Bachelor of Arts in Buddhism:English Program
Faculty of Buddhism
MahachulalongkornrajvidyalayaUniversity (MCU)
Qualifications for Admission
Applications are expected to possess the following qualifications:
- completed Grade 12 (Mathayom 6) or equivalent, or higher, from any accredited institution in Thailand or abroad, with an average GPA of 2.50 or higher
- have never been dismissed by the other faculties of MCU;
- have gained a minimum of 50% of the MCU entrance examination.
Duration of Study
Students are required to attend classes for four years in full semesters.
See the handbook for more details.
Application Form and Examination Fees
The fees for the application form and entrance examination are 500 baht (US$15).
Application for Admission
- For Thai applicants
Thai applicants who are interested in enrollment in the program must complete the application form and submit it to the office of the Faculty of Buddhism, 3rd floor, Room 300, Mahachulalongkornrajvidyalaya University, Wat Mahathat, Tha Phra Chan, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, Tel/ Fax
+662 226 6026 Email: or visit our website
The following documents are required:
- One copy of the official transcript of their high school certificates or higher.
- One letter of recommendation from their teacher
- Monks and novices: two copies of the official certificate (Nang Sue Suddhi)
Laypeople:two copies of the identification card with two one-inch photos.
- For foreign applicants
Foreign applicants currently living in Thailand should submit the following documents to the above office:
- Two copies of the official transcript of their high school certificates or higher level
- One letter of recommendation from their teacher
- Two copies of the page in their passport containing personal details and two one-inch photos (not later than 6 months ago)
For Bangladesh students:
- Both the secondary school certificate (SSC): 10 classes and the high school certificate (HSC): 12 classes must be submitted.
- They must be attested by a lawyer called the Notary Public and by the Bangladesh Embassy in Bangkok.
- Students must also bring a character certificate and an ordination certificate from the Supreme Patriarch of Bangladesh.
Foreign applicants living abroad should submit the above documents to the below address:
Assist.Prof. Dr. Phra Suthithammanuwat
Dean of the Faculty of Buddhism
Wat Mahadhat, Tha Phra Chan
Bangkok 10200,
In all cases, applications must be submitted no later than 30 April, 2007.
Entrance Examination
Candidates are required to pass both a written and an oral entrance examination aimed at determining their knowledge in the following areas:
- General Knowledge and Buddhism
- English Proficiency
Entry into Thailand
1 After applicants submit their complete documents, they will be checked for
approval.If they are qualified for the written exam, the letter of notice will be
sent to the applicants for applying the non-immigrant or entry visa to take the
MCUentrance exam.
2 If the foreign candidates can pass the entrance examination, the Faculty of Buddhism will issue the letter of admission. This letter should then be presented to the Royal Thai Embassy, or Consulate, in their country of residence, so as to obtain the appropriate visa, as requested in that letter. A tourist visa is not accepted.
3 Entry into Thailand in the absence of the appropriate visa will necessitate exit and subsequent re-entry.
4 Notification: successful applicants will be notified before June.
Tuition and Fee
Monk :
- Thai 15,000 baht / academic year + summer session fee
- Non - Thai : 20,000 baht / academic year + summer session fee
Lay People :
- Thai students: 22,000 baht / academic year + summer session fee
- Foreign students: 28,000 baht / academic year + summer session fee
Financial Aid/ Scholarship
Not available.
Not available.
Academic Calendar for Academic Year 2007
Application Period: 10 – 30 April, 2007
Written Entrance Exam: 18 May, 2007
Announcement of Written Exam: 23 May, 2007
Interview: 25 May, 2007
Announcement of Interview Results: 28 May, 2007
Registration: 1 June, 2007
Orientation: 15 June, 2007
First semester begins: 18 June, 2007