navigate to EBSP, it should now work
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Updated: November 8, 2016