PGC Professional Studies


Student Handbook

Stage 2

October 2011


PGC Professional Studies Oct 11

© 2011 Bournemouth University

Document date: August 2011

Circulation: General

Bournemouth University undertakes to encourage the recognition, protection and exploitation of intellectual property rights generated by participants in this programme, to the benefit, as appropriate, of students, staff, industrial/ other third parties/ partners and the university

The Business School

Bournemouth University



BH12 5BB

Details correct at time of press. Students should note that programme details may be subject to change during the delivery of the programme.


Glossary / Page 4
Welcome / Page 5
Teaching Schedule / Page 7
Assessment Schedule / Page 8
About the Business School / Page 9
Programme Management / Page 10
Staff Contact List / Page 12
Overview of Programme / Page 14
Course Unit:
Stage 2 (Year 2):
Governance and Ethics / Page 20
Appendix A Standard Assessment Regulations / Page 24
Appendix B Assessment in Masters Programmes / Page 29
Appendix C Electronic Submission of Assignments / Page 39
Appendix D Getting Started with myBU / Page 41
Appendix E Citing Bibliographic References / Page 45
Appendix F Links to Student Regulations, Rules and Policies / Page 46
Appendix G Level M Descriptors and Generic Assessment Criteria / Page 47
Appendix H Additional Learning Needs (ALN) / Page 53
Appendix I Plagiarism / Page 57
Appendix J Alumni Association / Page 58


Assignment / A piece of coursework.
Schedule / A schedule of the deadlines for your coursework submission and the dates for the return of your coursework.
Levels C, I, H, M, D / These are the different levels of higher education qualifications. Level C, I and H are undergraduate and represent Certificate, Intermediate and Honours levels. M is Masters level. D is doctorate level.
For full time undergraduate programmes, level C is taught in the first year, Level I in the second and Level H in the third year of a three year programme or the fourth year of a sandwich programme.
Programme / Your course of study.
Programme Leader / The academic who leads a programme.
Team / The tutors and administrators who teach and administer a programme.
School / A division of the University. The Business School is one of six schools in the University.
BS / The Business School.
RAE / Research Assessment Exercise.
CPD / Continuous Professional Development.
QAA / Quality Assurance Agency.
WP / Widening Participation.
askBU / Centralised enquiry and information service for all current students.
myBU / Personalised on-line learning environment.
FE / Further Education.
HE / Higher Education.
ALS / Additional Learning Support.


We are a leading provider of innovative business education. The Business School attracts students from the United Kingdom and overseas seeking a challenging, career-oriented, research-informed business education in a friendly, student centred environment. Our students are actively recruited by major employers who value the skills and abilities that they bring, we are justifiably proud of our links with industry and commerce and the reputation that we have for the employability of our students.

The Business School has strong links to both employers and professional bodies and our curriculum reflects the needs of contemporary business. We are focussed on developing students as confident, capable business professionals. Your programme has been designed in this spirit, providing you with an intellectually stimulating, personally challenging and professionally demanding experience.

As the business environment is becoming increasingly competitive, employers look for self-reliant, creative and flexible graduates who are prepared to take responsibility, work independently and also work effectively with others. You will find that many opportunities await you to develop these essential qualities as you progress through your programme, and you will be expected to actively commit to your own personal development in order to equip yourself for your career having completed your course at the Business School.

This handbook contains essential information about your programme, including an outline of the curriculum, the programme learning outcomes and the assessment regulations and should be regarded as a reference source for details about your course.

I look forward to meeting you at some time during your stay at Bournemouth University. If my colleagues and I can help in any way please do not hesitate to contact us.

Professor Roger Palmer

Dean, the Business School


Dear Student,

On behalf of the Business School and the Programme Teams I would like to warmly welcome you back to the PGC Professional Studies programme.

In the coming months you will be faced with a number of interesting and challenging opportunities which are aimed at preparing you for a successful career in management.

The staff you will meet have a wide range of academic, professional and commercial experiences and interests which they will share with you and it is in your interest to take full advantage of this expertise. We aim to provide you with opportunities to engage with theories and practice which will equip you for your future managerial career. The detailed information relating to your programme is contained in this handbook.

We hope that you will enjoy the opportunities and challenges afforded by working with students from different parts of the world, and from the different degrees within the Masters Framework suite of programmes.

Finally, my colleagues and I hope that you find the Masters programmes at Bournemouth both stimulating and enjoyable.

Dr Charlie Wilkinson

Programme Leader

The Business School


PGC Professional Studies (Guernsey)

(P/T 2nd Year)

2011/ 2012

Block Date Unit Staff

1 16-17 Oct 11 Induction Charlie Wilkinson

2 08 Oct 11 Governance and Ethics Robert Day

3 29 Oct 11 Governance and Ethics Robert Day

4 09 Dec 11 Governance and Ethics Robert Day

University Christmas Holiday 19 December 2011 - 08 January 2012 (inclusive)

5 20-21 Jan 12 Governance and Ethics Louise Preget

Governance and Ethics Louise Preget


Year Two

Unit Title / Submission/
Exam Date / Expected
Return Date
Governance and Ethics coursework 1 / 03 January 2012 / 24 January 2012
Governance and Ethics coursework 2 / 10 February 2012 / 02 March 2012

Re-submission/ Re-sit Schedule

Unit Title / Re-submission/ Re-sit exam Date / Expected
Return Date
Governance and Ethics coursework 1 / 20 August 2012 / 10 September 2012
Governance and Ethics coursework 2 / 20 August 2012 / 10 September 2012

Handing in assignments on time has sometimes proved a problem for students in past years. The above approach is designed to help you. It is, however, very important that you keep to these dates. Please remember that assignments have the same status as exams. Failure to submit on time can result in the mark being capped, or having to re-submit a new assignment. Extensions can be granted but only in exceptional circumstances, provided the application is made before the due date, there is good supporting evidence and the application is made in writing (please note the procedures laid out in your student handbook). In these exceptional circumstances, extensions longer than three weeks may result in a new assignment being set in place of the one originally issued. This is to ensure that students who have completed their assignments on time have them returned within a three week period, excluding Christmas Holidays.


Undergraduate Programmes

Over 2000 students study undergraduate programmes in the Business School. A wide portfolio of undergraduate programmes is available including opportunities for part-time and off-campus study. All of these programmes are vocational in nature and are designed to equip graduates with the requisite skills and knowledge base needed for the world of work in the 21st century. Full details are available at:

Postgraduate Programmes

The Business School has around 300 students studying on a range of Masters programmes both full and part-time. Vocational in nature: they offer opportunities to develop competence and expertise in a wide range of fields. Graduates are equipped to make an immediate contribution in a variety of roles, at home and in international organisations.

The Masters programmes attract a diverse population of overseas students and meet the needs of a variety of cultures. They embed curriculum content in a broad cross-cultural approach which is relevant for future graduates launching their careers in the globalised economy of the 21st century. International students are supported through a comprehensive programme which helps them to meet the expectations of postgraduate study at a UK university. This includes language support, as well as the development of study skills. Full details are available at:

Research in the Business School

Staff in the Business School are actively involved in research, training and consultancy. There are a number of research centres which act as catalysts within their fields bringing organisation and government partners together at events and training sessions. The School offers supervision to full time MPhil/PhD postgraduate degrees which align with its key research themes. The Doctor in Business Administration (DBA) Programme offers maximum levels of effectiveness to professional practitioners. Further details on research in the School are available at:


Every programme, or group of programmes, has a Programme Management Team/Framework Management Team responsible for the day to day management of the programme. This includes responsibility for aspects such as student recruitment, quality assurance and enhancement of teaching and learning. They will also respond to specific issues that arise throughout the year. On some programmes, the Programme/Framework Leader is supported by Year Tutors who take specific responsibility for that year group. The team hold a series of meetings throughout the academic year. These provide a formal forum for staff and students to discuss issues related to the programme. The Student Representation process ensures that student views and feedback are formally represented in this forum.

Student Representation

Student Representatives are at the core of the student academic representation system run jointly by the University and the Students’ Union (SUBU). Student Representatives are students elected from each year or level of every programme to make sure that there is communication between the University, SUBU and all students. The student representation system is one of the most important mechanisms for ensuring student involvement and feedback in relation to the programme. Student Representatives are trained at the beginning of the year and receive support from SUBU throughout the rest of the year. There are three different types of student representative.

School Representatives

School Representatives are elected in the Autumn Term. School Representatives are invited to attend the School Committee to ensure that student feedback is received. Normally between two and four School Representatives are elected each year.

Programme Representatives

Programme Representatives are elected by their fellow students on their programme of study. Programme Representatives are invited to attend Programme Team Meetings to provide feedback on any issues of concern or good practice on their programme of study. There is normally at least one Programme Representative per year/level of each programme.

Seminar Representatives

For programmes with very large student numbers, there is the option to elect Seminar Representatives. These representatives will feed back to group tutors on any group related issues, and also to Programme Representatives on any issues affecting the programme as a whole.

In all cases, student representatives are elected to provide the views of the students on their programme rather than their personal opinions.


All members of the programme team can offer advice and guidance on matters related to the programme or the University. However, students should pay particular attention to the following staff roles.

The Programme Leader (PL) is responsible for the overall management of the programme and ensuring that regular team meetings are held. The Programme Leader is a good source of advice on procedural matters and is also normally the first point of contact for students seeking advice on academic and personal matters.

The Programme Administrator (PA) is responsible for the day to day administration of the programme, including managing coursework submissions and collating marks. The PA is a good source of advice on general and administrative related issues. The PA is normally assisted by a Programme Administrative Assistant (PAA).


The Business School has a School Academic Board which has a remit to consider and agree all matters of policy for the School, and constitutes part of the formal management and committee structure of the University as a whole. The School Academic Board will consider areas such as student admissions, assessment and examination procedures and learning and teaching. The SAB is chaired by the Dean and membership includes representatives from staff at all levels, student representatives and representatives from Academic Services. The Committee receives the synoptic student rep report from SUBU to ensure that the student feedback is regularly received. It also receives reports from a number of Sub-Committees on aspects such as the quality of programmes, learning and teaching, research and enterprise.


"Failure to submit a piece of coursework by the required deadline will result in a mark of zero (0)% being recorded". You should comply with the submission times detailed elsewhere in this handbook and note that these will be strictly adhered to. Students with genuine reasons for late submission should document their case through submission of the Mitigating Circumstances form.


The student portal at is an excellent resource that brings together a wide range of information and services in a single place and we encourage all students to make use of this on a regular basis. Within the student portal you will find information on current news and events, quick links to the most used areas of information, access to log-in services such as myBU and student email, the library resources and the Student’s Union. The askBU link on the portal will take you to sources of useful information, help and advice and if you can’t find what you are looking for, our ‘Frequently asked questions’ tool allows you to search for an answer to your query.