Lasswade Parent Council
30th May 2011
Lorraine Maguire,Gilly Marshall, Julie Fox, Chris Rae, Leigh Millar, Lea Taylor,Anne Morrison, Gillian Lyall, Lisa Watt, Yvonne Dickson
Pauline McGrath, Roma Clark, Janet Hanley, Julie Macbeath, Lorna Rae
Lasswade’s Got Talent – 17th June
We have a good selection of prizes for the raffle so far we have
£5 voucher for Bombay Spice
Signed Susan Boyle book
£10 voucher for Diamond Beauty
1 round of golf for 4 at Swantson Golf Course
1 round of golf for 4 at Broomieknow Golf Course
Voucher for wash and wax at car wash by Dobbies
4 cinema tickets for Vue at omni
1 family ticket for DalkeithPalace
1 family ticket for Butterfly Farm
1 family ticket for Seabird centre
1 family ticket for Zoo (they need a letter of confirmation from School before they will send tickets out) Action: GM
There are a few other prizes that have been offered but not yet received or are in the process of finalising.
We should still try and get some more prizes where possible though.
Some prizes will be suitable for the auction (the golf and Zoo tickets for example) so we will aim to do the £5 in an envelope auction for them and if any other prizes come that are of suitable value. Final decision to be made the week before LGT.
Final judges have been confirmed they are
Amy Watt (Love Drama)
Lorna Hume (Music Teacher LHSC)
Matt Mason has been confirmed as compere for the evening.
Confirmation letter to be sent.Action: GM
Amber Kelly to return the Overall Winner trophy to the school to be represented to this years winner.
Three individual trophies to be purchased for best singer/dancer/entertainer.
Anne to look at number of glowsticks we currently have and to purchase more.
Action: AM
Floats will be required for both tombola stalls and raffle(3).
Action: LR
Cartons of juice will be purchased for the children and wine for the adults. Also to purchase crisps and possibly sweets. Will confirm numbers when ticket sales start to come in. Anne has agreed to purchase refreshments Action: AM
7.Gifts for Judges
Boxes of chocolates to be purchased for Judges (5) and bottle of wine for compere (1).
Gillian agreed to purchase.Action: GL
8.Decorating Stage
Janet to check what decorations we have available in school (we used to have a stock of stars that were pinned on curtains)and refresh as required and to decorate stage on night. Action: JH
Gilly to do word version of programme once acts and prizes have been finalised and will e-mail to Chris Rae to try and make a bit more interesting. Action: GM/CR
We will need people to help set up in the afternoon as well as be there on the evening of LGT. We need as many people as possible to attend to decorate and set up in the afternoon, then in the evening to help man the stalls, take tickets, serve refreshments, sell raffle tickets and organise auction Action: ALL
Gilly to contact Ron re sound and lighting.Action: GM
- Music Tuition
Lorraine went to the meeting regarding music tuition and it was well attended. They were looking on feedback on pricing. It has been agreed that there will be charges made it just how this will be implemented that the meeting was concerned with. The council think there will be a 40% drop out once charging takes place and costs have been decided according to this. Costs per child are likely to be around £100 to £150 per child per year and a monthly direct debit system is likely to be available. The council has to cover costs of around £1,100.
- Uniform
There was a problem with the nursery logo but that has now been fixed.
Lots of orders came in from P1 special orders
Purple hoodies are out of stock but will be in by mid June.
The light grey colour has been corrected as it was too dark.
The purple jackets are now better quality with better hoods (previous jackets the hoods were too small)
The 1st batch of orders will be arriving in the middle of June. The orders will be organised by ScottishCounty Press.
The try out sessions went well and were well attended.
Forms will be given out at nursery enrolment for children who have not yet started nursery,. T-shirts will also be available for nursery children.
- Fundraising
We have various options on what to spend monies raised these include
- Smartboard for quiet room
- Big screen and projector for Big Hall
- Set of notebooks as wireless connection goes into each school over summer holidays
- Golden time resources
- New tables and chairs
It was agreed to do a short survey to parents to see what they think the money should be spend on. It was decided it would be a good idea to catch parents opinion at Sports Day. Lisa to organise a short questionnaire and to ask parents. Action: LW
It was agreed to invite Derek Milligan and some other councillors along to a parent council meeting after the summer holidays. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to discuss this at the first meeting back and invite him to the second meeting.
- Speed Working – Wed 29th June 1.30 – 3pm
On the last Wednesday of term P7s will be having a speedworking afternoon. Anyone with an interesting job (or if you know anyone with an interesting job) could you come along and speak to the P7’s about it.
It was decided that it would be a good idea to put a note on the facebook page to catch parents we might not otherwise catch. Action: AM
Mrs Fox dicusssed some staffing issues that have come up as a result of some teachers retiring. Letters will be going out to all parents shortly.
Next Meeting
To be arranged but likely to be around 5th or 12th September 2011 @ 7pm