WTDC-17/21(Add.27)-EPage 1

/ World Telecommunication Development
Conference 2017 (WTDC-17)
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 9-20 October 2017 /
PLENARY MEETING / Addendum 27 to
Document WTDC-17/21-E
8 September 2017
Original: Arabic
Arab States
draft new resolution
Facilitating the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities
for global development
Priority area
–Resolutions and Recommendations
New resolution on facilitating the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities for global development
Expected results:



DRAFT NEW RESOLUTION [ARb-2] (buenos aires, 2017)

Facilitating the Internet of Things and smart cities and
communities for global development

(Buenos Aires, 2017)

The World Telecommunication Development Conference (Buenos Aires, 2017),


a)Resolution 197 (2014) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, on facilitating the Internet of Things to prepare for a globally connected world;

b)Resolution 66 (Geneva, 2015) of the Radiocommunication Assembly, on studies related to wireless systems and applications for the development of the Internet of Things;

c)Resolution 98 (Hamammet, 2016) of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly, on enhancing standardization of the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities for global development;

d)Resolution 50 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) of the World Telecommunication Development Conference, on optimal integration of information and communication technologies;

e)the goals of the Telecommunication Development Sector of the ITU (ITU-D), defined by Resolution 71 (Rev. Busan, 2014) of the Plenipotentiary Conference, particularly goal D2, under which ITUD is entrusted with the task of establishing a favourable environment for the development of ICT and of encouraging the development of telecommunication/ICT networks and related applications and services, in particular in order to reduce the standardization gap;

f)Recommendation ITU-D 22, on closing the standardization gap, in collaboration with regional study group teams,


a)that development of Internet of Things technology and applications will have a positive impact on numerous sectors including, in particular, health, agriculture, transport and power in view of the applications provided;

b)that the large-scale deployment of the Internet of Things will contribute significantly to the successful implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

c)that, while noting the standardization work relating to the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities carried out by ITU, those aspects which concern interoperability and security in particular require further cooperative efforts at the global level;

d)the role of other relevant international and regional organizations,


a)of the important role of ITU and, in particular, that of ITU-D, in encouraging telecommunication/ICT development at the global level;

b)of the role of ITU-T and, in particular, that of Study Group 20, in carrying out studies and standardization work associated with the Internet of Things and its applications, including smart cities and communities, and coordinating with other organizations working in these two areas;

c)of the role of ITU-R and, in particular, that of Working Group 5D, in carrying out studies on the technical and operational aspects of radio networks and systems and spectrum needs in relation to the Internet of Things, pursuant to issue 9.1.8 of item 9.1 on the agenda of WRC-19,

resolves to instruct the Director of BDT, in collaboration with the Directors ofTSB andBR

1to carry out studies on theInternet of Things and smart cities and communities, including applications and services for developing countries, in collaboration with Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academia, with the proviso that such studies constitute a basis for the preparation of a report identifying the special needs of these countries and related technical, economic and regulatory challenges;

2to conduct studies defining sustainable economic models ensuring a gradual digital transition to smart cities and communities, with the involvement of all stakeholders;

3to formulate strategies for the development of the Internet of Things, adopt guidelines for smart cities and communities, and prepare practical guides ensuring interoperability of platforms and services and optimum management of resources and data, in accordance with ITU recommendations and outcomes of the work of ITU-T Study Group 20;

4to work in coordination with international and regional organizations to create an appropriate environment to enable the exchange of knowledge, expertise and best practices to ensure the large-scale deployment of the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities, including applications and services, by organizing workshops and forums at both regional and international levels,

to call upon Member States, Sector Members and Academiainvolved with the work of ITUD

1to participate actively in ITU-D studies relating to the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities, including applications and services, by providing all possible assistance;

2to participate activelyin the work and activities of ITU-T and, in particular, of Study Group 20, on the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities;

3to collaborate and exchange expertise in this area,

encourages Member States

to adopt regulatory frameworks at institutional level to assist and stimulate the development of the Internet of Things and smart cities and communities, including applications and services, and to give effect to general policies to support such development.

Reasons:A new resolution on the Internet of Things topromote ITU-D action in this area.


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