Item1 Present were Cllrs Eyre, McEwan, Morley, Spivey, Woolnough, Kelly and Mr C Child.

Item 2 Declaration of Disclosable, Pecuniary and other interests:- None

Item 3 Minutes of last meeting were approved, no matters arising

Item 4 Public forum. Mr J Newstead and Mr J Simpson spoke regarding their objections to 4A Ascot Road.

Item 5 Applications for consideration

16/06901/FU Detached dwelling to rear and formation of new access and hard standing 4A Ascot Road Kippax

It was agreed to object to this application due to the size of the bungalow giving rise to over development of the site

and the access drive being too narrow along with high fencing as it adjoins the highway.

16/06916/FU/E Part two storey, part single storey side extensions 4 Sycamore Ave Kippax

It was agreed to object to this application as it does not have adequate setback from the host property and has

excessive width giving rise to the rear corners being too close to the neighbouring boundary.

16/07147/FU/E Two storey and single extensionincorporating dormer window to front / side, new first floor

window to side and two storey rear extension 9 Birch Road Kippax

It was agreed to object to this application as it projects forward from the host building by 1450mm and the excessive

width is only 300mm from the neighbouring boundary. The proposed front windows also do not match the host buildings

curved bay window. The rear two storey extension would be overpowering to the neighbouring garden and block out

light to the rear windows.

Item 6 Decisions Approved by Leeds City Council

16/05249/FU/E Single story rear extension (No16) & alterations to approved rear extension (No 18) 16 & 18 Cross Hills Kippax

(Subject to extension being clad in brickwork before end of year)

16/03996/FU Alterations including two story front extension, two story and single storey rear extension Porch to side and new first floor side window. 21 Mount Pleasant Kippax

16/06084/FU Retrospective application for detached garage to side 267 Gibson Lane Kippax

16/05931/FU Single storey side and rear extension 4 Moorgate Ave Kippax

Item 7 Outstanding Applications (source-- Public access web page 28/11/2016)

16/04520/FU/E Two storey & single storey side extension 25 Valley Mount Kippax

16/02073 Single storey rear extn. Roof dormer to rear 78 Oxford Drive Kippax
16/03154 Demolition of existing works and erection of a care home with ancillary facilities Hopewell Works Hopewell Terrace Kippax

Compiled by Cllr Martin Eyre
