A Middle States Accredited School Building the Faith One Student at a Time

Office of the Principal, Kevin Conwell

“Each of you has received a gift

to use to serve others.” 1 Peter 4:10

Dear St. Mary Families,


What is your gift? Can your children see your gift? Do your children believe that God, Our Father, has gifted them and that they should be searching for that gift. Do they know that their gift is to be used to serve others?

God does challenge us in our life and when we ask Him, to help us understand his wisdom, he will bless our entire community by enabling us to share our unique gift with all we meet.

Blessed are we when we recognize our God given responsibility! Blessed are those who know what on earth they are on earth to do and set themselves about the business of doing it!


Thank you for a great beginning at our Back to School Night! Remember to continue to build positive Home and School relationships as we move through the year. Try to talk to each other – texting and email do not count!!

I am happy to say that we sent last year’s Terra Nova results home in an envelope with your children today. Please review and if you have any questions please “talk” with your child’s teacher!

Art and Music

Below is a list of special presentations as they are currently scheduled and the classes which will be participating. More info on these will follow as the year progresses. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Weidemoyer with any questions or concerns at any time!

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BAZAAR – Saturday, November 18 – Pre K through 6th grade classes performing, 8th grade MC’s and crew, possibly choirs.

SEVENTH GRADE PLAY – Monday, December 4 – 1:30 AND 7:30 PM – 7th grade, and possibly some crew assistance from 8th grade

ANNUAL SCHOOL CHORAL AND INSTRUMENTAL SHOW – Thursday, December 14 – 1:30 PM – Cherubim and Seraphim Choirs and Instrumental Program

ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PAGEANT – Thursday, December 21, 1:45 PM – all school

ANNUAL SCHOOL TALENT SHOW – Friday, February 2, 2018 – 1:30 AND 7:00 PM – open to grades 1 through 8

LIVING STATIONS – Friday, March 23 – 1:45 PM AND Palm Sunday, March 25, 2018 – 7th grade, and possibly some crew assistance from 8th grade

SPRING ART AND MUSIC SHOW – Thursday, April12, 2018 – 4:00 -7:00 PM - grades 4 through 6, Cherubim and Seraphim Choirs, and ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCES TO BE DETERMINED!

SPRING MUSICAL – April 27, 28, - 7:00 PM April 29 – 2:00 PM - 7th and 8th grades

We are looking forward to sharing all our great talent. Thank you, Mrs. Weidemoyer, for all these opportunities to share our talent.

REMEMBER - parent meeting for Instrumental Music Lessons on Wednesday, September 13th at 6pm in the school café, info on fees for this program will be shared at this meeting.


Join our Parish onSunday, September 10thfor the community wideSaint Mary Feastas we celebrate the birth of our Blessed Mother, beginning with the Noon Mass followed by music, games, food and fellowship until 6:30PM.

Monday, September 11th at 10:00 AM at the Flag pole we will have a short prayer service for Patriots Day. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Yours in the Peace of Christ,

Kevin Conwell