February 28, 2017

Rohan Quilters Business/Breakfast Meeting – 20 members in attendance

Pres. Beth called our meeting to order.

Secretary’s Report: Bonnie read the QGOTV purpose and indicated that minutes from the January meeting are available on our website.

Treasurer’s Report: Lori shared we have a $1005.06 balance. She will be sending in $190 owed to the Guild.


Membership:Kelly shared that we have 28 members and renewals and dues are due by March 14. Once we establish our updated roster she will be contacting those on our waiting list to offer membership. We will still be closing at 40 members at this time. It was discussed that there will be two new chapters forming and one will be holding their meetings after ours on Tuesdays.

Programs: Susan Mathas from Tucker’s Trimmers, who is a friend of Cynthia, will be visiting and has offered to demonstrate their rulers on March 21.

VP Gwen shared thatshe will be attending the Guild Program meeting today following our meeting. All our programs are listed on our Calendar and on our Welcome Table Bulletin Board. The upcoming program with Alex Anderson is on March 28. See Beth if you need a voucher to get your ticket at reduced rate.

The Guild Program Committee has split into 2committees. One committee is responsible for Guild guest artists, monthly programs and Sundays at Sterling. Fees for any of these programs can be paid and registered for online via the QGOTV.org websitewhich is up and running. The second committee is a member to member committee and concentrates on in-house instructors with a variety of quilting talents. These classes are paid directly to the instructor along with a registration form. They are also looking for volunteers to share their talents and provide classes. If interested email your desire to .

Bunny also mentioned some of the ideas the committee has been discussing, i.e., fabric dying, Wine & Design, a sharing library to catalog who has certain tools that can be borrowed.

Charity: Kathy reported they have not yet met due to availability of members but have emailed and discussed projects. Some of them are: Home for Unwed Mothers, Honor Flight, Quilt of Valor, Placemats for Ft. McCoy rest home for Veterans, pillowcases for children and adults, baby blankets to share with hospitals and law enforcement agencies, quilts and totes for walkers, pillows for breast cancer patients, quilts for children living in Ocala Forest, Guaradian ad Litem children, patriotic service dog blankets. They will report with decisions on the Charities we will participate in when determined.

Retreat: Bunny has no formal report at this time but she and her committee will be visiting the LifeEnrichmentCenter in FruitlandPark while participating in PatchworkGardens free motion quilting class during their retreat. They will also be researching other possible venues.

Hospitality: Pam had no formal report to share. They did send a card to Kathy K. who is recuperating from surgery. They will be meeting soon to organize.

Fundraising: Erin reported for Chairperson Susan C. that they are presently organizing for the Quilters Closet and Notion sale on March 18. They have been and continue to price donated fabric for the sale and have even sold some of the fabric to our members. Volunteers are needed to help on March 18 for the Rohan table and a sign up sheet was provided. If anyone wants to sell their personal items, they will need to rent and man their table during the sale.

Raffle tickets were sold today and the committee will continue the raffles at the business meetings.

Web Master: Erin reported that she and Susan attending the guild meeting and that the link is up on the Guild page to our calendar and the March newsletter is also up. Under the Quilt Guild of The Villages Rohan Chapter page, the following items are listed on the page:our newsletter, minutes, calendar and committees. Rememberthe newsletter is our newsletter andif something special is going on, please let them know so it can be included.


Beth reported that each Chapter is responsible to sell ten of the QGOTV tote bags which are $15 each. Please see her if you are interested.

Shirts with the old logo and our name can be ordered from Audrey Ann and the color we have chosen for our Chapter is teal.


Marketplace 2018: Chairperson is needed to represent our Chapter. Bonnie and Lonnie volunteered to share this responsibility. There are no scheduled meetings to date.

QGOTV Nominating Committee: Representative from our Chapter is required and Kelly volunteered. They will be meeting between April and November.


Fund Raising Committee drew winning tickets which raised $40. Members with February birthdays were honored with fat quarter birthday cupcakes. Some of the members shared finished projects and pictures will be posted on our Facebook page of their great work.

Having no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Bonnie L. Davis, Secretary