Tender No.: ROFS/CAPEX/16-17/ENQ/02

Tender Date : 20.05.2016

Due Date & Time : 31.05.2016 UPTO 16:00 Hours


21,Netaji Subhas Road,

Kolkata 700 001




Tender No.: ROFS/CAPEX/16-17/ENQ/02

Dated: 20.05.2016

PART-I (Un-Priced)


21,Netaji Subhas Road,

Kolkata 700 001


1.0 / Check-List
2.0 / Instructions to Bidders
3.0 / Notice Inviting Tender
4.0 / Technical Specifications
5.0 / Data Sheet for Centrifugal Pump
6.0 / Technical Particulars (To be filled up by Bidders)
7.0 / Proforma Bank Guarantee for Performance –Attachment - I
8.0 / Details of Experience – Attachment - II
9.0 / Deviation Statement – Attachment - III
10.0 / Quality Plan – Attachment – IV
11.0 / Vendor’s Information – Attachment – V



Tenderers are requested to fill up this Check List and attach supporting documentary evidence.

Please tick [ P ] the box and ensure compliance.

1.0 Covering Letter with Tender Submitted o

2.0 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Submitted o

DD/Pay Order No. Date Value `3,000.00

3.0 Validity of Offer

90 (ninety) from the due date of the tender Confirmed o

4.0 Pre-Qualification Criteria

Balance Sheet & Profit & Loss Account for last three years Submitted o

Order Copies & Completion Certificate of similar supplies

completed in last five years Submitted o

5.0 Certificates / Documents

Income Tax Clearance Document Submitted o

PAN Card Copy Submitted o

VAT / CST Registration Certificate Submitted o

NSIC/SSI Units (if applicable, attached valid certificate) Submitted o

SC/ST Certificate, if the vendor belongs to ST/ST) Submitted o

6.0 Tender Information

Information about Tender as per Attachment-IV of GCT Submitted o

Past Experience as per Attachment-V of GCT Submitted o

Quality assurance Plan as per Attachment-VI of GCT Submitted o

7.0 Deviation Statement as per Attachment-VII of GCT Submitted o

8.0 Notarised Power of Attorney of Person Signing the Tender Submitted o

9.0 Price Schedule in Un-priced Bid duly blanked out and signed Submitted o

10.0 Price Schedule does not contain any condition Confirmed o

11.0 Tender Document (alongwith addendum) duly signed

and stamped on all pages Submitted o

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.

Refinery & Oilfield Services



The Tender Document comprises of two Bids viz Unpriced Part – I and Priced Part – II. The submission of offer can be made in two forms either through e-bidding or in physical form as follows :

1.1 Bid Submission through e-bidding

The bidders shall submit their response through bid submission to the tender on e- Procurement platform at https://balmerlawrie.eproc.in by following the procedures given below. The bidder would be required to register on the e-procurement market place https://balmerlawrie.eproc.in and submit their bids on line. The bidders shall submit offer comprising the Tender Document (Part-I), duly stamped and signed, pre-qualification documents, EMD and Vendors’ Information in the standard formats prescribed in the Tender documents displayed in e-Procurement web site. The bidders shall download all the above documents, upload the same along with scanned copies of all the relevant certificates, documents etc., duly stamped and signed, in support of their eligibility criteria/NIT in the e-Procurement web site. However, bulky documents need not be scanned and uploaded but physical copy of the same along with Unpriced Bid (Part-I) of the Tender Document, duly stamped and signed should be sent to the Tender Inviting Authority before the tender opening date along with EMD amount. Priced Bid should be submitted in e-format only. No physical copy of the Priced Bid should be submitted in the Document.

1.1.1 Registration with e Procurement platform

For registration and on line bid submission bidders may contact HELP DESK of M/s C1 India Pvt., Ltd., Shri Tuhin Ghosh, Mobile No. +91 8981165071, Shri Tirtha Das, Mobile No. + 91 9163254290 or Shri Ritrabrata Chakraborty, Mobile No. + 91 and register themselves on line by logging in to the website https://balmerlawrie.eproc.in

1.1.2 Digital Certificate authentication

The bidder shall authenticate the bid with his Digital Certificate for submitting the bid electronically on e-Procurement platform and the bids not authenticated by digital certificate of the bidder will not be accepted on the e-Procurement platform.

All the bidders who do not have Digital Certificates need to obtain Digital Certificate. They may contact Help Desk of C1 India Pvt Ltd.

1.1.3 Submission of Hard copies

After submission of bid on line, the bidders are requested to submit the demand draft towards EMD along with stamped and signed copy of Unpriced Bid – I, pre-qualification Documents as required, to the Tender Inviting Authority on/before the due date of opening date. Under no circumstances Hard copy of Price Bid should be sent under e-procurement format. The bidder shall furnish the original DD and other documents either in person or through courier or by post and the receipt of the same within the stipulated time shall be the responsibility of bidder.

Balmer Lawrie shall not take any responsibility for any delay or non-receipt of said documents. If any of the documents furnished by the bidder is found to be false / fabricated, the bidder is liable for black listing, forfeiture of the EMD, cancellation of work and criminal prosecution.

The bidder is requested to get a confirmed acknowledgment from the Tender Inviting Authority as proof of submission of hard copies.

1.1.4 Corrigendum to tender

The bidder has to keep track of any changes by viewing the addendum/ Corrigendum's issued by the Tender Inviting Authority on time-to- time basis in the e-Procurement platform. The Company calling for tenders shall not be responsible for any claims/problems arising out of this.

1.1.5 Bid Submission Acknowledgment

The user should complete all the processes and steps required for bid submission. The successful bid submission can be ascertained once acknowledgment is given by the system through bid submission number after completing all the processes and steps. Tender Inviting Authority and C1 India Pvt. Ltd. will not be responsible for incomplete bid submission by users. Users may also note that the incomplete bids will not be saved by the system and are not available for the Tender Inviting Authority for processing.

Before uploading scanned documents, the bidders shall sign on all the statements, documents, certificates uploaded by him, owning responsibility for their correctness/authenticity.

1.1.6 Disclaimer Clause

The Company (Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.) nor the service provider (C1 India Pvt. Ltd.) is responsible for any failure of submission of bids due to failure of Internet or other connectivity problems or reasons thereof.

1.2 Bid Submission in Physical Form

Bidders interested to participate in this tender in physical form can access to company’s website: www.balmerlawrie.com and download the tender document. Offers are to be submitted under two separate sealed envelopes as per the following:

i)  Unpriced Bid – Part – I - comprising Instruction to the Bidders, Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), Technical Specification & Particulars, Pump Data Sheet and Vendor’s Information etc., in physical form, duly stamped, signed and filled in (wherever required) along with all prequalification documents, EMD etc. No Priced Bid should accompany in this Part. Un-priced bid containing the priced bid shall be summarily rejected. However, bidders must enclosed Priced Bid without rates and amount but with indicating percentage of taxes & duties in the respective places.

ii)  Priced Bid – Part – II – Priced Bid duly filled in with rates and amount against each slab of solid sludge should be submitted in sealed envelope.

Offers to be submitted under two separate sealed covers, one cover containing Part - I (Un priced Bid) and the other cover containing Part - II (Priced Bid).

The un-priced bid shall comprise stamped and signed copy of Tender Document as a token of acceptance, detailed Technical Specifications, Performance Curves and Drawings of the Vendor, filled up Data sheet and Annexure etc.

Priced offers of only those tenderers, who will meet the requirements of Un-Priced bid will be opened and considered for further evaluation. Priced bid shall be filled up with price figures only in the given schedule. Un-priced bid containing the priced bid shall be summarily rejected.

Fax/e-mail offers shall not be accepted. The company will not accept any responsibility for any delay in receipt or non-receipt of bidding document sent by post. Offers not conforming to the above mentioned requirements are liable to be rejected.

Detailed offer complete in all respects as stipulated in the tender should reach the Bid Inviting Authority at the following address within the due date and time:

Vice President (ROFS & Projects)

Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.

Refinery & Oil Field Services

21, Netaji Subhas Road

Kolkata – 700 001

Phone : (033) 22225706

e-mail id :



DUE ON 31.05.2016 AT 16.00 HOURS

BALMER LAWRIE & CO. LTD. invite offers from empaneled pump manufacturers/vendors/suppliers for design, engineering, manufacture, inspection & testing at manufacturer’s works and supply of One (1) No. Centrifugal Pump with suitable Flameproof Motor on a common base frame along with all accessories and all to be used in sludge processing operation.


The scope of supply covers design, manufactures, testing and supply of one (1) no. Centrifugal Pump complete with all accessories, spare parts and approved make FLP Motor as defined in Technical Specification, Data Sheet, scope of work and elsewhere in this tender. All the pump-motor sets should be delivered in a properly packed condition suitable for transportation by road.


Bidder shall submit copies of the following documents, duly stamped and singed along with the Un-priced Part of their bid. Offers submitted without the following are liable for rejection:

i)  Order Copy (ies) and Job Completion Certificate (s) for supply of similar items for a similar application during the last 5 years.

ii)  Photocopy of PAN Card, VAT/CST reg. Certificate, IT Return (last 3 years) and Balance Sheet/Profit & Loss Account for last 3 years

iii)  Tender document duly singed and company seal (as an acceptance of all our terms and conditions)

iv)  `Affidavit’ in non-judicial stamp paper in case of proprietorship firm “Partnership Deed” in case of Partnership Firm/”Memorandum & Article of Association” in case of Limited Company.


Time is the essence of the contract. The time schedule for complete supply of the Centrifugal Pump-Motor Sets shall be 12 (twelve) weeks (Ex-Works basis) from the date of Letter of Intent (LOI)/ Purchase Order (PO) whichever is earlier.


Tender Documents comprise two parts viz. Part-I (Un-priced) and Part-II (Priced). The Un-priced Part consists of Invitation to Tender, Technical Specifications and Data Sheet. The Priced Part consists of Price Schedule.


Tenders shall keep their offer valid for a period of 90 (ninety) days from the due date of this tender. Validity may be extended, if so advised by BL.


Unpriced Part should be accompanied by a Bank Draft of `3,000 (Rupees Three Thousand only) favouring `Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd.’ payable at Kolkata towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD). However, vendors registered with NSIC or under definition of Micro and Small Industries and holders of valid registration certificates are exempted from submission of EMD. In such case, attested certificates, duly notarized must be submitted along with the Unpriced Bids.

EMD of successful bidder/s will be retained with us till submission of Security Deposit. EMDs of unsuccessful bidders will be released after finalization of order.


The tenderer, with whom the contract is decided to be entered into and intimation is so given will have to make a Security Deposit @ 2.5% of the basic Order value in the form of Demand Draft drawn in favour of Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd payable at Kolkata or Bank Guarantee executed by any Scheduled bank within 15 days from the date of intimation of acceptance of their tender, failing which Balmer Lawrie & Co Ltd reserves the right to cancel the Order. Security Deposit shall be released after submission of the Performance Bank Guarantee.


This tender in two bids system comprising Part – I Unpriced Bid and Part – II Priced Bid should be submitted by the registered vendors of SBU: Refinery & Oil Field Service of Balmer Lawrie & Co. Ltd. Part-I Unpriced Bids will be opened on the due date and time. Bidders will be selected and qualified based on the fulfillment of pre-qualification criteria i.e. submission of all required PQ documents, EMD and submission of offer through on-line and physical form as per the instructions to Bidders. Price Bids will be opened only for the bidders whose Unpriced Bids (Part-I) are found to be acceptable. The tenderer shall fill the rates & amounts both in words and figures. The amount against each item is also to be filled in. In case of any discrepancy, the amount quoted in words shall be taken as correct. L1 Bidder will be determined based on total ex-works basic amounts + Packing & Forwarding + VAT/CST+ Insurance, without Excise Duty.

Freight charges will be reimbursed at actual since delivery address will be intimated after readiness of material.


Any delay in or failure of the performance of either part hereto shall not constitute default hereunder or give rise to any claims for damage, if any, to the extent such delays failure of performance is caused by occurrences such as Acts of God or an enemy, expropriation or confiscation of facilities by Government authorities, acts of war, rebellion, sabotage or fires, floods, explosions, riots, or strikes. The Vendor shall keep records of the circumstances referred to above and bring these to the notice of the Engineer-In-Charge in writing immediately on such occurrences. The amount of time, if any, lost on any of these counts shall not be counted for the delivery period. On decision of BL/Owner arrived at after consultation with the Vendor, shall be final and binding. Such a determined period of time be extended by the Owner to enable the Vendor to deliver the items within such extended period of time.