
Course Outline for Business 71, Page 2

Fall 2009

ChabotCollegeFall 2009

Course Outline for Business 71


Catalog Description:

71 - Health Care Law3 units

Survey of the unique legal issues in health care, including HIPAA (patient privacy laws and regulations), Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement requirements, negligence/malpractice issues, advance directives, and employment law for medical staff and independent contractors.

3 hours.

[Typical contact hours: 52.5]

Prerequisite Skills:


Expected Outcomes for Students:

Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

  1. utilize basic health care law terminology;
  2. identify key negligence and malpractice risks in health care, and methods to reduce those risks;
  3. apply federal, state, and local legal guidelines to patient health care records;
  4. identify policies and procedures to ensure patient confidentiality;
  5. properly implement informed consent and advance directive plans;
  6. identify health care fraud and abuse issues;
  7. explain standards, procedures, and confidentiality regarding HIV information;
  8. identify key contract law issues in health care;
  9. ensure adherence to legal reporting requirements;
  10. explain key health care ethics issues;
  11. identify employment law issues unique to health care.

Course Content:

  1. Overview of the U.S. legal system
  2. Contract issues in health care
  3. Medical staff legal issues
  4. Nursing and the law
  5. Liability of other health care professionals
  6. Information management and health care records
  7. Patient consent
  8. Legal reporting requirements
  9. AIDS
  10. Health care ethics
  11. Professional liability insurance
  12. Employment law in health care
  13. Risk reduction opportunities

Methods of Presentation:



3.Analysis of cases

4. Guest speakers

5. Mock trials/debates

Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:

1.Typical Assignments

a.In a 2-3 page paper, describe your dream job in health care, and the5-7 key legal issues you anticipate will arise in that position. For each position, identify three ways to minimize the risk.

b.Interview an executive in your health care organization. Explain that you’re a health care law student, and ask, at minimum, the questions attached to the assignment. Write a 3-paragraph discussion board posting that provides a synopsis of what you learn and what you find most surprising.

c.Assume that the health care records of 5 patients have been unintentionally disclosed due to a massive flaw in your website. All 5 patients have sued for large amounts. On what basis might they sue? Would you choose to litigate or request some form of alternative dispute resolution? Why? Prepare a 2-page analysis of this case and your recommendations.

2.Methods of Evaluating Student Progress

a.Midterm examination

b.Final examination

c. Case studies and legal analysis assignments


e.Group projects

Textbook(s) Typical:

LEGAL ASPECTS OF HEALTH CARE ADMINISTRATION, George Pozgar, 10thedition, Jones and Bartlett, 2007.

HEALTH CARE LAW AND ETHICS,7th edition,Mark Hall, Mary Anne Bobinski, and David Orentlicher , Aspen, 2007.

Special Student Materials:


jn 09.08

Bus 71 course outline.doc