The Triad Orchid Society will meet on Sunday January 13th. Set up starts at 12:00,

pot luck at 1:00PM.

A special thank you to all the volunteers that help the society in 2012. We could not have our society without you!!!

The 2013 dues are due, a renewal sheet is on page 5. Please fill out a bring to meeting or send to Annette Hastie.

We will have a farmers market this month.

Officers for 2013 are the following – President Tammy Goldberg, Vice President Steve Davis,

Treasurer Annette Hastie, Secretary Shirley Anglin. Trustees –James & Jenette Harris, Don Richman, Brenda Costello, Ken Karb.

The winners of last year show table awards - Large Grower 1st place Tammy Goldberg,

2nd place Keith Davis, 3rd place Dorcas Brogdon.

Small Grower 1st place Shirley Anglin, 2nd place Annette Hastie, 3rd place Jerry & Betti Kinnamon.

Our speaker for this month will be Annette Hastie. She will take us on a tour of Pennsylvania orchids.

Winter and early spring may seem a poor time to visit Pennsylvania, but last year I visited once in February and again in early March. During these visits, I was fortunate to see three really spectacular orchid exhibits! Come on a repeat tour and see what blooms in Pennsylvania during the winter.

Events coming up, we will be asking for volunteers to help with the following:

Feb 8 – 10, SC Orchid Society Show, Columbia SC

March 8 -10, NC Piedmont Orchid Society Show, Charlotte NC

March 22 -24, Southern Ideal Show, Greensboro NC

Thanks to Brenda for the fun contest last month and the plants. She sure knows her orchids!!


Orchid Member’s Show Table is a great way to see orchids other members have grown and share growing tips and ideas. To encourage members to bring in plants the society offers awards for the most and best plants brought in.

Members are separated into large and small grower. Members who have less than 200 plants in their collection are considered small growers and those members with 200 or more plants are large growers.

Commercial grower members are encouraged to bring their plants for educational purposes but are not eligible to acquire points and should display their fine plants on a separate table.

Show table plants must have been owned by the grower for a minimum of 30 days.

Plant may only be entered once for the specific bloom. Plant may be reentered when it blooms on new growth.

To gain points, member must register plant on show table form with legible handwriting and species column checked for extra half point.

(If plants are not registered or handwriting cannot be read, points cannot be given)


1st place = 5 points * Best species = 15 points

2nd place = 4 points ** Best specimen = 15 points

3rd place = 3 points *** Best flower = 15 points

Honorable Mention = 2 points

The judging year runs from the December meeting to the following November meeting.

An exhibitor is only eligible to receive one FIRST PLACE award in their class and then must sit out one year for award consideration, although they may still enter plants for the monthly competition. There is no limitation on Second or Third place winners.

December 2012 Show Table Awards

Cattleya Alliance Species

1. LaJeunesse Laelia anceps

2. Goldberg Soph. cernua

3. N/A

Cattleya Alliance Hybrids, Small

1. Brogdon Blc Golden Tang ‘Kiilani’

2. Anglin Bc Maikae ‘Louise’ AM/AOS **Best Specimen

3. Brogdon Blc Roman HNoliday ‘Riverwood’ HCC/AOS

Cattleya Alliance Hybrids, Large

1. LaJeunesse Pot Kozo’s Scarlet

2. Costello Cattleya Fort Motte ‘Jaguar’ x LC Loog Tone

3. Kinnamon C Candy Tuft ‘Fairy Floss’

Phalaenopsis Hybrid

1. Anglin Phal Nobby’s Little Candy ‘Nobby’

2. N/A

3. N/A


1. Goldberg Paph. Spicerianum x Paph Kay Rinamon

2. Costello Paph (Makuli – Curtsii x Maudia ‘Napa Valley’)

3. Brogdon Paph spicerianum


1. Goldberg Phrag Don Wimber

2. Costello Phrag Barbara LeAnn

3. Brogdon Phrag Sunset Glow


1. Goldberg Den Maiden Charlotte

2. Anglin Den Twist x Den canaliculatum

3. Costello Den rigidum


1. Anglin Onc Golden Sunset

2. Anglin Tol. Robson Orchid World AM/AOS

3. Kinnamon Dgmra Winter Wonderland ‘White Fairy’


1. Costello Vanda lilacina x Darwinia charm ***Best Flower

2. Brogdon Neofinetia falcata ‘Amami x Ascda Taeraruk

3. Costello Ascta curvifolium


1. N/A

2. N/A

3. N/A

Miscellaneous Broke down into 2 parts


1. Goldberg Schoenorchis juncifolia *Best Species

2. Goldberg Pleur. brevipes

3. Goldberg Stelis argentata


1. Costello Cl Rebecca Northern x Ctsm Mark Kimmit

2. Kinnamon Cynoches Wine Delight ‘Jem’ FCC/AOS

3. Costello Fredclarkeara After Dark

2013 Triad Orchid Society Membership Application or Renewal

Name (please print): ______


Phone No ______

Or cell ______


AOS Member Yes______No______

Years Growing Orchids ______

Special Interest Area ______

Dues: $25/ per year

Please complete this form and return it with a check payable to the Triad Orchid Society to the treasurer at the next meeting or mail to: Mrs. Annette Hastie, 701 Sylvan Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27104

Please fill out your declaration whether you are a large grower (greater than 200 plants) or a small grower (less than 200 plants) for this year’s show table awards as of January 2013.

Name: ______(please print)

Category for Declaration:

______Small grower

______Large grower

