May 23rd, 2011

The Caswell County Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, May 23rd. 2011, at 6:30 p.m. in the Whitley Administration Building. Members present: Chairman June Dailey, Vice Chairman Gladys Garland, Sylvia Johnson, Betty Sartin, David Byrd, Mel Battle and Ross Gwynn. Others present: Superintendent Dr. Douglas Barker, Assistant Superintendent Donna Hudson, Finance Director Scott Powell, Personnel Director Kelly Pointer, Maintenance Director Jerry Hatchett, Transportation Director Jesse Keesee, Greg Childers representing Navman Wireless, and Angela Evans representing the Caswell Messenger. Connie Kimrey recorded the minutes.


The meeting was called to order and a moment of silence was observed.


Gladys Garland moved, seconded by David Byrd to approve the minutes of the May 9th, 2011 meeting as presented. The motion carried unanimously.


Betty Sartin moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the agenda with addition to New Business, Item C - Meeting Date Changes. The motion carried unanimously with the addition.


There were no announcements at this time.


None at this time.


Transportation Director Jesse Keesee reviewed a PowerPoint presentation on the GPS System and explained in detail how the system works. Board members were given an opportunity to ride a school bus installed with the GPS System. Members who opted not to ride the bus were given the opportunity to watch the bus in route over the computer system while in the Board Room. This system has accessibility to send text messages while the bus is in route if emergencies should occur or changes to the route, etc.

Mr. Battle questioned how many buses are GPS ready. Mr. Keesee responded that approximately 50% of the buses are complete. All buses will be installed and ready by August with the GPS system. Mr. Keesee also noted that the four activity buses will be installed with the GPS system as well. This will assist if problems occur while on field trips, etc. so that parents will be aware of bus problems, etc.

Finance Director Scott Powell noted that the GPS System will tie into the Finance Department through the ISIS System. With this feature, an employee’s time will be imported into payroll. The employee’s time will require approval at the school level or with the Transportation Department.

Other features that can be used through the GPS System were reviewed that included idle reports, bus destinations during bus route, etc.


None at this time.


A. Consent Agenda

David Byrd requested removing Field Trip request for the cheerleaders from the Consent Agenda. Mel Battle requested that the Field Trip for Baseball Camp also be removed from the Consent Agenda.

Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Betty Sartin to approve the consent agenda. The motion carried unanimously.

1.  Request for Transfer


Ryan, Joseph Caswell to Alamance-Burlington (5th)

Ryan, Samuel Caswell to Alamance-Burlington (3rd)

2.  Field Trip Request – Young Scholars – South Elementary to visit Williamsburg, VA on June 28th, 2011.

3.  Fundraising Requests:

Cheerleaders to sell monogrammed items from May 24th – August 1st

Cheerleaders to hold a yard sale during the month of June (Saturday)

4.  Contract for Paving – Reynolds Asphalt Paving, Inc.

·  Saw cut areas as marked, remove old asphalt, three areas at Civic Center. $2,370.00

·  Saw cut all areas that need to be patched prior to repaving, apply a tack

coat of tar, pave entrance and roadway with a 2” inch overlay at Oakwood $22,100.00

·  Grade walking track to ensure proper drainage, build up low areas with

Fill dirt and stone add stone as needed to insure a 4” inch base.

Pave walking trail app. 821 x 10 with 2” inches of asphalt. $13,000.00

($10,000 received from grant through Danville Regional Foundation for walking trail)

B. School Handbook - Oakwood

Dr. Barker reviewed changes as submitted from Oakwood Elementary. Mr. Battle had a concern with one suspension being more stringent than Board Policy. Dr. Barker stated that schools have the option to be more stringent if they so desire; however, they must follow what the board policy states. Dr. Barker stated he would review this with Mrs. Yesalavich as the change may be a typo and should remain at 2 days out of school. Dr. Barker recommended approval of Oakwood handbook as presented with change of 2 days for suspension to match school board policy. If the principal wishes to keep the days of suspension at 3, the handbook will be resubmitted for approval at the next meeting.

David Byrd moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve Oakwood Elementary School handbook with changes as presented with stipulation that any future board policies approved be included. The motion carried unanimously.

Oakwood Elementary Changes:

Page 19

Threatening an adult 1st offense – 3 days out of school suspension, parents contacted, Guidance referral

(Grades 4-5) 2nd offense – 5 days out of school suspension, Law Enforcement contacted, parents contacted, Guidance referral

3rd offense – 10 days out of school suspension, parents contacted, charges filed

Cell Phones on and/or visible at school or on the bus (County Policy)

1st offense – Phone confiscated and returned only to parent

2nd offense – Phone confiscated and returned only to parent with 1 day of out-of-school suspension

3rd offense – Phone confiscated and returned only to parent with 2 days of out-of-school suspension

4th offense – (Middle and High School students) referral to Alternative School

C. Meeting Date Changes

Chairman Dailey suggested changing the June 13th meeting date to June 6th to allow board members to have lunch at school before school is out for the summer. The work session that is scheduled for June 13th would also be moved to June 6th. All members were in agreement to change the meeting date. Board members will visit South Elementary for lunch on June 6th.

D. Field Trip Request – Cheerleaders / Camp

David Byrd requested this item be removed from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Byrd stated the amount of chaperones did not comply with school board policy. Dr. Barker stated he would discuss this with the cheerleading coach and request the field trip be resubmitted for the June 6th meeting.

E. Field Trip Request – Basketball Camp / Dillard & BYHS

Mr. Battle requested this item be removed from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Battle stated he had concerns with the coach receiving a stipend if they were only responsible for taking the students to the camp and only supervising students rather than participating in an actual clinic. Upon lengthy discussion, Gladys Garland moved, seconded by Sylvia Johnson to approve the Field Trip Request for Dillard/BYHS to attend Battle of the Border Team Camp at Guilford College on June 23rd – 25th, 2011. The motion carried 5-2 with Battle and Byrd voting “No.”


None at this time.


David Byrd made a motion to go into closed session for the purpose of considering a personnel action that involves an officer or employee of this Board (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(6); and for the purpose of discussing information that is privileged, confidential or not a public record (NC General Statute 143-318.11(a)(1) after a short break. Betty Sartin seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


David Byrd made a motion to return to open session, Sylvia Johnson seconded the motion and the motion carried unanimously.


Dr. Barker recommended approval of probationary teachers list as presented at meeting. Dr. Barker noted that all teachers will be offered a one-year contract subject to availability of funds. Mel Battle moved, seconded by Gladys Garland. The motion carried unanimously.

Elementary / South
Elementary / Oakwood
Elementary / Stoney Creek
Tabitha Atkins
Sue Glidewell
Ann Marie Holt
Teletha Jones
Kelley Workman / Kellie Barringer
Susanne Byrd
Tonya Farrish
Sheree Fuquay
Ashley Page
Lindsey Parsons
Lynn Pattillo
Sheletha Williamson / Heather Jeffries
Mary Knight
Delshana LeGrant
Paula Owen
Tammy Zylka / Hilary Dodson
Elizabeth Kirby
Samantha Lawrence
Eve McVey
Calla Wilson
N.L. Dillard Middle School / Bartlett Yancey High School
Kayla Alexander
Stacey Barnett
Kristin Barrett
Anna Brandon
Sherri Crumpton
Joshua Fuqua
Anne Greenwood
JoAnna Gwynn
Margaret Hinrichs
Elizabeth Hyler
Ella Jones
Jessica Jones
Jennifer Kirby
Jennifer Neal
James Nicks
Whitney Ratliff
Michael Reed
Erika Small
Antonia Valentine / Emily Buchanan
Jamie Buchanan
LaWanda Ca’stle
Jenna Cathey
Kelly Chapman
Ashley Evans
Hamilton Freeman
Sidney Graves
Christopher Hinson
Karen Holshouser
Maribeth Howe
Melissa Hughes
Everett Janney
Gale Kirby
Christina Lewis
Deborah Maxey
April McDonald
Marcella Moon
Kristen Norwood
Justin Pergerson
Emily Reagan
Cynthia Smith
Maynard Smith
Matthew Soyars
Kimberly Talton
Andrew Thorpe

Dr. Barker recommended approval of personnel list as presented on the first list. Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Gladys Garland. The motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Barker recommended approval of personnel list as presented on the second list. Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Betty Sartin. The motion carried unanimously.

Bartlett Yancey High School / Brenda Watkins (Bus Driver – Effective 5/24/11)
Bartlett Yancey High School / Janet Triola (Effective end of 2010-11 school year) – Counselor
Amy Miller (Effective 6/15/11) – Social Studies Teacher
Maureen White (Effective end of 2010-11 school year) – English Teacher
North Elementary / Katie Calhoon (Effective end of 2010-11 school year) – Teacher
Cobi Brothers (Effective end of 2010-11 school year) - Teacher
N.L. Dillard Middle School / William Scott (Effective 7/29/11) - Principal
Karen Moore (Effective 7/1/11) – CTE Teacher
Lynn Foster (Effective end of 2010-11 school year) Language Arts Teacher
Substitute Teacher Addition
Sherba Fuller (Effective 5/24/11)
Susan Ratliff (Effective 5/24/11)

Dr. Barker recommended approval of four-year contract extension for Dr. Precilla Stone. Dr. Barker noted that he discussed with Dr. Stone the fact that the level of State pay she receives will decrease based on the number of teachers at the high school. Dr. Stone will continue to receive the same supplement amount of $1,250 from the Board of Education.


Sylvia Johnson moved, seconded by Ross Gwynn to approve a four-year contract with Dr. Stone. The motion carried unanimously.

Dr. Precilla Stone 4 years


·  Dr. Barker reviewed scholarship recipients that were selected for the 2010-2011 school year and stated they would be recognized at the upcoming awards dinner at the high school.

·  A BMI (body mass index) comparison was given to board members showing results of elementary students from 2009-10 vs. 2010-11.

·  Results from Track competitions were included for board members information. Dr. Barker noted that the team did very well and recognized Miss Wilson stating she is a very talented young lady in school as well as out.

·  June 6th will be the date for the next scheduled board meeting with a work session to follow.


·  Mr. Battle questioned how quickly the turnaround time is for test results. Dr. Barker stated the results are always turned in very promptly, within three to four days; however, we are very cautious due to the fact that they are not official until Raleigh states they can be released. To answer the question the preliminary results are turned in very quickly.

·  Mr. Battle stated he felt that an administrator needs to be present at athletic events.

·  Dr. Barker stated that Mr. Useche has looked into technical details to provide an additional location for crowd overflow for graduation. Mr. Useche is working with Camera Corner to have a Wi-Fi installed which will allow the graduation ceremony to be shown on a big screen in the Civic Center. Details will need to be worked out regarding ticket distribution. This will assist in student requests to provide more tickets to family members.

·  Mrs. Betty Sartin stated the athletic banquet was very nice. Mrs. Sartin requested Dr. Barker to have all team members announced regardless if the conference games are over or not at next year’s banquet. She felt this would be nice to have all team members acknowledged.


Gladys Garland made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:25 p.m. David Byrd seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, June 6th, at 9:00 a.m. in the Whitley Administration Building.


June B. Dailey Douglas N. Barker

Chairman Superintendent