The Portfolio Statement provides a snapshot of your portfolio as of a certain day. The purpose of this report is to provide you with a summary of all of your investments and the total performance of each investment. This report provides the following information:

As of Date-This is date used for the report. Accrued interest and accrued dividends are also calculated as of the specified date.

Weight-The proportionate size of the security in the total portfolio, expressed as a percentage.

Weight = {Current security value/current total portfolio value} x 100

Description-Name of the investment (stocks, mutual funds, bonds or cash) held in the portfolio.

<1>Across-referencingtool that specifies in which account the particular investment is being held. At the end of this report, you will note detailed information for each account listed by this number.

Quantity- The number of shares or units of the investment.

Current Price-The value of the security per share/unit on a specified date as defined by theas of date provided on the report.

Current Value-Present value for most securities[1] is:

Current Value = Quantity x Current Price

Accrued Interest is included as part of the current value.

Actual Gross (IRR) -The single rate of return at which the beginning market value (plus deposits) grows to equal the ending market value (minus any capital withdrawals but before any fees or expenses deducted), regardless of the length of the holding period.


The Position Performance Summary report summarizes the activity and return of each investment in your portfolio over the previous reporting period. This report provides useful information for analyzing a specific investment and its performance against its peers and its benchmark. The report also provides the detail of the activity for each investment over the previous reporting period. The summary provides the following information:

Description-Name of the investment (stocks, mutual funds, bonds or cash) held in the portfolio.

Beginning Value-Value at the beginning of the reporting period, calculated using the date referenced on the report.

Additions/Purchases-The sum of all inflows and/or purchases during the report date range.

Withdrawal/Sales-The subtraction of cash and/or sales from a client portfolio including interest and dividends that are paid to cash.

Realized Gain (Loss) -For tax purposes, the amount of gain or loss resulting from the sale or other disposal of a security. Capital gains taxes might be due when profits are realized. Realized losses can be used to offset gains for tax purposes. (A positive number is a gain; a negative number is a loss.)

Realized Gain (Loss) = Gross proceeds from sale-Sale Fees-Principal Cost-Purchase Fees

Unrealized Gain (Loss) -Gain or loss that has not become actual because the security is still being held. Also called a paper profit or loss. It becomes a realized gain/loss when the security is actually sold or disposed of.

Unrealized Gain (Loss)=Current value-(Principal cost-Purchase Fees)

Income/Expense-Sum of income and expense during the report period.

Ending Value-Value at the end of the reporting period, calculated using the end date specified on the report.

Actual Net (IRR) -The single rate of return at which the beginning market value (plus deposits) grows to equal the ending market value (minus any capital withdrawals and afterany fees or expenses are deducted), regardless of the length of the holding period.


The Portfolio Performance Summary report is a comprehensive review of the performance of the total portfolio over specific periods of time. The purpose of the report is to help you understand the performance of the portfolio net of fees, deposits and withdrawals. We also include standard investment benchmarks to provide performance comparisons with the portfolio’s returns. The report provides the following information:

Beginning Value-Value at the beginning of the reporting period, calculated using the date referenced on the report.

Net Contributions-The net sum of contributions minus any withdrawals.

Ending Value-Value at the end of the reporting period, calculated using the end date specified on the report.

Investment Gain (Loss)-The dollar amount of a gain or loss for a portfolio for the period:

Investment Gain (Loss) = Capital Appreciation + Income - Management Fees - Other Expenses

Time Weighted Return (net)-Provides a measure of the growth of a portfolio in terms that removes the impact of capital flows into or out of the cash flow. It is useful for comparing to indexes.

Actual-The time weighted return of the portfolio since its inception.

Annual-The time weighted return since inception expressed as a compound annual rate of return.

S&P 500 Index-The S&P 500 Index consists of 500 stocks chosen for market size, liquidity, and industry group representation. It is a market-value weighted index (stock price times number of shares outstanding), with each stock's weight in the Index proportionate to its market value. The "500" is one of the most widely used benchmarks of U.S. equity performance.

DFA Small Cap-The US DFA Small Cap index is designed to capture the returns and diversification of a broad cross-section of US small companies, on a market cap-weighted basis. The index includes securities of US companies whose size (market capitalization) falls within the smallest 4% of the market universe. The market universe is comprised of companies listed on the New York Stock Exchange, American Stock Exchange, and NASDAQ National Market System.

SSB Treasury 1-3 year-The Salomon Smith Barney (SSB) 1-3 Year Treasury Index is a capitalization-weighted index of U.S. Treasury securities with fixed-rate coupons and weighted average lives between one and three years.

MSCI EAFE Equity Index-MSCI EAFE Index is a total return index, reported in U.S. dollars, based on share prices and reinvested gross dividends of approximately 1100 companies (only those securities deemed sufficiently liquid for trading by investors) from the following 20 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland,Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.


The Asset Allocation chartsummarizes your individual investments by asset class. The report provides a comparison of the portfolio’s current asset allocation with the target asset allocation. The target allocation is the allocation detailed in your investment policy guidelines. The report is helpful in understanding where the portfolio might be over or under weight in a specific asset class. The chart provides the following information:

As of Date-This is date used for the report. Accrued interest is also calculated as of the specified date.

Description-Name of the investment (stocks, mutual funds, bonds or cash) held in the portfolio.

Weight-The proportionate size of the asset class in the total portfolio, expressed as a percentage.

Weight = {Current asset class/current total portfolio value} x 100

Current Value-Present value for most securities[2] is: Quantity x Current Price

Accrued Interest is included as part of the current value.

Target Percent-The recommended allocation for specific asset classes within your portfolio. This percentage represents the midpoint number of the recommended range established by your Investment Policy Guidelines.

Target Value-Indicates the Target Percent in a dollar figure.

Dollar Variance-The difference between the Target Value and Current Value expressed in dollars.

Percent Variance-The difference between the Weight andTarget Percent expressed in percentage.

[1] For mortgage-backed securities, the value is: Value= (Price/100) x Factor x Face Value

[2] For mortgage-backed securities, the value is: Value = (Price/100) x Factor x Face Value