A Short Course in Medical Terminology (3rd edition), Collins

Chapter 10 — The Lymphatic System and Immunity

A Short Course in Medical Terminology (3rd edition), Collins

Lesson Plans

Chapter 10 – The Lymphatic System and Immunity

Goals of the Lesson:

Cognitive: Students will be able to identify the major structures of the lymphatic system and immunity, be able to discuss the three types of immunity, as well as disorders and treatments related to this system.

Motor: The students will be able to break apart various medical terms that relate to the lymphatic system and immunity and understand what they mean.

Affective: Students will recognize the importance of immunity and be able to share this with others.

Learning Objectives:

The lesson plan for each objective starts on the page shown below.

10-1 Define the terms that name the structures and functions of the lymphatic system. 2

10-2 Define immunity. 3

10-3 Define the terms that name the disorders and treatments of the lymphatic system. 4

10-4 Build, spell, and pronounce medical terms that relate to the lymphatic system and immunity 6

You Will Need:

Gather the following materials and teaching aids for the following lessons:

10-2 Invite a guest speaker to speak about childhood immunizations

10-3 Poster board, markers, textbook, internet access

10-4 Blank index cards, markers, textbook

Legend: SR: Student Resources; IR: Instructor Resources; PPt: PowerPoint

Objective 10-1

Define the terms that name the structures and functions of the lymphatic system. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Word Elements
v  Study Table
Ø  Structure and Function
Ø  Common Disorders
Ø  Diagnosis and Treatment
Ø  Practice and Practitioners
Ø  Surgical Procedures / 201
205-208 / 2-31 / Table
10-1: Word Elements used to form Lymphatic System Terms
p. 201
Study table
p. 205-208 / In-Class Activities
Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a specific lymphatic system topic to report on to the class. / Outside Assignments
Chapter Exercises, pp. 209-212
Chapter Quiz, pp. 213
Additional exercises and games are available in the IR and SR.

Legend: SR: Student Resources; IR: Instructor Resources; PPt: PowerPoint

Objective 10-2

Define immunity. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Immunity: refers to body's capacity to resist disease
v  Major sources of immunity:
Ø  Natural: passed from mother to child before birth
Ø  Acquired: obtained when person acquires disease; develops antibodies which fight the disease if exposed to it again
Ø  Artificial: Obtained through the use of immunizations or vaccinations; similar to acquired / 200
203 / 10 / In-Class Activities
Contact the local health department for educational information they use to educate the public about immunizations.
Divide the class into small groups. Instruct each group to create an educational handout, to use in educating the public concerning the importance of maintaining their vaccinations.
Invite a guest speaker to come and speak to the class about childhood immunizations.
Divide the class into two groups. Conduct a debate between the two groups exploring the controversy of the dangers of immunizations (one group for immunizations, the other group against). / Outside Assignments
Chapter Exercises, pp. 209-212
Chapter Quiz, pp. 213
Additional exercises and games are available in the IR and SR.
Instruct the students to research a topic related to immunization.

Legend: SR: Student Resources; IR: Instructor Resources; PPt: PowerPoint

Objective 10-3

Define the terms that name the disorders and treatments of the lymphatic system. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Disorders
Ø  Lymphadenitis: inflammation of a lymph gland
Ø  Lymphedema: accumulation of lymph fluid
Ø  Lymphadenopathy: enlarged lymph nodes
Ø  Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS): caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection
Ø  Infectious mononucleosis: acute viral infection,
Ø  Splenomegaly: symptom seen with other lymphatic infections
Ø  Anaphylaxis: life-threatening reaction to a foreign substance
Ø  Hodgkin lymphoma: malignant disease of lymph nodes
Ø  Rheumatoid arthritis: autoimmune disorder
Ø  Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): chronic inflammatory disorder
v  Treatments
Ø  Corticosteroids
Ø  immunosuppressants
Ø  Antivirals
Ø  Vaccinations / 204 / 12-14 / In-Class Activities
Divide the class into small groups. Instruct each group to create a poster describing the signs and symptoms that might indicate a lymphatic problem.
Poster board, markers, textbook, internet access / Outside Assignments
Chapter Exercises, pp. 209-212
Chapter Quiz, pp. 213
Additional exercises and games are available in the IR and SR.
Instruct the students to research and write a report on a lymphatic system disease or disorder.

Legend: SR: Student Resources; IR: Instructor Resources; PPt: PowerPoint

Objective 10-4

Build, spell, and pronounce medical terms that relate to the lymphatic system

and immunity. Date:

Lecture Outline


Figures, Tables, and Features


Resources and

In-Class Activities


Outside Assignments



Instructor’s Notes

Content / Text page / PPt slide
v  Word Elements
v  Study Table
Ø  Structure and Function
Ø  Common Disorders
Ø  Diagnosis and Treatment
Ø  Practice and Practitioners
Ø  Surgical Procedures / 201
205-208 / 2-31 / In-Class Activities
Create flashcards of the terms in this chapter.
Blank index cards, markers, textbook / Outside Assignments
Chapter Exercises, pp. 209-212
Chapter Quiz, pp. 213
Additional exercises and games are available in the IR and SR.

Legend: SR: Student Resources; IR: Instructor Resources; PPt: PowerPoint

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