Aberdeen: Amanda Grace Barton (Roncalli), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-special education; Christina Marie Carlson (Roncalli), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, accounting; Caroline Lydia Marie Faflak (Central), George Beadle Scholarship, music; Caroline Anne King (Roncalli), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, nutritional science and dietetics; Molly Lorraine Lutz (Central), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, broadcasting; Bryan Keith Schumacher (Roncalli), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Kelsey Ann Smith-Brantner (Central), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Stephanie Rose Vetch (Central), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, international studies; Andrew John Wachs (Roncalli), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-medicine; Landon Michael Weber (Roncalli), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-dentistry.

Belle Fourche: Penny Renee Atkins, George Beadle Scholarship, industrial engineering.

Beresford: Ryan Matthew Docken, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-architecture.

Black Hawk: Keith James Wilkins (Rapid City Central), George Beadle Scholarship, business administration.

Brandon: Sara DeeAnn Hieb (Brandon Valley), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-architecture; Alison Breanna Sandoval (Brandon Valley), George Beadle Scholarship, Spanish.

Bridgewater: Nathan James Hofer (Freeman), George Beadle Scholarship, civil engineering; Mallory Lynn Stahl, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-medicine.

Brookings: Erin Marie Chase, George Beadle Scholarship, international business; Emma Rose Schutz, George Beadle Scholarship, English; Kelli Jo Syltie, George Beadle Scholarship, biochemistry.

Buffalo Gap: Whitney Michelle Hill (Hot Springs), Nebraska Legacy Scholarship, marketing.

Bushnell: Alyssa Marie Osborn (Brookings), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-education.

Canton: Erik Robert Hall, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, computer engineering; Kristina Lee Huber, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-physical therapy; Jason Kevin McCann, George Beadle Scholarship, mechanical engineering; Hillary Marie Ulrickson, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, marketing.

Chamberlain: Jeremy James Miranda, George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared; Kelsey Jo Mohror, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, athletic training; Sarah Faye Wolf, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-pharmacy.

Claremont: Robyn Leigh Christenson (Britton), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-optometry.

Colton: Harrison Paul Hoffman (Tri-Valley), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Engineering & Technology).

Crazy Horse: Austin Russell Schultz (Custer), George Beadle Scholarship, mechanical engineering.

Crooks: Gregory John Nelson (Tri-Valley), George Beadle Scholarship, political science.

Custer: Erik Robert Burden, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-architecture; Lindsay Devereux Cook, George Beadle Scholarship, theatre (performance); John Weiss Fischer, George Beadle Scholarship, music education; Max Alexander Jackl, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, computer science.

Dell Rapids: David Richard Juba (St. Mary's), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, computer science; Kelsey Marie Solberg, George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Arts & Sciences).

Delmont: Dustin John Will (Tripp-Delmont), George Beadle Scholarship, finance.

Elk Point: Robert Edmund Curry, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Jason Louis Donnelly, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-mathematics education.

Fairfax: Martha Marie Koenig, (Bonesteel-Fairfax), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-architecture.

Fort Pierre: Jena Rose Forsch (Pierre Riggs), George Beadle Scholarship, biological sciences.

Groton: Nicholas James Weber, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-medicine.

Hartford: Corey Jean Voth (West Central), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared.

Huron: Marissa Angelika Cahill, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-architecture; Samantha Diane Daugherty, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, international studies; Mahmoud Reza Hashemi, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, computer science; Kelsey Michelle Wiedenman, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-architecture.

Kennebec: Lacey Ann Halvorson (Lyman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, undeclared.

Madison: Breinn Erin Sullivan, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-law; Dallas Anthony Tucker, George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared.

Mitchell: Holli Marie Brown, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-law; Savannah Marie Griffith, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, accounting; Kelsey Marie Hearnen, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-dentistry; Erik Douglas Holum, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, biological sciences; Elizabeth Anne Olson, George Beadle Scholarship, biological sciences; Roxanne Renae Reiland, George Beadle Scholarship, biological sciences; Justin Randall Tilberg, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, biological sciences.

Parker: Chelsi Rae Creegan, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-interior design.

Parkston: Tami Elizabeth Luebke, George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Arts & Sciences).

Piedmont: Jamie Lee Gortmaker (Sturgis), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-law.

Pierre: Sarah Jean Linn (Riggs), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared.

Rapid City: Ericka Kae Amborn (Stevens), George Beadle Scholarship, biological systems engineering; Jayda Faye Batchelder (St. Thomas More), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-dentistry; Nathan Daniel Chamberlain (Central), George Beadle Scholarship, chemical engineering; Mikayla Caselli Fletcher (Central), George Beadle Scholarship, biological sciences; Nicole Renae Haberman (Central), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared (Journalism & Mass Communications); Steven Thomas Iverson (Central), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-criminal justice; Meghan Elizabeth MacLeod (Stevens), George Beadle Scholarship, accounting; Renee Nicole Ouellette (Douglas), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, music; Michael Warren Shobe (Stevens), George Beadle Scholarship, music; Jean Bennett Vite' (Stevens), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, mechanical engineering; Allyson Marie Wiblemo (Stevens), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared; Samantha Jo Wortman (Central), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-pharmacy.

Sioux Falls: Megan Elizabeth Albertson (Lincoln), George Beadle Scholarship, chemistry; Jennifer Marie Anglin (O'Gorman), George Beadle Scholarship, accounting; Margaret Patricia Baker (O'Gorman), George Beadle Scholarship, business administration; Rebecca Anne Bennett (Roosevelt), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-architecture; Lyndsey Ann Berg (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, chemical engineering; Nikolai Anton Bjordal (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, electrical engineering; Morgan Flint Brekke (O'Gorman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-medicine; Danielle Nicole Buehner (Christian), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-inclusive early childhood education; David Anthony Burns (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-pharmacy; Jennifer Marie Clark (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-nursing; Alicia Larae Conrad (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, music education; Joseph Anthony Cudzilo (O'Gorman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, advertising; Matthew Alan Dale (Lincoln), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-pharmacy; Kara LoRaye Davidson (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, communication studies; Sarah Christine Dickes (O'Gorman), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Engineering & Technology); Steven Andrew Dix (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-architecture; Madeline Rae Donovan (O'Gorman), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Journalism & Mass Communications); Stephanie Lane Eide (Roosevelt), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Lindsay Ann Erger (Lincoln), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-architecture; Elizabeth Ann Fiechtner (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, mathematics; Conan Dean Fredinburg (Roosevelt), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, mathematics; Mallory Jane Gary (Brandon Valley), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-nursing; Elizabeth Marie Gripentrog (Lincoln), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Erin Kay Healy (Lincoln), Nebraska Legacy Scholarship, pre-law; Jill Rachel Heuer (Lincoln), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared; Evan Jon Hofman (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Alison Elizabeth Holt (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, anthropology Kristin Leigh Huggins (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Alexandra Anne Hughes, (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-criminal justice; Dane McGee Ingebrigtson (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, biological sciences; Sarah Marie Janke (Luther Prep), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-criminal justice; Kathryn Elizabeth Jarratt (Lincoln), George Beadle Scholarship, computer science; Sayfe Ali Jassim (Lincoln), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, biological sciences; Aftyn Christina Jorgensen (Lincoln), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-dentistry; Megan Ann Jorgenson (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-medicine; Kelly Lynn Kappen (Lincoln), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-veterinary medicine; Tony Joseph Koch (O'Gorman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, mechanical engineering; Jonathan Andrew Krause (Lincoln), George Beadle Scholarship, computer engineering; Brooke Joy Kuchta (Washington), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, chemistry; Matthew Jens Larsen (Lennox), George Beadle Scholarship, mechanical engineering; Amy Theresa Loftesness (Roosevelt), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-medicine; Ryan Michael Martin (Washington), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, undeclared; Beth Joanna Maydew (Roosevelt), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-medicine; Tyler Thomas McKitterick (Washington), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, undeclared; Kacie Marie Meyers (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Amber Jean Mollet (Lincoln), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-medicine; Haley Mae Nelson (Washington), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, biological sciences; Peter Johan Nelson (Washington), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, biological systems engineering; Melissa B. Noland (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, history; Katherine Rozane Olson (Lincoln), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, business administration; Caroline Samantha Payne (Lincoln), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Kayla Joan Person (Roosevelt), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Andrew Jacob Pfeifer (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, mechanical engineering; Angela Joy Rasdal (Roosevelt), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-architecture; Miranda Rose Rensch (Lennox), George Beadle Scholarship, computer science; Katherine Ann Rolfsmeyer (Roosevelt), Nebraska Legacy Scholarship, undeclared; Benjamin Stanton Ronning (Washington), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Heather M. Sammons (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; David Neil Sanderson (Roosevelt), George Beadle Scholarship, music education; Amber Marie Schmidt (Brandon Valley) Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-nursing; Matthew Kyle Scholten, (O'Gorman), Aaron Douglas Scholarship, actuarial science; Seth James Schonewill, Sioux Falls Chrstn, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-medicine; Rachel Anne Schulte (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, environmental studies; Chelsea Elizabeth Steinborn (Washington), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Arts & Sciences); Kelly Elaine Townsend, (O'Gorman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, psychology; Matthew Henry Townsend, (O'Gorman), George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared (Arts & Sciences); Nicholas Cosimo Valente, (O'Gorman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, mechanical engineering; Jennifer Susan Van Hove (Lincoln), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, undeclared; Kathleen Kelly Wilka, (O'Gorman), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-medicine.

South Shore: Jacob Lee Stricherz, George Beadle Scholarship, physics.

Spearfish: Amber Lynn Ginter, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-mathematics education; Brooke Ambria Tellinghuisen, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared.

Sturgis: Erica Jean Luptak, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared.

Utica: Christopher John Healy (Yankton), Ruth Leverton Scholarship, Agricultural Engineering.

Vermillion: Sarah Ellen Anderson, George Beadle Scholarship, undeclared; Lindsey Clara Davies, George Beadle Scholarship, English; Ellen Marie Odson, George Beadle Scholarship, biochemistry; Jacqueline Sue Thomas, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-architecture.

Wagner: Danyel Marie Alderink, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Jared Chad Carda, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-architecture.

Watertown: Megan Ann Case, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, pre-education; Elizabeth Ann Elliott, George Beadle Scholarship, chemistry; Brenna Maureen Fishman, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-elementary education; Roshal Abby Franken, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, business administration; Robert James Krejchi, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, computer engineering; Jennifer Dawn Maag Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-physical therapy; Nicholas Adam Petersen, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, business management; Kathryn Elizabeth Schull, George Beadle Scholarship, Spanish; Abigail Kristen Taylor, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, chemistry; David Alexander Williams, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, undeclared.

Winner: Jonathan Michael Brockhoft, George Beadle Scholarship, broadcasting.

Yankton: Kristi Jean Arens, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Carrie Marie Brooks, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, speech-language pathology and audiology; Lauren Rachel Bushong, George Beadle Scholarship, art; Allison Roe Cantrell, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, undeclared; Daniel Edward Cwach, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine; Alanna Frances Eggers, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, pre-interior design; Benjamin Jon Fiedler, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-architecture; Lacey Nicole Hannan, Ruth Leverton Scholarship, broadcasting; Kevin John Healy, Nebraska Legacy Scholarship, pre-law; Allison Faye Johnson, Aaron Douglas Scholarship, nutritional science and dietetics; Jacob Matthew Mackey, George Beadle Scholarship, political science; Tyler Rodman McVay, George Beadle Scholarship, pre-medicine.