ICB –”Appeals”

At Nasdaq we put great effort in presenting the companies in the most beneficent way for the market professionals. The result of this ambition is that the companies are divided into the exchange value segments Small Cap, Mid Cap and Large Cap. This is finalized by the companies being classified according to industry. The advantages are among others:

·  Improves the visibility of the listed companies.

·  The classification applies to companies globally.

·  An easier way to find the different companies in the respective industry.

·  Provides comprehensive peer groups with Swedish and foreign companies.

The exchanges in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Iceland, Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius all use the Industry Classification Benchmark (ICB) for sector classification of listed companies. A common standard facilitates analyses and comparisons between industries and companies in the Nordic and Baltic region. ICB was developed by FTSE International, which is an independent supplier of global indexes and benchmark-based products and services.
The ICB structure consists of the following four levels:
Industry (10)
Supersector (19)
Sector (41)
SubSector (114)

·  The classification is based on each company's principal activity. For complete methodology please use the following link: http://www.icbenchmark.com/ICBDocs/ICB_Rules.pdf

·  All information that shall be used as basis for classification must be available in a prospect, annual report, quarterly report or other type of public information.

A company that by some reason wants to change sector shall complete this form and send to Nasdaq who forwards it to ICB. Please note that the document shall be filled in English.

The document shall be sent to: . If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact Nasdaq, Global Listing Services in Stockholm, Helsinki, Copenhagen, Iceland, Riga, Tallinn or Vilnius.

Please note! The application must be completed by computer. Handwritten forms will not be accepted.

Submitter’s name:

Submitter’s title:

Submitter’s Company Name

Are you submitting this data on behalf of or as a representative of the company? Y / N

ICB Company Name: ......

SEDOL Code ......

Current ICB Classification: ......

Suggested ICB Classification: ....

Reason for suggested change of classification:





Example of company products, competitors and suggestion of potential ICB sector:





Revenue per business unit1:





Earnings breakdown2:





Source of information3:





If available, please kindly send the Company Prospectus along with this ICB Data Form.

1 State the revenue per subsidiary, business unit or division.

2 State the earnings breakdown according.

3 State where the information is available. Please note that the information stated has to be public.
