Reason, Responsibility, Respect
General Graduation Information
- This booklet contains information pertaining to graduation. Please retain this document, refer toit as needed and follow the timelines as stipulated.
WolseleyHigh School
Box 460Wolseley, SK S0G 5H0
Principal: Mrs. Kim Sautner
Phone: (306) 698-2591 Fax: (306) 698-2693 Email:
‘Home of the Warriors’
September 8th, 2010
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),
Graduation 2011 may be months away, but planning for this important event is already well under way. Our goal is to provide early and ongoing information to all grade twelve families. You will find enclosed a Wolseley High School Graduation 2011 information booklet. Please review the contents and make note of details regarding dates, location and costs. We hope this booklet is a helpful planning tool for your family.
The Class of 2011 Convocation Ceremony are planned by a school committee of teachers/support staff and students. Graduates and their parents plan the After Grad Celebration.
Should you wish clarification or require further insight into any of the attached information, please feel free to contact me at the school anytime.
Mrs. K. Sautner
Table of Contents
Introductory Letter 2
Table of Contents3
Class of 2011 Graduation Committee4
Timeline for Graduation Events5
Career Newsletter6-9
Credit Requirements for Graduation10
Detailed Schedule of Events for Graduation 11
Convocation Ceremony12
After Grad Celebration13
Class of 2011 Graduation Committee
Staff AdvisorsMrs. Kim Sautner - Principal
Mrs. Marianne Greening
Mrs. Melissa Hansford
PresidentRebecca Clark
Vice-PresidentAlicia Gorniak
SecretaryJurrai Stringer
TreasurerNatasha Perras
FundraisingVicente Portillo, Devin Langlois, Jeremy Linnell, Wes Taylor, Natasha Perras, TalyorKydd, John Thomson, Dustin Hahn, Monica Stringer
DecoratingKirstie Fortin, SavanahQuintyn, Scott Sluser, Alicia Gorniak, Rebecca Clark, Jurrai Stringer, Lisa Wood, Josh Hextall, Mike Hill, Lane Rey, Monica Stringer
Timeline for Graduation Events
OctoberGrad Rings
September8thSelection of Graduation Committee
JanuaryCap and Gown Photos
Casual Photos
May 20thAnnouncement of Valedictorian
June 24thClass of 2011 Graduation
Career Newsletter
Contact:Mrs. Renette Edgar
Career Counsellor
PrairieValleySchool Division
Email: renette.
Voice message: (306) 697-2871
Welcome Graduating Class – 2011
What an exciting year that awaits you!! I hope that you enjoyed your holidays and are starting back well rested and ready to begin preparing for your final year. There is lots to consider and accomplish in a few short months. Have fun - this is “your” time!!!
PrairieValleySchool Division has a brand new website.
To access the Career Education Folder, go to:
Click on “Curriculum & Learning under the Picture Banner
across the top
Click on Career Education in the drop down box
Click on “PVSD Career Education Website”
Click on my name to access my monthly schedule
Click on left side for “VALUABLE INFORMATION”
All students in Prairie Valley School Division have access to:
Career Cruising is a powerful Internet-based career exploration and planning tool students can use to explore career and education options and to develop a career plan. Career Cruising can be used anywhere with Internet access.
Features of the program include: interest and skills assessment, career profiles, multimedia interviews, college/university/apprenticeship information, electronic career portfolios and a resume builder. Check the posters in the Computer Lab for your school’s username and password.
A Prairie Valley School Division goal is that all students graduate with a personal career portfolio. The purpose is to help in your future career planning. Some of the required documents include: Cover Letter, Resume
Transcript, and a Completed portfolio section of Career Cruising.
Considering University?
When can a student apply to University? You can apply as early as
September but in reality, most Saskatchewan universities like to see
Some Grade 12 marks. The ideal time is between November and
January. The application deadlines for Early Conditional Admission to
theUniversity of Saskatchewan is by February 15th and for the
University of Regina by June 15th.
If you are considering “out of province” please inform me as soon as
possible so that deadlines for application and scholarships will not be
missed. Every province runs their own timetable, so “the earlier the
Deadlines will be announced on a weekly basis and can also be
accessed through the Career Ed website.
The University of Saskatchewan Greystone Scholars Society is a $2000
guaranteed scholarship for any Grade 12 student who has achieved a
minimum average of 95% in their Grade 11 classes. Nomination
deadline is November 1st. If you have a Grade 11 average of 90% or
higher please let me know!!
More and more post-secondary institutions are requesting that
applications be made online as they can be processed more quickly
and you will be able to log in and check the status of your application.
To submit an online application, an e-mail address and valid credit
card number are usually required. If you are unable to supply a valid
credit card number it is possible to apply with a paper application
printed off the institution’s website. Note: If applying online don’t
forget to send any necessary documents by mail immediately after
completing the application.
Considering SIAST?
Most courses offered through SIAST are considered “First Qualified First
Admitted” which means that students will be admitted in the order in which
they meet the admission requirements. So the “earlier you apply the
There are six programs that are considered “High Demand”: applied
photography, cytotechnology, medical lab technician, medical radiologic
technician, combined lab and x-ray technician, dental hygiene. Application to
these programs will be accepted from Oct. 1st - Feb. 15th.
The Nursing Education Program is considered “High Competitive” and uses an
admission process based on a minimum overall average of 70% in the
following five subjects: ELA A/B 30, any 30 level Math, Biology 30 and
Chemistry 30. Applications will be accepted from Oct. 1st - Jan. 15th.
CSI Days (Come See & Investigate) is an opportunity for students to spend
time at one of the SIAST campuses to experience hands-on activities, talk to
current students, gather information about admission requirements and
application processes and learn more about employment opportunities.
Wascana Campus -
Palliser Campus -
Kelsey Campus -
Woodland Campus -
To apply for these days go to:
SIAST will be unveiling a brand new website. A new feature to look forward
to is “My Choice.” This is a new data base that will allow students an
opportunity to access up to 5 programs. Students will supply personal
information through email with the purpose of SIAST tracking the student
and informing them of specific information that is relevant to their desired
program. More information to follow!!!
Upcoming Career Events
University of SaskatchewanExperience Us!
October 14th and 15th, Grade 12 students and parents will have the opportunity to “Experience Us’ at the University of Saskatchewan. A unique opportunity to meet students, attend informative sessions and become familiar with the campus. It’s a day packed full of information and fun. For more info and to apply go to:
University of ReginaUR Connected!
October 20th and 21st, Grade 12 students and parents will have the opportunity to tour the U of R campus and obtain information about programs, classes, residence and chat with faculty and staff. For more information and to apply go to:
See Your Future - Career Fair
On November 2nd. all Grade 12 students will be bussed to the Queensbury Convention Centre in Regina. Students will have an opportunity to access information about future education and career choices. The students will attend presentations, visit displays and ask questions of people from over 120 participating post-secondary institutes and employers from across Canada. For more information go to:
ChristianCollege & University Fair
25 Christian colleges and universities from across Canada will be in Regina on at the Faith Baptist Church, 437 Broadway Ave. E. For more information go to:
Careers Unlimited 2010
On Tuesday, November 16th (6:00 - 9:00 pm) at the Conexus Arts Centre, Grade 10 - 12 female students will have an opportunity to meet with a number of resource women from various professions within the community to discuss specific career paths, education to reach this career goal, monetary expectations and basic pros and cons of choosing this type of occupation. More information to follow.
Top Ten Scholarship Tips
(as found on the U of Sask. Website)
1. Complete the application in full and follow directions
2. Apply only if you are eligible.
3. Give concrete examples of community and school involvement as well as
leadership activities.
4. Neatness/Accuracy matters.
5. Develop a portfolio of your accomplishments to date.
6. Send a thank you note to those who have written letter of
recommendations on your behalf.
7. Be attentive to deadlines.
8. Request help when you need it.
9. Have a backup plan and make certain your application gets where it needs
to go.
10. Remember your awards application represents you.
Free Scholarship Databases
Sign up for Canada’s largest data-base of scholarships, bursaries, grants and awards at:
Other sites that allow you to “custom fit” your scholarship search:
Credit Requirements for Graduation
All Grade 12 students in Saskatchewan must have 24 credits (includes compulsory courses at each grade) in order to complete their Grade 12. Mrs. Edgar will be reviewing course credit counts to date with every Grade 12 student. This review will provide each student with an update of the credits completed and a list of current Semester 2 courses required for Grade 12 completion. Any questions about deficiencies will be forwarded to Administration for review. If you have questions about your son/daughter’s credits, please feel free to call the school at anytime.
(WolseleyHigh School Student Handbook, Page 10)
Courses of Study
In order to receive a grade twelve standing in Saskatchewan, a student must successfully complete 24 credits at the secondary level, AT LEAST FIVE OF WHICH ARE AT THE GRADE 12 LEVEL. Saskatchewan and WolseleyHigh Schoolrequirements by grade are listed below:
Grade TenGrade ElevenGrade Twelve
ELA B10Math 20ELA B30
Social Studies 10plus 6 credits atCanadianStudies 30
or Native Studies 10 at the 20/30 levelScience 20 or 30
Math 10
Wellness 10
- To graduate, students also need 2 PAA courses.
- Final Exams will be written in all compulsory subjects in both Semester 1 and 2.
Detailed Schedule of Events for Graduation
Date:Thurdsay, June 23rd
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: Wolseley High School Gymnasium
Date: Friday, June 24th
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: WolseleyHigh School Gymnasium
Friday, June 24th, 2011
4:15 pmClass Photo
5:00 pmConvocation CeremonyWHS Gymnasium
Convocation Ceremony
The Convocation Ceremony will be held on Friday, June 24th at 5:00 pm in the Wolseley High School Gymnasium.
Only students who have completed the required 24 credits, as outlined on page 6 of this document will be allowed to participate in WolseleyHigh School’s Convocation Ceremony.
Seating will be reserved for Wolseley High School Staff, Family of Graduates, and Escorts of Graduates. The order of seating for Graduates will be determined by a draw during rehearsal the evening before grad.
The Convocation Ceremony is open to all members of the surrounding communities.
After Grad Celebration
The After Grad Celebration is a safe event which is entirely organized and run by the parents. WolseleyHigh Schooland the staff at WolseleyHigh School hold no liability to the association of this function.
The Valedictorian is the graduating student with the highest average after midterm of Semester 2 using the Wolseley High School Awards criteria. The graduating student that is awarded this honour will be notified by the Wolseley High School Administration.