St. Francis Xavier Catholic Academy

2700 O Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20020

Telephone (202) 581- 2010 Fax (202) 581-1142

Harold L. Thomas, PrincipalRev. Jim Boccabella, Pastor

Grade 7 Class Syllabus for 2016-2017

Middle School Science

Teacher: Ms. D. Jones Email:

Course overview: Students will further their scientific understanding of the natural world through investigations, experiences and readings. Students will also analyze the relationships within systems. They investigate how different models can represent the same data, rates of change, cycle changes and changes that counterbalance one another. Students begin to trace the flow of matter and energy through ecosystems. They will recognize the fundamental difference between plants and animals and understand its basis at the cellular level. Students will distinguish species, particularly through the examination of internal structures and functions.
Glencoe/Green/ McGraw Hill
Science Fair Project / Supplies:
5 Composition Books
Book Covers
Pencils and Pens
USB/ Flash Drive
Skills Introduced by Semester
Semester 1
Explain that similarities among organisms are found in the external and internal anatomical features, including specific characteristics at the cellular level, such as the number of chromosomes
Understand that these similarities are used classify organisms since they may be used to infer the degree of relatedness among organism
Explain how food provides the fuel and the building materials for all organisms
Describe how organisms that eat plants break down the plant structures to produce the materials and energy that they need to survive, and in turn, how they are consumed by other organisms.
Explain the basic functions of organisms, such as extracting energy from food and getting rid of wastes, are carried out within the cell and understand that the way in which cells function is similar in all organisms
Explain the amount of food energy (calories) a person requires varies with body weight, age sex, activity level, and natural body efficiency
Explain that white blood cells engulf invaders or produce antibodies that attack invaders of mark the invaders for killing by other white blood cells
Know that antibodies produced will remain and can fight off subsequent invaders of the same kind
Required Readings:
Articles and chapters related given assignments from Science book / Semester 2
Use different models to represent the same thing, noting that the kind of model and its complexity should depend on it purpose
Describe how physical and biological systems tend to change until they reach equilibrium and remain that way unless their surroundings change
Explain that the output from one part of a system, which can include material, energy, or information, can become the input to other parts and this feedback can serve to control what goes on in the system as a whole
Explain how engineers, architects, and others who engage in design and technology use scientific knowledge to solve practical problems
Identify how /ways that technology has strongly influenced the course of history and continues to do so
Explain how societies influence what types of technology are developed and used in fields such as agriculture, manufacturing, sanitation, medicine, warfare, transportation, information processing and communication.
Explain why it is important in science to keep honest, clear, and accurate records
Provide examples of people who overcame bias and /or limited opportunities in education and employment to excel in the fields of science
Required Readings: Given chapters from text book
Science Fair Project / TBA
Classroom Rules and Expectations
Respect your self
Respect all adults
Respect all school environment / Student Responsibilities:
Come to school every day
Come ready to learn and work
Bring all needed tools for class
Participate in class
Complete all assignments
Serve as an example to younger students
Do your very best each and every day
Listen carefully to directions/instruction / Parent Responsibilities:
Be sure to talk with your student about your dreams and desires for them
Be sure that your student eats something for breakfast daily
Be sure that all phone numbers and emails on file are correct
Check for notices and concerns on Rederik
Hold your student accountable for school information that is sent home
Challenge your student to do their very best every day and take responsibility for their education
Grading Scale:
A= Excellent 93-100 C= Average 77-84
B= Above Average 85-92 D= Below Average 70-76 F= Unsatisfactory Below 69
Tests= 25% Quizzes 15% Project = 25% Homework = 15% Classwork = 10% Participation= 10%
Parental Communication:
The best way to reach me for any concerns is via email:
You can also reach my via the school phone on 202-581-2010, leave a message with the front desk and your call will be answered within 24 hours.
I look forward to a great year we share the same goal, successful students in all subject areas.
D. Jones