Action Plan

Goal: “Event is prepared, organized, facilitated and documented professionally.“

Timeframe: . .

This Action Plan is a comprehensive collection of hands-on activities to be taken into consideration long before, before, during and after an event.

It contains the different steps that have proven to be necessary, useful or nice-to-have due to my experience based on former assignments.

They are collected in different categories which are all interlinked and require your focus and attention parallel to each other.

It allows you to develop the timeframe, person/s responsible for each activity, supporting team members, material needed, and the budget.

Green text indicates environmentally friendly activities; purple text highlights gender-related, family-, participant-friendlyand/or socialactivities.

Since no two events are the same, carefully choose the activities you consider important for your event, then customize your own action plan.

If you have any recommendations that could be beneficial when modified or added to thisaction plan, please email me: .

Same is true in case you take the time and translate this action plan to other languages that could be supportive for many more – highly appreciated!

Enjoy the tailor-made planning and timely implementation of your activities. Have a successful, productive and joyful event!

 / activities / timeframe / responsible
person/s / team
members / information, documents, material, etc. needed / budget
longbefore / before / during / after
0 /  / examine alternatives to face-to-face meetings:
virtual meetings (video-conferencing, teleconferencing or relay from individual participants) / 
0 /  / choose date/s, time and duration
(consider usual working time, half-time employees,
single parents, public and schoolholidays,
peak seasons, exams, the weather, other events, etc.) /  / current calendar
official holidays list
o1 /  / calculate costs of all services + items / 
o2 /  / decide upon essential and nice-to-have items / 
o3 /  / apply for funding (if applicable) / 
o4 /  / calculate participants’ contribution / tuition fees / 
o5 /  / assure that registration is connected with payment / 
o6 /  / open separate bank account for this event / 
o7 /  / defineswap scheme for participants who cannot afford the fees and are able to bring in their services / 
o8 /  / develop bill format / 
o9 /  / find co-sponsors / co-organizers / 
1o /  / define and announce reimbursement policy / 
11 /  / collect continuously bills in the correct format /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
12 /  / specifyand calculate requirements
(price? size?accessibility? central / least distance travelled for participants?barrier-free?
space for a circle? break-out areas? wall space?
daylight? nice environment? A/C? Internet?
printing and photocopying facilities?electric power guaranteed?sustainable power resources used?
meeting eco-standards / eco-certification?) / 
13 /  / contact and check availability + requirements / 
14 /  / visitvenue alternatives (get permission to stick stuff on walls, make the “sticky test” with blue-tack and tape) / 
15 /  / choosethevenuebased on environmental(energy efficiency? waste management? etc.)andsocial criteria
choose venue as close as possible to the majority of participants and as easy to reach by eco-friendly means of transportation (keep distances short;
good public transport links and convenient timetables) / 
16 /  / visit accommodation alternatives /
get recommendations / 
17 /  / chooseaccommodation and service providers
based on environmentalandsocial criteria / 
18 /  / reserve / book
(be ready to pay down-payment if necessary) / 
19 /  / provide barrier-free access for wheelchair users
to and in all areas of venue and accommodation
wheelchair-accessible toilets where possible /  /  /  /  / 
2o /  / provide accessible parking space near the entrance
for participants with restricted mobility
(arrange for pick-up service) /  /  /  /  / 
21 /  / arrangedaily child care for participants’ children
(rooms, materials and service provider) /  /  /  /  / announce in invitation
22 /  / decide on setting, seating + break-out areas
(allocate coffee, tea and food buffet and
area for used dishes, easy access for waiters) / 
23 /  / inform venue staff about the purpose and agenda of the event (eco-friendlyand gender-sensitive) / 
24 /  / check location of toilets (wheelchair-accessible), smoking area, cloakroom, cafeteria, fire exits, etc. / 
25 /  / develop signs, maybe a map where to find what / 
26 /  / prepare / set-up / decorate together with staff
(registration table, area for information market,
signs where to find it, welcome poster / banner) / 
27 /  / make sure chairs are comfortable /  / 
28 /  / reserve seats for disabled people and spaces for wheelchairs and ensure easy accessibility
(buffet, serving facilities, information materials, etc.) /  /  /  / 
29 /  / use, if possible, electricity from renewable sources (e.g. eco-electricity suppliers) /  /  /  / 
3o /  / use water economically e.g. use water saving appliances in kitchens and canteens /  /  /  / 
31 /  / attach notices drawing attention to the water saving devices in order to raise awareness among participants /  /  /  / 
32 /  / consider climate relevance of the event,
reduce energy consumption /  /  /  / 
33 /  / usefairly traded decorations made of local and seasonal materials (e.g. flowers), ideally
shipped in an eco-friendly way /  /  / 
34 /  / pay attention to room temperature (not too hot/cold: in all meeting and conference rooms, heating is recommended to be not more than 21°C, cooling to
no more than 6°C degrees below outside temperature) /  /  / 
35 /  / use recycled paper products in kitchens and bathrooms /  /  / 
36 /  / usedaylight, optimized lighting control, and
optimized sun protection /  /  / 
37 /  / switch off electrical appliances when not needed
avoid stand-by losses during the day and at night (provide information about this to participants
(TV in hotel rooms) and staff) /  /  / 
38 /  / clean / arrange regularly cleaning /  /  /  / 
39 /  / assurespare use of cleaning agents
avoid use of environmental harmful cleaning agents,
increase use of biodegradable cleaning products /  /  /  / 
Food, Drinks andCatering
4o /  / specifyand calculate requirements
(ask participants for diets e.g. vegetarian and allergies) / 
41 /  / check and consider customs or culture regarding
break and lunch times and food / 
42 /  / test eat if necessary / 
43 /  / opt for locally produced, seasonal organic food,
include fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts for snack time
(useFairTrade produce whenever possible)
with environmentally sound transport /  /  /  / 
44 /  / choosethecateringandservicesproviders
based on environmentalandsocial criteria / 
45 /  / order and buy (integrate drivers in calculation)
arrange for any special food needs / 
46 /  / arrange food timing /  /  /  / 
47 /  / assure timely delivery (add time buffer) /  /  /  / 
48 /  / arrange number and location of tables in lunch breaks /  /  /  / 
49 /  / assure that the lunch buffet is accessible from both sides (especially for large groups: use time effectively) (wheelchair-accessible) /  /  /  / 
5o /  / arrange for pick-up of surplus food in advance / 
51 /  / ask participants to bring their own cup / mug and
their own bottles /thermos flasks to be refilled
(instead of plastic bottles) /  / => invitation
52 /  / assure in advance of breaks that food is ready in time
(have phone number of responsible at hand) /  /  / 
53 /  / use reusable crockery, glasses and cutlery
alternatively use biodegradable materials /  /  / 
54 /  / provide big cups / mugs / glasses to serve more at
one time (especially when using single tea bags) /  /  / 
55 /  / provide stickers / masking tape to mark cups / mugs / glasses for one permanent use per person per day /  /  / 
56 /  / don’t use meat and fish from endangered species /  /  / 
57 /  / provide fresh milk (no milk powder), fresh juice
(no sugar added), brown sugar, honey, etc. /  /  / 
58 /  / use water gallons and water dispensers
(instead of single water bottles) /  /  / 
59 /  / use water, including drinking water, economically /  /  / 
6o /  / offer glass filled with water to collect used tea spoons (for those who re-use them, reduce no. of tea spoons) /  /  / 
61 /  / providewater in glass carafes (ensure that they are refilled regularly with fresh water and that the carafes are removed and washed at appropriate intervals) /  /  / 
62 /  / distribute surplus food to non-profit organisations
as permissible under applicable hygiene provisions /  / 
Waste Management
63 /  / reduce or stop the usage of single-use- und
throw-away products (e.g. tissues on conference tables), especially those using extra paper, aluminum or plastic for their packaging /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
64 /  / avoid packaging wherever possible /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
65 /  / do not use individual packaging, alternatively
use disposable packaging, e.g. for milk, sugar, tea, etc. /  /  /  / 
66 /  / create a “can and non-returnable bottle free zone”. serve drinks in big bottles and thermos flasks /  /  /  /  / => invitation
67 /  / decide on segregated garbage collection,
set up waste collection points and
assure that respective bins and signs are in place
(e.g. non-organic, organic, paper, glass) /  /  /  / 
68 /  / provide extra garbage bin on buffet for organic waste /  /  /  / 
69 /  / avoid throwaway paper, plastic, and Styrofoam,
go for reusable glass, silverware and china dishes,
seek out compostable paper plates and cutlery /  /  /  / 
7o /  / collect kitchen wastesseparately /  /  / 
Transportation and Mobility(participants and facilitators)
71 /  / check if flights are really necessary and
if there are any other options like train, bus, car, etc. / 
72 /  / specifyand calculate transportation requirements /  / number of persons
73 /  / offer / use skype, web conferences, free life streams, virtual working places etc. to reduce traveling / 
74 /  / choose start and end times which allow participants to travel easily using (public) transport / 
75 /  / define transport means / 
76 /  / estimate visitors and traffic flows
(according to transport mode) / 
77 /  / arrange visa and entry permits / 
78 /  / inform participants on environmentally sound modes of transportation and, in the case of air travel,
on participation in climate protection projects /  / => invitation
79 /  / gather the data needed to calculate carbon footprint ahead of the event (e.g. on the registration form) to compensate event’sgreenhouse gas emissions /  / => budget
8o /  / calculate carbon footprint and compensate
(e.g. available in English) /  / => budget
81 /  / co-fund climate protection projects (in developing countries) as compensatory measures or purchase greenhouse gas emission certificates /  /  /  /  / 
82 /  / initiate that participants offset their own travel /
invite for a voluntary contribution to carbon offsetting /  /  /  /  /  / => invitation
83 /  / use low-emission vehicles e.g. natural gas vehicles or alternative-drives vehicles, diesel vehicles only with particle filter /  /  /  /  / 
84 /  / draw / receive map about how to reach the venue best (different transport means e.g. by foot, bicycle, public transport, car pooling, etc. and different directions) / 
85 /  / assure that enough parking lots are available
(if necessary) / 
86 /  / arrange for airport pick-up / 
87 /  / coordinate and combine travels if possible / 
88 /  / create an information platform /assure that
all participants are informed about taxi sharing, (group) transit shuttles, and car pooling
tooptimize the travel chain / 
89 /  / support participants in organizingcar pooling / 
9o /  / create incentives for the use of public transport e.g.
by offering combined tickets for an event including free use of public transport for arrival and departure) / 
91 /  / ensure good signage for public transport, cycle paths, footpaths, etc. /  /  /  / 
92 /  / cover short distances on foot (provide a sketch of the map to find the way easily); depending on the conference location, provide bicycles /  /  / 
93 /  / inform on local public transport at the conference venue, e.g. on public display /  /  / 
94 /  / organize a shuttle service or car-share scheme for travels between the hotels, venue and/or point of arrival / departure (railway station, airport) /  /  / 
95 /  / guide cars and buses directly to parking space /  /  / 
96 /  / provide overflow car parks and
organize a shuttle service /  /  / 
97 /  / assure adequate signposting indicating the location of the nearest public transport stop / station /  /  / 
98 /  / provide signposting and tips on taxi rank locations,
taxi phone numbers in hotel and venue /  /  / 
Communication and PR
99 /  / assureextensive public relations:
communicate aim of sustainable organization of events as well as the proposed measures to general public
(as an incentive for actually achieving environmental goals and to encourage other event organisers to organize their own activities sustainably) /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
1oo /  / develop theme / motto and logo for event / 
1o1 /  / determine who to invite / potential participants, their age and gender (assure gender balance), profile or who they represent and collect their contact information
(to be used for contact list) /  / e.g. by using the ARE IN principle by WeisbordJanoff: authority, resources, experience, information, need)
1o2 /  / send a Save the Date to potential participants / 
1o3 /  / determine anticipated attendance (gender-balanced) / 
1o4 /  / decide upon communication channels and
marketing requirements / 
1o5 /  / design PR material, ideally environmental-friendlyand formulated in a gender-sensitive way / 
1o6 /  / avoid using plastic bags as give-aways,
use durable cotton bags, ideally locally manufactured
all gifts and promotional items should be produced
in an eco-friendly and socially responsible way
(e.g. refillable pens, reusable gifts / bags) / 
1o7 /  / chooseprovidersofservicesandgoods
based on environmentalandsocial criteria / 
1o8 /  / when selecting bidders, give consideration to eco-management expertise / 
1o9 /  / order PR material and give-aways (buffer time),
produced out of environment-friendly material and in a environment-friendlyand social way which can be reused, avoid stuff participants bring anyway
(plan its distribution and define responsibilities) / 
11o /  / develop and distribute event’s announcement and invitation (incl. that event is organized based onenvironmentalandgender-related and/orfamily-friendlyprinciples, everyone is invited to contribute) / 
111 /  / invite potential participants and describe event’s goal clearly to attract their attention and to clarify this workshop’s relevance within the whole project process / 
112 /  / reduce text of invitations, agenda, etc. to a minimum
print only when it’s really necessary /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
113 /  / wherever possible, send invitations and other important documents electronically,
post documents for the event on a website /  /  /  /  /  /  /  /  / 
114 /  / develop registration form and respective criteria
(use information for contact list and bios).
Carefully select the information you want to collect: contact information, title, gender, age-cluster,
how they have heard about the event, etc. / 
115 /  / definefb event and administer it / 
116 /  / establish / use existing database + comm. channels / 
117 /  / develop and launch press releases
before, during and after the event /  /  / 
118 /  / invite journalists, reporters and bloggers / 
119 /  / define a hash tag for twitter and launch it / 
12o /  / inform participants and interested public constantly about the event’s progress /  /  /  /  / 
121 /  / distribute material and re-stock if necessary /  /  / 
122 /  / initiate a return system for printed folders / brochures /  /  / 
Facilitators, Presenters and Translators
123 /  / hire / find facilitators and determine presenters (gender-balanced,aware ofenvironment-friendliness / sustain-ability) (prepare sponsor to open the event) / 
124 /  / hold preparatory meeting (or skype call) to clarify the event’s purposes, desired outcomes, background and organisational information, legal issues, union issues, agreement on roles and responsibilities / 
125 /  / agree on date and time for briefing and debrief / 
126 /  / hire translators if necessary (gender-balanced,
aware ofenvironment -friendliness / sustain-ability) / 
127 /  / rent translation equipment if necessary / 
128 /  / assure main messages / learning objectives
are clearly defined / 
129 /  / provide information for their preparation / 
13o /  / get information (photo and bio), especially about
high-rank participants, governmental representatives etc. and their titles / how to address them correctly and provide it to facilitator/s / 
131 /  / ask for event’s timetable / agenda
allowing enough time (with time for group picture) / 
132 /  / ask for session plan / script (use respective form) / 
133 /  / ask for material and exercises in advance / 
134 /  / agree on additional program (dinners, excursions, etc.) / 
135 /  / inform facilitators, presenters, translators etc. about the intention of hosting a environment-friendly andgender-related and/orfamily-friendlyevent and to contribute to achieving this goal by any possible means / 
136 /  / assure that contact list is ready / 
137 /  / assure that name tags are ready (or prepared by participants at the beginning of the event) / 
138 / assure that the e/valuation form is developed and formulated in agender-sensitive way(containing questions about the event’s environment-friendly andgender-related and/orfamily-friendlyprinciples) / 
139 /  / assure that harvests of participants / sessions is collected (if you are responsible) /  /  /  /  / 
14o /  / open the event and mention that this event is organized based on environment-friendly andgender-related and/orfamily-friendlyprinciples and all participants are invited to contribute to them (e.g.
by leaving the space better than they have found it) /  / (e.g. by leaving the space better than they have
found it)
141 /  / assure that next steps are defined and agreed upon /  / 
142 /  / assure that follow-up events are announced /  / 
143 /  / assure that evaluation form is handed-out,
filled-in and collected anonymously /  / evaluation form
144 /  / assure that evaluation form is analyzed and
results are taken into consideration as lessons learned / 
145 /  / decide and order equipment and material needed
(plan in buffer time) by using material checklist,
choose environment-friendly material and
FairTrade produce whenever possible / 
146 /  / choose smaller note pads instead of letter-size ones
(or count on participants bringing their own) / 
147 /  / design (colour-coded) name tags (full name) and
get lanyards / badges that can be reused / 
148 /  / assure that name tags’ font size and style are readable
(make sue you have some spare name tags at hand) / 
149 /  / print the name on both sides of name stands for tables (so the neighbors of the participants can read the name too and not only the people sitting opposite of them) and use a big and readable font size and style / 
15o /  / arrange for wireless mic, plus spare batteries (reloadable, energy-efficient) (if this isn’t possible: dispose used batteries in a environment-friendly way) / 
151 /  / design registration package (e.g. pre/reading, logistics, travel support, hotel rooms, cars, maps, etc.) / 
152 /  / draw / design posters and develop presentations / 
153 /  / design and prepare certificates (if necessary)
(assure they are signed and stamped, get presentable plastic covers / paper envelopes for their protection and hand-them over separate of the certificate, otherwise they will be slippery…) / 
154 /  / pre-prepare cover and format of the documentation / book of proceedings / 
155 /  / prepare attendance sheet with all information to be checked by the participants and later to be used as a contact list (inform them about this use before or make their signature confirm it).
carefully select the information you want to collect /  / information you may want to collect: contact information, title, gender, age-cluster,
how they have heard about the event, etc.
156 /  / assure that facilitation tool box is fully equipped and available (arrange for refill) /  / regarding its content: see facilitation tool box checklist
157 /  / preparedouble-sided copies of e/valuation form / 
158 /  / assure that presentations are available on event’s laptop (to safe time between presenters’ change) / 
159 /  / preparedouble-sided copies needed
(according to number of participants) / 
16o /  / assure that camera is available (empty memory card, full battery, recharger + data transfer cable available) / 
161 /  / use rechargeable batteries
(no nickel cadmium batteries) /  /  /  / 
162 /  / use recycled paper for all invitations, meeting documents, printed materials and similar /  /  /  / 
163 /  / print documents and handouts on both sides,
prepare double-sided copies onsite /  /  /  / 
164 /  / minimize the number of handouts /  /  /  / 
165 /  / test audio-visual equipment and acoustics
(get phone number of responsible technician) /  /  /  / 
166 /  / initiate that flip chart papers and other materials
are used double-sided /  /  / 
167 /  / assure that the right and enough material is available during the respective sessions (no.ofparticipants) /  /  / 
168 /  / invite participants to leave their name tags over night (since people tend to forget it in the next morning) /  /  / 
169 /  / collect badges and lanyards at the event’s end,
e.g. in exchange when handing over the certificate / 
17o /  / collect left over folders and brochures after the event / 
171 /  / donate flip chart paper used one-sided
(which doesn’t contain any confidential information) to e.g. kindergartens, orphanages and schools / 
172 /  / donaterecyclable material to recycling NGOs / 
173 /  / recycle / donate material that wasn’t needed / 
174 /  / define which information is needed for documentation and in which form (e.g. age- and/or gender-segregated data of participants, presenters) /  / could be connected to
registration form and
attendance sheet
175 /  / hire a professional photographer / filmmaker /
visual recorder (if it’s an event for women only, it is recommendable that service providers are female too) / 
176 /  / define responsibilities regarding
collection of information and harvests / 
177 /  / assure that harvests of participants / sessions is collected / organize minute-taking /  /  /  / 
178 /  / prepareUSB memory sticks with all presentations, photos, materials, etc. for all participants and
assure its distribution (avoid using CDsor DVDs) /  /  /  / 
179 /  / find the perfect spot for the group picture beforehand schedule it at a time when most people are present, good-looking and the light is right /  /  /  / 
18o /  / document parking lot of topics that weren’t covered during the event and announce how to deal with them /  /  /  / 
181 /  / assure that next steps are defined and agreed upon /  / 
182 /  / copy and distribute documentation / proceedings and / or publish it on Internet site /  /  / 
183 /  / transferdocuments electronically only /  /  / 
184 /  / assure that time for all follow-up tasks is scheduled / 
185 /  / define date and time for follow-up events and
announce it at the end of the event / 
186 /  / develop mechanism for participants to keep in touch, gather and cooperate after the event /  /  /  / 
187 /  / write thank-you notes / 
188 /  / celebrate the event’s success with the whole team / 
189 /  / identify good practices / success stories and
lessons learned together / 
19o /  / write report / 
191 /  / collect and compile pictures / 
192 /  / scan/ upload documents / 
193 /  / provide additional information / 
194 /  / share event’s documentation / 
195 /  / assure follow-up assessment activities /
post-event analysis (if needed) / 
196 /  / keep the momentum /  /  / 
197 /  / keep promises /  /  / 