Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College Dispositions Rubric and Assessment Form

Name of Candidate: ______

Name of Evaluator: ______

Date: ______

Circle one:Pre-Clinical EvaluationClinical Evaluation

The purpose of this form is to document the development of values and commitments held by certifying bodies, professional organizations, and/or the ABAC Educator Preparation Program to be indicators of future performance. During pre-clinical practice,teacher candidatescomplete a self-assessment, and their ABAC supervisorcompletes an assessment. Then again, near the culmination of their clinical experience, the disposition assessment is completed independently by the candidate, the ABAC supervisor, and also by the school system mentor teacher.

Outlined here are the four dispositions the on which the candidate is evaluated. Each disposition reflects the vision and mission of ABAC and are qualities believed to likely be had by teachers who support the cultivation of intellectual and professional agency.

  1. The candidate uses reasons, evidence, and reflection to guide practice.
  2. Intasc 6&9
  3. ABAC EPP 6
  4. The candidate provides a variety of opportunities for learners to engage in critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving.
  5. Intasc 5&8
  6. ABAC EPP 5
  7. The candidate utilizes diverse perspectives to create an inclusive learning environment.
  8. Intasc 1&2
  9. ABAC EPP 1
  10. The candidate ethically engages with educational community members to improve teaching and learning.
  11. Intasc 10
  12. ABAC EPP 3

Instructions: For each of the four following disposition, mark the category that your experience suggests is most representative of the candidate at this point.

1.The candidate uses reasons, evidence, and reflection to guide practice. (InTASC 6&9; ABAC 6)

  1. Not Proficient

There is scant evidence that the candidate is willing and/or able to critically reflect on pedagogical decisions or seeks to use data, research, theory, or the advice of other professionals to improve teaching or student learning.
  1. Developing

Evidence of development includes articulating (in journals, lesson plans, or conversations) a willingness and desire to critically reflect upon pedagogical decisions through study, informal data collection, the advice of others, or personal reflection.
  1. Proficient

Evidence of proficiency includes referring (in journals, lesson plans, or conversations) to relevant theory or research to support of pedagogical decisions; using student assessment data to inform instruction; and critically reflecting upon the relative successes and failures of lessons.
  1. Exemplary

Evidence for exemplarity includes demonstration of proficiency. In addition, the candidate demonstrates improved student outcomes that are the result of critical reflection, study, and the use of data gathered by the candidate.

2.The candidate provides a variety of opportunities for learners to engage in critical thinking, creative thinking, and problem solving. (InTASC 5&8; ABAC 5)

  1. Not Proficient

There is scant evidence that the candidate is willing and able to provide learning activities that invite students to critically analyze positions, processes, conclusions; or to provide learning activities that allow students to produce novel interpretations or solutions.
  1. Developing

Evidence of development includes occasionally providing students with learning activities that invite students to critically analyze positions, processes, conclusions; or to provide learning activities that allow students to produce novel interpretations or solutions.
  1. Proficient

Evidence of proficiency includes facilitating student engagement byusing a variety of instructional strategies, some of which engage students in discussion of open questions, critical analysis, or creative problem-solving.
  1. Exemplary

Evidence for exemplarity includes facilitating student engagement by using a variety of instructional strategies thatengage students in the critical analysis of positions, processes, and conclusions; and/or allow students to produce novel interpretations or solutions. In addition, the candidate communicates to students and/or mentors the connection between critical and creative thinking tasks and the cultivation of intellectual and professional agency.

3.The candidate utilizes diverse perspectives to create an inclusive learning environment (InTASC 1&2; ABAC 1)

  1. Not Proficient

Evidence of nonproficiency includes failure to recognize the legitimacy of perspectives, approaches, or views different from those of the candidate.
  1. Developing

Evidence of development includes respecting and including the diverse opinions of students into learning activities
  1. Proficient

Evidence of proficiencyincludes incorporating diverse theoretical perspectives into discussions and activities; being respectful of the diverse perspectives and approaches of all students.
  1. Exemplary

Evidence for exemplarity includes the incorporation of diverse theoretical and student perspectives into activities. Additionally, the candidate solicits diverse student perspectives and approaches to engage students in perspective-building, collaborative and creative problem solving.

5.The candidate ethically engages with educational community members to improve teaching and learning. (InTASC 10; ABAC 3)

  1. Not Proficient

The candidate’s interaction with students, mentors, and/or other educational community members are unprofessional or unethical.
  1. Developing

Evidence of development includes professional dress, punctuality, and respect for professional norms; openness to constructive feedback; professional and ethical interactions with students and peers.
  1. Proficient

Evidence of proficiency includes the above and also an attentiveness to concerns of confidentiality, test security, and/or academic integrity.
  1. Exemplary

Evidence for exemplarity includes the above and also self-initiated, helpful interactions with students, mentors, peers, and faculty that improve teaching and learning; and actively upholding standards of academic integrity.