
Anne Frank Vocabulary

1. Conspicuous (adjective) pg 373

Def: ______

All of them enter carrying bags etc. The star of David is conspicuous on all of the Franks’ clothing.

2. Forlorn (adjective)

Def: ______

Everyday when his family left for work, the puppy felt forlorn.

3. Fortify (verb)

Def: ______

Dussel: I have an allergy for fur-bearing animals. They give me asthma.

Anne: Oh dear. Peter has a cat. But we hardly ever see it. He keeps it in his room all the time. I’m sure it will be alright

Dussel: Let us hope so. (He takes some pills to fortify himself)

4. Gingerly (adverb) pg 404

Def: ______

Anne (hesitant, handing him a gift). And…this is yours..from Mrs. Quack Quack. (as he holds it gingerly in his hands) it..Aren’t you going to open it?

5. Incessant (adjective)

Def: ______

The incessant dripping of the faucet forced Jenny to call a plumber the very next day.

6. Loathe (Verb)

Def: ______

Mother is unbearable. She insists on treating me like a baby, which I loathe.

7. Mercurial (adjective) pg 373

Def: ______

Anne came running up the stairs. She is thirteen, quick in her movements, interested in everything, mercurial in her emotions.

8. Meticulous (adjective)

Def: ______

Mr Frank hurries over as Mr. Kraler and Dussel come up. Dussel is a man in his late fifties, meticulous, finicky..bewildered now.

9. Ostentatious (adjective) pg 405

Def: ______

Dussel (pointing to Peter). You..You! (Peter is coming from his bedroom, ostentatiously holding a bulge in his coat as if he were holding his cat, and dangling Anne’s present before it.) (Dussel is allergic to cats)

10. Stifle (verb) pg 389

Def: ______

She rushes off into her room and throws herself down on the settee, stifling her sobs.

11. Vile (adjective)

Def: ______

Many people think that smoking is a vile habit.

12. Zeal (noun) pg 401

Def: ______

We celebrate the great and wonderful deeds wrought through the zeal with which God filled the hearts of the heroic Maccabees, two thousand years ago

13. Unabashed (adjective) pg 377

Def: ______

Peter: He’s a tom. He doesn’t like strangers. (He takes the cat from her, putting it back in its carrier)

Anne (unabashed): Then I’ll have to stop being a stranger, won’t I?

14. Tyranny (noun) pg 401

Def: ______

They fought against indifference, against tyranny and oppression, and they restored our Temple to us.

15. Indignantly (adverb) pg 386-387

Def: ______

Mr. Van Daan: This isn’t a quarrel! It’s a discussion. And I never heard children so rude before.

Anne: (rising indignantly) I, rude!!!

16. Appalled (verb; used as an adjective) pg 408

Def: ______

Dussel: I think someday he’ll be caught and then he’ll make a bargain with the Green Police..if they’ll let him off, he’ll let him off, he’ll tell them where some Jews are hiding. The others stared at Dussel appalled at his statement.

17. Disgruntled (verb; used as an adjective)

Def: ______

Her disgruntled husband refused to join us for dinner.

18. Inarticulate (adjective)

Def: ______

Peter was so furious that he found himself inarticulate.

19. Animation (noun)

Def: ______

Anne Frank’s movements were full of animation as she walked across the room.

20. Remorse (noun)

Def: ______

The little girl had a great feeling of remorse after she lied to her parents.