CentralLand Council
POSITION TITLECo-ordinator (Community Ranger Program)
27 Stuart Highway
Alice Springs
RESPONSIBLE TOManager (Land Management)
Last reviewed:September2013
At the direction of the Manager (Land Management) the position will co-ordinate the effective operation and strategic development of designated indigenous community ranger groupsand emergingcommunity-based land management initiatives in the CLC region.
1.Co-ordinatethe development and implementation of community ranger groupsand other emergingcommunity-based initiatives in cultural and natural resource management which provide sustainable capacity for traditional owners to actively participate in the management of their land and achieve socio-economic outcomes for Aboriginal people.
2.Provide supervisionand support to ranger group co-ordinators and affiliatedstaff in effectively meetingthe administrative, human resource, operational and development requirements of ranger groups in remote Aboriginal communities.
3.Enhance the skills and expertise of community ranger groupco-ordinators and rangers through co-ordinated initiatives to identify and address their training needs against the requirements of approved annual work plans and related O, H & S considerations.
4.Oversee the delivery of appropriate mentoring strategies and responses to address work-readiness and work place issues affecting individual ranger and group performance.
5.Facilitate access to technical expertise and other resources which enhance the capacity of ranger groups and affiliated traditional owners to address cultural and natural resource management issues on Aboriginal land and other lands in which they have an interest.
6.Establish and maintain representative governance arrangements appropriate to ensuringeffective traditional owner input into ranger group development and operations.
7.Identify, negotiate and facilitate collaborative arrangements and contract opportunities with land management agencies, landholders, mining companies, local government and other interestswhich enhance the sustainability and development of community ranger groups,including integration into joint management arrangements on NT national parks and reserves.
8.Contribute to the negotiation and implementation of funding and other arrangements underpinning community ranger programs eg. Working on Country, ILC Real Jobs, Caring for Our Country) and represent the CLC in interdepartmental forums as required.
9.Maintain effective reporting procedures to monitor and evaluate the performance of Ranger Group Co-ordinators, community rangers and affiliated project staff, and the overall performance of the CLC Ranger Program in achieving program objectives.
10.Monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of relevant funding and service agreements, including adherence to expenditure and reporting requirements of funding bodies.
11.Co-ordinate effective responses to the infrastructure, plant and equipment needs of community ranger groups and related management requirements.
12.Liaise with staff of government and non-government agencies, Aboriginal organisations, local government bodies and resource centres as required to perform the functions of the position.
13.Reviewrelevant reports, government policy, programs and legislative changes as required.
14.Other duties that are safe, legal and logical while being within the limits of the employee’s skill, competence and training consistent with the classification structure.
In performing their duties the Co-ordinator will be required to comply with the following:
- AboriginalLand Rights Act (NT) 1976
- Native Title Act (1993)
- NT PastoralLand Act
- CLC Strategic Plan 2012 - 2017
- Other Commonwealth and Northern Territory legislation relevant to the management of Aboriginal land and the joint management of NT national parks and reserves.
- Lease and land management agreements on Aboriginal land.
- External funding and other service agreements relevant to the position.
- Administrative and staff management requirements set out in the CLC EBA,and relatedinternal policies and procedures.
- Fulfil the requirements of an ‘officer’ under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011(Cth).
- Reports to and receives direction from the Manager – Land Management.
- Performs staff management and supervision functionsforRanger GroupCo-ordinators, indigenous community rangers and affiliated project supportstaff employed by the CLC.
- Works co-operatively with a partner Co-ordinator with equivalent responsibilities for other community ranger groupsin the region to ensure consistency in the performance of the functions of the position and close collaboration in overseeing the performance of the CLC Ranger Program.
- Works in closecollaborationwith the Co-ordinator (Regional Land Management) to integrate the support of Regional Land Management Officers and affiliated specialists into the development of established community ranger groupsand emerging community-based initiatives across the region.
- Works in close collaboration with the Co-ordinator (Employment and Training) to ensure that the support of the Ranger Trainer and Ranger Mentors is integrated into the development of established indigenous community ranger groups and emerging community-based land management initiatives.
- Works in close collaboration with the Senior Administrative Officer (Land Management)on all aspects of financial tracking and compliance reporting to external funding agencies.
- Works collaboratively with all staff of the Land Management section (Regional Land Management, Joint Management, Rural Enterprise, and Employment Units) in making positive contributions to the CLC’s performance of its statutory land management functions and associated responsibilities.
- Works cooperatively with other sections of the CLC (Legal, Anthropology, Regional Services, Human Resources, Finance, Property, Mining, Native Title and Directorate) in performing the duties of the position withinthe organisation’s policy development,legislative and operational frameworks.
- Maintains good working relationships with Aboriginal people, local government authorities, community councils, resource centres, and other Aboriginal organisations in the CLC region.
- Maintains good working relationships with government and non-government agencies relevant to the functions of the position.
- Relevant tertiary qualifications and demonstrated professional competence in natural resource management or related fields with significant experience inplanning, implementation and co-ordination of on-ground land management programs.
- Appropriate level of health and fitness to meet the rigours of remote field work including driving long distances in a 4WD vehicle, changing tyres and lifting up to 20kg as necessary.
- Knowledge of Aboriginal society and culture and an understanding of contemporary issues affecting Aboriginal people,preferably with knowledge and experience in the Central Australian setting. Comparable experience with other indigenous cultures will beconsidered.
- Demonstrated ability to operate with initiative in a strategic organisational framework, effectively set and address priorities in a dynamic working environment and respond to unforseen challenges with a high level of personal responsibility.
- Advanced conceptual and analytical abilities, particularly the capacity to integrate diverse sources of information and develop effective strategies that advance organisation and community goals.
- A demonstrated capacity to effectively manage financial and human resources (including performance management, staff development) and contribute to a work environment that encourages teamwork, work recognition and job satisfaction.
- Experience or demonstrated familiarity with participatory planning or related approaches to facilitating community engagement in natural resource management, community development planning and program implementation.
- Good interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively with Aboriginal people and a broad range of other interests to a high standard, both verbally and in writing, including liaising, consulting, negotiating, facilitating meetings and preparation of correspondence, reports, briefings and submissions.
- Demonstrated multi-faceted project management capacity with the ability to work collaboratively as a member of a multi-disciplinary team, to effectively complete projects on time, within budget and with a minimum of supervision.
- Sound skills and experience in using Microsoft software packages for word processing, spreadsheet development, email etc, and an understanding of and experience with project management software.
- Knowledge and understanding of the overall context in which the CLC operates.
- Familiarity with indigenous perceptions of land and natural resource management.
- Competency-based certificates and/or significant practical experience relevant to on-ground land management eg. weed-spraying, fire-management, heavy machinery use, feral animal control.
- Familiarity with training programs, training providers and associated funding arrangements relevant to building indigenous land management capacity in the NT, with recognised competency in workplace training and assessment.
- Familiarity with programs and legislation relating to indigenous land use and natural resource management in the NT, including the Native Title Act 1993,AboriginalLand Rights (NT) Act 1976, or experience elsewhere working in a comparable legislative framework.
- An understanding of issues surrounding co-operative management of protected areas with experience in arid areas and/or knowledge of arid zone ecosystems.
- Eligibility for (or current) membership of relevant professional organisations.
- Ability to analyse and solve problems with flexibility and good humour.
- High professional and ethical standards with an ability to build rapport with a broad range of individuals and organisations
- Ability to effectively collaborate with work colleagues in a multi-disciplinary workplace and staff froma diverse range of government, regional and local agencies.
- Capacity for persistence and resilience in a challenging social, political and physical environment.
Approved Copy
Signed: ...... Date.…../……../…..
Manager (Land Management)
Signed: ...... Date.…../……../…..