Minutes of the Planning, Highways & Environment Committee Meeting held

on 20 July 2017 at Cadbury Heath Hall at 7.30pm






/ Cllr P Barrett / Mrs V Hicks
/ Cllr D Essery / Allotment Tenant Representatives
/ Cllr H Farmer / Mr R Blake (WGC)
/ Cllr M Farmer / Mr I Taylor (HGR)
/ Cllr R Hardie / Members of the Public
/ Cllr T Olpin / Mr G Langfield
/ Cllr R Pope (in the Chair) / Ms A Short

The Chairman outlined the procedure in the event of an emergency.

69/17 / Apologies
Received from Cllrs Downing and Williams.
70/17 / Declaration of Member Interests
No specific declarations were made.
Mr Blake signed a Declaration of Acceptance of Office in respect of his role as Allotment Tenant Representative for the Warmley Golf Course site.
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Minutes of the meeting of 21 June 2017 were approved and signed by the Chairman.

Public Participation
Mr Langfield and Ms Short addressed the meeting in connection with their objections to PK17/2446/F on grounds of over development and inadequate provision for off-street car parking. Cllr P Barrett had investigated the background to the application and briefed the Committee accordingly.
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Matters for Discussion

a] Longbeach Road – keep clear markings: It was agreed to keep the situation under review. It was also agreed to request additional white lining at Heath Rise once the building work on the former youth centre site was completed.

b] Traffic Calming/Speed Visors: A site meeting had taken place where representatives of Oldland and Bitton Parish Councils met with the South Gloucs Council Traffic Engineer at the bridge at the junction of California Road Court Road, Oldland Common to consider the safety of traffic on the narrowest section. The Traffic Engineer had subsequently produced a proposed scheme of improved road markings and a plan to cut back overgrown vegetation. It was agreed to support the proposed scheme and consider further traffic calming measures in due course.

c] Community Speed Watch report: No patrols had taken place since the last meeting.

d] Bench/Noticeboard – Payne Green: Nothing further to report.

e] Buses parking at Newton Road Shops: Nothing further to report.

f] Parking - Roy King Gardens: This matter has been referred to the Parkwall CEF for action.

g] Streetcare Updates: The Clerk updated on various actions including grass cutting at the rear of Sheridan Way, paths between Cottonwood and Springville Close and Woodchip Park maintenance at the rear Fairoaks.

h] Caravan - Earlstone Crescent: The caravan has been moved on the Police.

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a] M4 J18A Update: Noted.

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Allotment Matters

a] AGM follow up items: The Clerk reported on a successful allotment tenant AGM on 22 June 2017. The Clerk was asked to progress the actions from the meeting and meet any costs from the allotments maintenance budget. It was agreed that the Clerk set up an email contacts list for each site to aid communicaton.

b] Parish in Bloom – allotments: It was agreed that representatives of each site would judge the other site and the Clerk would co-ordinate the effort.

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Planning applications

Committee raised no objection to the following applications:
PK17/2312/F: Erection of front and side extension to form additional living accommodation at 1 Kennmoor Close, Warmley.
PK17/2429/F: Construction of raised decking plus associated balustrade, fences and stairs at 5 Heath Rise, Cadbury Heath.
PK17/2430/F: Erection of raised decking area at 5A Heath Rise, Cadbury Heath.
PK17/2506/F: Erection of free standing canopy to replace existing canvas roof structure at Bitton Station, Bath Road, Bitton.
PK17/2511/F: Erection of single storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation at 29 Horsecroft Gardens.
PK17/2872/F: Erection of a two storey rear extension to form additional living accommodation at 40 Ravenswood, Longwell Green.
PK17/3095/PDR: Proposed extensions to the rear of the property at 58 Moor Croft Drive, Longwell Green.
PK17/3117/F: Erection of a two storey side and rear extension to provide additional living accommodation at 6 Harlech Way, Willsbridge.
Committee raised no objection to the following applications on condition that adequate consideration is made regarding the noise from the proposed air conditioning units:
PK17/2862: Change of use of retail unit (Class A1) to veterinary surgery (Class D1) as defined in the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (as amended) and installation of 7No. external air conditioning units at Unit 2, 129/133 Bath Road, Longwell Green.
Committee raised objections to the following applications:
It was resolved to object to the PK17/2446/F (demolition of existing conservatory and erection of two storey side and single storey rear extensions to provide additional living accommodation at 8 Ravenswood, Longwell Green) on grounds of over-development and inadequate provision of off-street car parking spaces. The Parish Council supports the legitimate objections of local residents and the observations of South Gloucs Council's own officers. The Parish Council respectfully suggests that the application is called in by the local ward Councillors.



Meeting ended at 20.45