WindsorSchool District

Upon the completion of Second Grade, your child should know and

be able to do the following:


  • read and understand a variety of print materials (i.e., lists, letters, rhymes, poems, stories, non-fiction)
  • use a variety of ways to understand the meaning in a story before, during, and after reading
  • use a variety of reading strategies, including phonics to decode words
  • preview and predict what will happen in a story
  • follow written directions to complete a task
  • identify the sequence and main elements of a story
  • use a variety of materials to do research
  • listen to learn facts and details
  • speak to share information


  • write for different purposes
  • increase the number of words spelled correctly
  • write legibly
  • know and use standard age-appropriate grammar and word usage


  • introduction to addiction and subtraction with regrouping
  • begin to use fractions
  • demonstrate understanding of the base-ten system
  • identify place values in two-digit numbers
  • identify, count, and write to 999
  • write, compare, recognize, and extend patterns with numbers and/or objects
  • know math facts +/- to 18
  • know 2 digit +/- with no regrouping


  • use map and globe to solve problems
  • use compass rose
  • read map keys
  • learn the meaning of these terms:

-north -south





learn about and identify different cultures and their traditions:

-use simple time lines

-sequence events

practice conflict resolution using “Character Counts” qualities

become aware of the patriotic concepts


  • understands and explores process skills:

- predicting

- measuring

- creating

- inferring

- observing

- classifying

- communicating

  • conduct a scientific investigation
  • classify animals according to characteristics
  • identify life cycles of animals
  • learn major parts and functions of eyes and ears
  • learn characteristics and effects of light and sound
  • understand that sound is a form of energy
  • understand basic weather concepts

If you have any questions about the information in this brochure, please contact your child’s school.

School: ______

School Address: ______


School’s Phone Number: ______

Teacher’s Name:______

Board of Education

Sean Ash, President

Bobby Warner, Vice President

Carlene Irion, Secretary

Tempy Bowman, Treasurer

Rick Klimek, Member


Karen Trusler

WindsorSchool District

1020 Main StreetWindsor, CO80550

970- 686-8000  FAX 970-686-5280





Second Grade

A Message to Parents and Guardians

As a parent or guardian, you are your child’s first teacher. Family values, language skills, and cultural traditions/customs are examples of things learned from you. Each student then comes to school with a unique blend of knowledge and experiences. As teachers, it is our responsibility to continue your child’s education by providing structured learning experiences that will prepare him/her for the future.

Please take the time to read about the learning goals described in this brochure. We want parents to know as much as possible about the curriculum at each grade level so that they can continue to be a “teaching partner” for their child. We know that when parents are involved in their child’s education, students have a more positive attitude about school and about learning.

The learning goals listed describe only the “basics” for the year. They are taken from our district curriculum guides and matched to Colorado state standards. We expect all students to meet these goals by the end of the year. Other subjects including art, music and physical education are also important parts of the curriculum. We hope you will contact your child’s teacher to find out more about the total program for this grade level.

We are excited about the opportunity to join with you in providing the best possible education for your child. We are committed to working closely with you to benefit your child. Together, we can make teaching and learning successful!

Helpful Hints

When your child answers “Nothing” to the question “What did you learn in school today?”

Try asking questions such as:

“What did you talk about in school today?”

 “What is your homework assignment for tonight?”

 “What did you like best about your day?”

Support your child’s learning:

 join the Parent Teacher Advisory Council

 encourage reading for pleasure by reading books, magazines, and newspapers with your child

 select a study area for doing homework

 review and discuss homework with your child

 share your child’s experiences and concerns, and encourage questions

 plan a family outing to places of interest such as parks, museums, libraries

 let your child use what was learned in language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies by helping with cooking, shopping, and other real life experiences

Remember: Your participation in your child’s school experience helps to improve grades, attendance, and behavior.