IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)

South Asia Region

in collaboration with Leaders for Nature, IUCN India office and CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur organizes

Master Class


"Ecosystem Management, Nature Based Solutions and SDGs: Perspectives from South Asia"

December 4th 2017

Venue: Magnolia Hall, Habitat World Center, New Delhi India

08:35AM-Arrival, Registrations

09:00 AM-10:00 AM

Opening Session

Welcome Remarks -Director CSIR NEERI

Chair Remarks & Overview IUCN CEM-Dr. Madhav Karki, IUCN CEM

Opening Remarks-Mr. Priya Ranjan Sinha, Director IUCN India

Overview CSIR NEERI- Dr. Shalini Dhyani, CSIR-NEERI

Overview -Prof. Hemanthi Ranasinghe, IUCN CEM S. Asia

Vote of Thanks- Aditya Petwal Leader for Nature

Inauguration of few Environmental Reports by Corporate Partners

10:00-10:30AMTea/Coffee Break and a quick Group Photograph session

Session I

10:30AM-11:45 AM

Tackling emerging challenges in ecosystem management with reference to SDG Goal 14 and 15: Identifying Key Players and their roles

Session Chair and Moderator:Dr. Madhav Karki , Deputy Chair IUCN CEM(Role Play Nepal)

Challenges and approach

-Prof. M. L. Khan, (Role Play India)

-Dr Anil Gupta, NIDM (Role Play SDG and DRR)

-Dr. Sonali Ghosh, IFS (Role Play PAs)

-Dr. Tuhin Banerji, CSIR NEERI

Corporate Contributions

-TATA Steel

-TATA Power


-Rio Tinto

Session Rapporteur: Ms. Pritha and Mr. Rajendra

Session II

11: 45 AM- 1:00PM

Emerging Challenges in Sustainable Management of Agro ecosystems with reference to SDG Goals

Session Chair and Moderator:Mr P R Sinha, Director IUCN India

Emerging Challenges and Solutions

-Dr. Jitendra Sharma, UNIDO (Role Play Conventions and Asia)

-Dr Kavita Gandhi, CSIR-NEERI (Pesticides)

-Dr Chandrashekhar ( Mountain Agriculture)

Corporate Inputs and Approaches

-Dr Ashesh Ambasta, EVP -ITC


-Mr Rishi Pathania, Head CSR, UPL

Session Rapporteur: Dr. Jitendra, UNIDO and Ms. Pritha, IUCN

13:30-2:30PMLunch Break

Session III

2:30PM-3:45 PM

Nature Based Solutions, EbDRR and UrbanEcosystem Management: Challenges and approaches with reference to SDG Goal 11

Session Chair and Moderator: Prof. Hemanthi Ranasinghe, IUCN CEM

Corporate Speakers



-HCL/ Oracle



-Dr. Asha Dalwani, NGT (Wetland Governance)

-Dr. Hemant Bherwani, CSIR NEERI

-Dr. Sudipto Chatterji (Restoration of ecosystems)

-Mr. Manu Bhatnagar, INTACH

-Mr Aditya Petwal , IUCN (Urban Ecosystem Management Role Play India)

Session Rapporteur: Ms. Shruti and Mr. Rajendra

15:45-4:15 PMTea/Coffee Break

4:15-5:00PMBrainstorming Session Moderator: Mr. Aditya Petwal and Dr.Shalini Dhyani

-How to increase the reach of knowledge of IUCN in S. Asia

-How to involve corporate, universities and private sector

- Discussions on increasing awareness and linking up with ongoing efforts

Session Rapporteur: Ms. Pritha and Ms. Shruti

5:00 -6:00 PMConcluding Session

Session Moderator:Dr. Madhav Karki and Prof. Hemanthi RanaSinghe


Prof. M. L. Khan, Dr. Anil Gupta, and Corporate Partners from WIPRO, TOYOTA and TATA Steel/ TATA Power

Discussions on increasing co-operation in IUCN CEM in India

-What is the key stimulus needed?

-Who are potential partners?

-How can national and international missions be used for maximizing Ecosystem management and SDG based approaches?

-What international support/partnerships are available?

-Inviting suggestions on developing technical documents and topics

Session Rapporteur: Dr. Jitendra, UNIDOand Mr. Rajendra JNU

All speakers can be given 7 minutes to present with 5 minutes for discussions (Keep the PowerPoint slides limited to only 4/5)

Focus will be on (a) what worked in their example (b) What did not work and (c) what are the key challenges to scale up?