Educational Environments, 2015-2016


Indicator 6 of the State Performance Plan (SPP) reports the percent of children ages 3-5 (A) attending a Regular Early Childhood Program (RECP) and receiving the majority of special education and related service in the regular early childhood program, and (B) attending a special education class, separate school or residential facility (Educational Environments) (see below for calculation*).

The PreK LRE data are taken from the December 1st headcount and include children who are enrolled in Kindergarten but are not yet 6 years of age by December 1st. The summary statements for LRE on this performance indicator (#6) on the State Performance Plan are calculated in two ways:*

·  Summary Statement A is calculated by combining the data from settings designated as A1 + B1. These are the RECP settings where the majority of the services are provided in the class.

·  Summary Statement B is calculated by combining the data from the settings designated as C1+C2+C3. These are three different types of separate settings.

States are required to set performance targets for the above summary statements. Targets are absolute values set by the state based on previous years’ trend data and the yearly incremental goals to improve on those performance data. These targets are approved by the State Special Education Advisory Council. The 2014-15 targets set for North Carolina, based on data from prior to 2013 were: (A) 36.70% and (B) 21.60%. The state initiated a change in reporting the settings for children enrolled in Kindergarten, but not yet age 6 on the December 1st headcount date in 2014, which resulted in a significant change in the state data. Therefore, the 2014 data will be the state’s new baseline and the new target for the December 1, 2015 will be: (A) 37.00% and (B) 21.30%.

The first chart compares state and LEA performance.

Educational Environments, 2015-2016


The second chart compares educational environments of 3, 4 and 5 yr olds in prekindergarten to five year olds in kindergarten.

This third chart shows the distribution of 3, 4 and 5 year old prekindergarten children for Indicator 6.

NC Early Learning Network is a joint project of the NC Department Of Public Instruction, Office Of Early Learning
and UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute

February 2017