March 28, 2017

Dear Interested Candidate:

We appreciate your interest in CSU’s Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program. The Ed.S. ADD-ON program at COLUMBUS STATE UNIVERSITY in Educational Leadership is delivered in an online format organized into a COHORT STRUCTURE.

Due to GA Professional Standards Commission changes, NEW ENROLLMENT IN SPECIALIST EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP PROGRAMS IN GEORGIA WILL END MAYMESTER 2017. IF YOU ARE NOT ENROLLED, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OBTAIN CERTIFICATION – NO EXCEPTIONS PER THE GA PSC. CONSEQUENTLY, It’s imperative that you understand and comply with the information in this document. You will not be able to take one or two courses per semester and finish the add-on program. The Course carousel ends with the Summer 2018 session. We recommend that you faithfully follow your program sequence provided by your advisor to ensure you don’t miss an essential class.

Initial Application deadline: April 4, 2017. Completed Application deadline: April 18. Classes start May 9.

Once you begin correspondence with CSU through admissions, programs, etc.. CSU will issue you a CSU email account by postal letter. All correspondence with programs and admissions will be through that MYCSU email. Make sure you check it often to ensure you don’t miss critical information.


Note: A MASTERS DEGREE is a pre-requisite for entry into this Specialist Program

·  Acceptance into the Graduate School of CSU

·  GPA of 3.0 or better on all graduate course work in fulfillmentof the requirements for your latest graduate degree.

·  Acceptable GRE scores or proof of clear renewable teaching license

·  3 years of teaching experience and current employment in a K-12 school.

·  Current service in a leadership ROLE* or position in your school.

·  Pre- Ethics Assessment++ Eligibility for Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership

All candidates admitted to any GaPSC-approved Educational Leadership program (current program or the new tiered model) on or after July 1, 2016, must complete (do not have to pass) the Pre-Assessment Georgia Ethics for Educational Leadership – Program Entry (370) prior to being enrolled. A candidate who completes this program entry requirement for Tier I does not have to complete it again for Tier II. The pre-assessment is online. Candidates enroll in this assessment through their MYPSC account at For more information about the tests, go to:

Additionally you will also need:

·  Mentor agreement with an administrator certified in educational leadership and actively leading a school. This form will serve two purposes: verification of current employment by your district and your superintendent’s agreement that your district will allow you to participate in the EDS internship.

·  A clear background check. CSU recognizes a combination of a CURRENT copy of your current state teaching certification – showing clearance. If the teaching certificate does not show a clearance statement, a background check is necessary.

·  2 Letters of Reference – At least one letter of reference should be from a building level administrator or a system level administrator. Additional references may be provided if desired. (utilize “Letter of Recommendation Form” provided).

*Leadership ROLE is generally defined as leading adults in some capacity at your school – i.e. Department Chair, Team Leader, Grade Level Chair, Athletic Director, Academic Coach. A leadership position is generally defined as Assistant Principal, Principal, Central Office Director, Superintendent, etc. The individual school system defines leadership roles and positions and is why the superintendent or designee signs off on the Mentor Agreement form.

If you decide to apply for our program you must be admitted to the Graduate School AND be accepted into the Educational Leadership program. Your Online Advisor at the above link will guide you through the steps required.


Please ensure that you have submitted ALL of the following to the CSU Admissions Office if you are entering the graduate school and the educational leadership program.

·  Apply with the admissions office; fee required

·  Submit ALL official transcripts to the admissions office

·  Submit Certificate of Immunization (Completely Online students fill out only the basic student information and the online EXEMPTION, sign and submit)

·  All of the forms in this packet


NOTE A: The specialist degree does not lead to a pay increase in the state of Georgia UNTIL YOU ARE IN A LEADERSHIP POSITION AS DEFINED BY YOUR SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR PAY PURPOSES.

NOTE B: The program requires an internship with an administrator certified in Educational Leadership and actively engaged in leading a school organization. You are required to obtain a mentor agreement with such a leader (with superintendent approval) as a requirement for acceptance. It is not possible to complete the program or become certified without an effective and engaged administrative mentor .

NOTE C: IN May, 2015 , the GA Professional Standards Commission enacted a new rule changing the requirements for leadership credentials. The current EdS program leads to the PL6 certification which is the current credential for assistant principals, and superintendents as well as central office personnel requiring leadership certification. Candidates in this program will be grandfathered in IF ENROLLED, TAKING CLASSES BY MAYMESTER 2017, and they successfully complete all requirements. No candidates will be enrolled in this multi-level certification program again after Maymester 2017.

After Maymester, the new rule will require that the beginning credential to be considered for assistant principal will be the Masters in Educational Leadership (Tier I) certification program. The credential for principals will be a new EdS in Educational Leadership (Tier II) and only those persons serving in a leadership position (APs, etc.) with Tier I certification will be able to enroll.

AFTER ACCEPTANCE into the Graduate School and the Educational Leadership Program and before registration:

  1. Ensure that you have gone through orientation after admission at:

There will be a hold on your account and will not be able to register until you complete the orientation.

2.  A TK20 account is required for this program (unless you already have a LiveText account that will last through the 4-5 semesters of this program. If you don’t know what LiveText is then you need to buy TK20!) TK20 is an assessment collection system in which student assessments required for accreditation are collected and stored. The account is valid for a period of seven years. A TK20 account can be purchased directly at a cost of $113.00 (includes a $3.00 credit card processing fee) or through the CSU Bookstore at a cost of $132.00 (includes a bookstore handling charge). You must purchase your TK20 account by the first day of class, May 9.

  1. Before your online classes start, we also recommend that you take the D2L online software orientation at:

Thank you for your interest in Columbus State University’s performance-based educational leadership program. Let us know if we can assist you in any way.

Dept / Num-Hrs
EDUL / 7105-3
** / School/System Strategic Plan
(Assessment for Standard 1)
EDUL / 7797-3
** / Budget Alignment to School/System Mission
(Assessment for Standard 3)
EDUL / 7106-3
** / Curriculum Design for School/System Improvement
(Assessment for Standard 2)
EDUL / 7793-3
** / Organizing and Implementing a Framework for a Data Driven Learning Community
(Assessment for Standard 4)
EDUL / 7698-3
** / Internship for School Improvement - A
(Post-Assessment for Standard 5—Dispositions)
EDUL / 7794-3
** / School/System Level Policy, Governance, and Ethics
(Assessment for Standard 6)
EDUL / 7698-3
** / Internship for School Improvement - B
Note: You may also need one or both of the courses below.
21 / Total Program hours. The PreService courses *** below are also required by the Georgia Professional Standards Commission if you don't have a background in Ed Leadership.
EDUL / 6275-3
*** / Public Policy and Ethics
EDUL / 6226-3
*** / Curriculum Design for Student Achievement
One or both of the PreService courses may be waived depending on previous Masters (or Specialist) coursework.

ED.S. in Educational Leadership Add-on

Program of Study

(Program Completion time is dependent on course load taken)

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding the Performance-Based Educational Leadership Program at Columbus State University

What are the prominent features of the Performance-Based Educational Leadership Educational Specialist Degree Program?

·  Completion in four to five semesters: Depending on pre-requisites and academic course load, students are able to complete a degree in four to five semesters (18 months).

Who should attain a degree in Educational Leadership?

·  Those who wish to become school administrators at the local school or district level.

What is the focus of the Performance-Based Educational Leadership program?

·  First and foremost, the focus is school improvement in terms of high student achievement. Candidates are provided with proven practical tools and current work in the field with real schools and real students through an internship which begins the first semester of the program.

·  There is strong emphasis on using data to create and implement plans that work in improving student performance.

·  There is emphasis on finance, law, and technology issues so critical to the success of the school leader.


For Admission to Graduate Studies

Educational Leadership Program

College of Education

Columbus State University


Applicant’s Name: ______CSU ID# 909______

Address: ______

Telephone Number: ______Email: ______

Educational Objective: (check one)

Degree: _____ Ed.S. ______Ed.S. add-on (non-degree)


Semester you are applying: Fall / Spring / Summer ? 20___(year)

Please Mail or Fax to: Graduate Admissions, Columbus State University

4225 University Avenue, Columbus, GA 31907

Fax # 706-568-2462

Under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, you may decide whether letters of reference written at your request are to be held confidential or whether they are to be available for your personal inspection. Check one of the following statements and place your signature in the space provided so that the referee will be advised of your choice.

___ Confidential file. I grant permission for this letter of recommendation to be held confidential by

Columbus State University

___ Open file. I retain the choice of having letters of reference available to me


Signature of Applicant



You may wish to make additional comments by letter. If so, please attach your letter to this form so that the department may identify the applicant’s choice with respect to the right of access under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Please note that while the applicant may have waived his/her right of access under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, in some circumstances this letter may be subject to disclosure under the provisions of the Georgia Open Records Act. Please mail this recommendation directly to the applicant’s department as noted above.

1.  Knowledge of Applicant:

Approximately how long have you know this applicant?______

How well do you feel you know the applicant? Casually ______Well ______Very Well ______

What was the nature of your contact(s) with the applicant?

___Teacher ___Major Advisor ___Employer ___Other (Specify)______

2. Evaluation: In comparison with other leadership candidates who have the same amount of experience and training, I rate this person as follows:

5% / Top
10% / Top
20% / Upper 50% / Unable
To Rate
Knowledge in subject of proposed study
Ability to grasp new concepts
Originality, Intellectual creativity
Mathematical and logical thought
Written expression
Oral expression
Human Relation Skills
Perseverance toward goals
Ethical Dispositions
Potential as an educational leader

3. Recommendation: Considering this applicant’s academic records, special abilities, ambition, and determination, please indicate your recommendation:

___ Recommend strongly ___ Recommend with reservation

___ Recommend ___ Cannot recommend

4.  Additional Comments: Please add any comments which you feel will assist in evaluating the applicant’s potential to pursue graduate study.

Name of Referee (please print): ______Date ______

Signature: ______

Title: ______Organization: ______

City, state, zip code: ______

Phone number (optional): (___)______Email: ______

Please Mail or Fax to the Address/Fax on page one.


Educational Leadership Ed.S. Graduate Admissions Checklist
Welcome to the Performance-based Educational Leadership Program at Columbus State University and to the Orientation/Program Planning experience. As an Educational Leadership student you have met the following criteria:
_____ Applied for admission to CSU and Educational Leadership specialist program
_____ Provided transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
_____ Earned a master's degree in a teaching, leadership, or specialist field from an
accredited college or university
_____ Maintained a 3.25 or better graduate GPA
_____ Earned a minimum score of 900 on the GRE or submitted a copy of your clear
renewable teaching certificate
_____ Prepared to meet any and all PSC entry requirements (including pre-service
courses - which may be taken during your first two semesters)
_____ Completed graduate orientation
_____ Completed the Smarter Measures Assessment.
_____ Provided proof of currently holding a leadership role or position in school or
system. The Teaching Experience, Leadership Verification and Mentor
Agreement Form will provide the required proof.
_____ Provided two letters of reference (1from building level administrator)
_____ Provided a teaching certificate with a clearance statement or Completed or
submitted background check form or copy of your background check
from your current school system.
IF you are currently teaching in a private school and do not hold certification, then
the GAPSC requires that you furnish us with a recent background check as a
condition of acceptance. You are still required to furnish proof of current
employment in a P-12 school in a leadership “role” as a GAPSC condition for
admittance in to this program. The GRE entry requirement must be met as
_____ Completed additional requirements as specified
If you desire Educational Leadership certification from the Georgia Professional Standards Commission you must:
_____ Apply for certification to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission through our
certification office.
Our certification specialist, Lajuene Black, will be glad to assist you when you have
completed the program. (underline
between last and first names)