2015National Agriscience

Preservice Teacher Program

Program Overview
The National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program (NAPTP) is committed to promotinginquiry-based teaching methods and the enhancement of science in agriculture to preservice teachers in agricultural education across the nation. This fall,preservice teachers can apply to attend an interactive hands-on agriscience training program at the 2015 National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky. Selected participants will be challenged to develop inquiry-based lessons to use during their student teaching experience as well as when they enter the teaching profession.
Program Eligibility
1. To be eligible to apply for this program, each applicant must be:
  1. an agricultural education major that will be completing his or her student teaching in fall 2015 or spring 2016 in a college or university that offers a program of study in agricultural education;
  2. majoring in agricultural education with intentions to become an agriculture teacher;
  3. and a student member of NAAE.
2. Selected participants will be responsible for their own travel expense to the 2015 National FFA Convention.
Program Application Procedure
Each interested preservice teacher must prepare an application packet and submit the completed packet to the NAAE office emailed no later than September 23, 2015. Please email to with the subject line “2015 National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program.” Applications received after September 23rdwill not be accepted. Applicants may also submit via a sharing service such as DropBox or Google Docs.
A complete application should include:
  1. Completed National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program Application (on page 2 of this document)
  2. A current resume
  3. One letter of recommendation from Academic Advisor (The academic advisor can submit the letter of reference to Alissa Smith via email at . Please have the advisor to put the following in the subject line “Preservice Teacher Reference Letter – Insert Name of Applicant” or it can be included in application materials.
The applications will be evaluated by NAAE. Those applicants selected to participate in this program will be notified by September 30, 2015. The NAPTP will be held on Wednesday, October 28, 2015 in Louisville, KY at the 2015 National FFA Convention from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Each participant will be provided with instructional materials and other teaching materials as part of the program.
If you have questions, contact Alissa Smith at (800) 509-0204 or by email at . All applications must be submitted electronically to Alissa Smith by September 23, 2015.
The National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program and the National Agriscience Teacher Ambassador Academy are sponsored by DuPont as a special project of the National FFA Foundation and managed by the National Association of Agricultural Educators (NAAE).

National Agriscience Preservice Teacher Program Application

Applications must be submitted electronically to

Alissa Smith bySeptember 23, 2015

Home Address
City / State / Zip Code
University Information
School Address
City / State / Zip Code
Home Phone / School Phone
Cell Phone / Email Address
Name of University
University Advisor
Academic Major/Minor
Overall GPA
When will you student teach?
Short Answer Questions:
  1. Why do you want to participate in the Agriscience PreserviceProgram? What do you hope to achieve? (300 words max)

  1. Explain the teaching methods that you plan to use during student teacher (or are currently using while student teaching) to differentiate instruction.(300 words max)

  1. Explain how you plan to enhance the science of agriculture in your units of study while student teaching.(300 words max)