Bobby, Chylon, Pete, Diane, Kitty, Patrique, Gareld, Ernie, Antonio, Andrea, Dusty, Elayne, Koko
Tighter as a Team
The Anointed of God Pathfinders of Elijah, Inc. is a Religious Organization under our 1st Amendment Rights to be a Church! We are all volunteers in this church organization. We are all here because we want to be. We participate because we want to participate. We’re involved because we want to be involved.
It is true, our handprints and hits of success are all over the place. But, and this is a HUGE but, we’re only getting 1% of the handprints and hits of success we could and should be getting (HAVE BOBBY CONFIRM). We’re not growing like we could and should. People do not know about the AED like they could and should!
There is justification in some people’s minds that what we are doing is acceptable. And, to a ½ truth degree it might be. However, the WHOLE of the story is we’re not doing things the best that we can and The Most High IS pissed.
There is something wrong – we’re not getting the results we want or need. From the AUDIENCE OF THE FULL MOON! 15 July 2011 – 13 Tamuz 5771
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, Beloved Son of My Service, concerning the Hour of Justification of the whole world: Have they not My Beloved Akurians set themselves against you and your instruction as they have set themselves against one another; preferring their own company and duty though it be of lesser unto nothing? Yea! They have not consideration unto repentance nor do they spare to destroy that which you builded over a lifetime! Lo! Answer me not, Beloved Son of Fire, lest I be exceedingly angry.
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, Beloved Son of My Service, concerning the Hour of Justification of the whole world: Sanctify My Beloved Akurians, for I am somewhat against them; and deliver unto each of them My Word to speak as you speak, to Judge as you Judge, and to destroy mine enemies and the enemies of My Holy People: The True and Righteous who keep and obey My Holy Laws; from out of all Ishmael and out of all Israel and out of all the Tribes, the Peoples and the Nations and out of all the Gentiles. Lo! Even My Beloved Akurians cannot be against you and be Called of My Name: For if any are against you, they are against Me; and My Righteousness shall abandon them. Therefore, command My Beloved Akurians to repent, and to do My Commands and to let not any deviation be found anywhere among them.
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, Beloved Son of My Service, concerning the Hour of Justification of the whole world: Sanctify My Beloved Akurians, for I am somewhat against them; and deliver unto each of them My Word to speak as you speak, to Judge as you Judge, and to destroy mine enemies and the enemies of My Holy People: Lo! For in the Generations unto Shiloh there shall arise those who claim a more-righteous standing of that which you have given and ordained; and shall set themselves apart, and all who shall walk with them shall Die their own Death at their own hands and their own blood shall be upon their own heads: For they shall not be of Me, but of Lucifer and the Evil of their own hearts. Lo! For in the Generations unto Shiloh there shall arise those who claim a more-righteous standing of that which you have given and ordained; and you shall know them for they be sweet of mouth and deliver nothing. My Doctrine is clear, My Doctrine is unchanged - even from before the Days of the Deluge and unto Forever, even beyond Shiloh! My Doctrine is My Great Testimony of Mine Own Anointeds in their Generations, and is given and encoded in My Holy Law! None have moved or removed nor added one jot or tittle of My Holy Law, and none of My True Service shall ever abide such, for that abidance would remove all their Righteousness. Therefore, warn all your Disciples of these Acts of Demonism and require of them to Know My Holy Law and avoid even the appearance of deviation, lest those who shall claim a more-righteous standing be justified in setting themselves apart, and yet lead all who follow them into destruction. For I shall account that justification upon the heads of the Unrighteous!
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, Beloved Son of My Service, concerning the Hour of Justification of the whole world: Sanctify My Beloved Akurians, for though your hours are now in the low numbers you are My Living Holy Hand in all Israel, in all Ishmael, and in all the Worlds of all the Gentiles. Yea! Sanctify them, that they be True Teachers of True Righteousness and be True Judges of True Justice and True Knowers that I, and I alone, am The Lost Most High; and thus shall they teach and reveal to all the worthy who shall approach them in all the Generations until Shiloh whether they be kings or queens or laborers who scratch in the dirt.””
And from the Audience of the New Moon January 3, 2011
""Son of Fire, Son of Fire, this is the Day of the Great Opening of the Ancient Secrets of which I ordered to be sealed until the time appointed. Select from among the Akurians, those being True and Righteous Proven Knowers of My Great Testimony, and reveal unto them as you shall deem appropriate. And teach them first and always: failure is of their own doing, seek the innate for cause and reason; delay is the Law in action, removing barriers set long ago that must be overcome with force and applied energies.””
The other night I mentioned this paragraph. The Most High’s words are clear. FIRST AND ALWAYS: failure is of their own doing, seek the innate for cause and reason! If we don’t figure out what the FIRST AND ALWAYS Failure of our own doing is, no amount of force and applied energies can fix it! This is the proper direction, not subject to any other interpretation, unless any want to Challenge Bobby over the words. Being deceived is being deceived and staying there only compounds the problem individually and as we were instructed to “Be My People” collectively from the July 2009 Audience in our joint endeavors.
I can read people too – to be sure some days are better than others. I know that some of the more experienced Akurians are struggling with maintaining their concentration and effectiveness in our Invocations – by the way I’m one. While it is true that we are bombarded with all manner of enemy, we cannot let the rest of our enemy be ourselves or each other and to enough of a degree it is.
Outside of the housekeeping issues, which will be addressed in a moment, there are two key areas where we’re experiencing failure as a Team.
The first reason is we are a little “below the line” trying to figure out what will help everyone else and doing the thinking, or trying to, for them in the process as if to find fault, lay blame or point a finger for some reason or another – even if it is to teach them something Righteous or Good for improvement. We are ALL at different skill levels and such will ALWAYS be true. Newcomers, Neophytes, Cadets, Sentries, and Junior Officers will not be able to grow appropriately because the energy in motion is foreclosing on their ability to do so. Furthermore, doing so in this manner is coming DANGEROUSLY close to another Violation of treading on their Holy Ground; something for which Bobby has ALWAYS advised not to do. This isn’t something that people have done intentionally to harm another. Nevertheless it does. The solution is relatively simple: Concern yourself with yourself, what you need to do the job at hand, do your job, and let everyone else do the same with their jobs without interference!
The second reason is there’s too much Dhimitude and Greed in our Invocations and the behavior is having an impact almost like a Law of Immunity Violation. We talked about Dhimitude and Greed for the Sunday Lesson September 25, 2011 which everyone should have received an email. As a quick reminder, Dhimitude is a like a penalty to put up with something in order to tolerate it and Greed is one step away from TOTAL enslavement.
We know something is wrong, but we’ve not been able to put our finger on it. Make no mistake – even though The Most High is pissed with us for all the jackassing that’s been going on, He is also being EXCEEDINGLY merciful with us regarding this situation. If you will read the INTENT ENERGY of what we are invoking, the damnations we’re invoking for on others who are perpetrating Dhimitude and Greed, our Invocations would backfire with the same degree of intensity on us as per the Law of Immunity. Something none of us would ever want to happen.
Dhimitude and Greed are Violations of Holy Law – even if it comes from us! We cannot replace any form of Dhimitude and/or Greed with an Akurian flavor of it.
We don’t, and neither does any Spiritual Authorities and Entities, need to be Dhimituded and Greeded into doing a Righteous course of action – they are to be Commanded and Directed. We need to be the proper conduits for the Righteous course of action; we are the Senior Pathfinders present on scene.
Enough new people are impressed with our Invocations, they don’t come back because they sense something is wrong whether they know how to explain it or not. We should be a joy, a treasure and delight to experience, not a replacement for a damned church like those at the end of our own invocations.
This is not going below the line by pointing fingers, finding fault, or laying blame on anyone specifically. In enough ways, we’re ALL guilty. Either we want to fix the problems or we don’t. The way to do it is get inside the Holy Ground of the own innate, and FIRST AND ALWAYS figure it out. By the way I’ve had to learn these things too and undo my own FIRST AND ALWAYS figuring – one of which was dealing with an Anger Addiction.
People are exceedingly angry these days and rightfully so and we’re no exception. We hate that we’re living in a Present Day Fulfillment of Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. The description of what is going on in our world is a perfect fit to those chapters. It is a horrible damnation that is going to get worse unless we do something about it; there’s no one else that can and we’re PRIVILEDGED to serve in this capacity. We can get the job done if we’ll take our angry heads out of our asses.
In a way, we’ve been a little like Jonah (See the Book of Jonah in the Bible). Take the time and read this very short, 4 Chapter Book, about 3ish pages of a Bible. Jonah had a bit of an anger addiction too. He was commanded to do a job at Nineveh and he initially didn’t want to do it. There were consequences for his disobedience and other people around him also suffered. When Jonah finally got his head out of his ass, he went and did the job he was told to do and the people of Nineveh repented. And, when they repented, Jonah was angry because they did.
Akurians are struggling with Anger Addiction and Resentments individually and collectively. Anger and Resentment is just as seductive as any drug. Physically - The overall behavior of the addiction is identical to the behavior of anyone suffering from any other addiction from one fix to another. Spiritually – it creates, feeds, and maintains Golems. Additionally, by not taking control of the situation and letting it take control, is also maintaining the Belial and Beelzebub’s influences. And, the nefilim are fully able and very capable of taking advantage of the situation – and they ALWAYS do so to our detriment.
So where there is lot of outside interference and other people around suffering too, examine for an Anger Addiction that opened the door. The ability to handle it is individual and in individual control.
By the way – Anger Addiction and the programming of it is ALSO keeping Akurians from FIRST AND ALWAYS seeking the innate for cause and reason for failure! Delay is the Law in action, removing barriers, including those people set up for themselves, long ago that must be overcome with force and applied energies.
The Anger Addiction is going to have to be dealt with. It is not unlike those of us who’ve had to undo our hallelujah half-wit programming. “Force with your breath” to make the necessary and rightful changes – Reread the “What would I have of You Essay”; it will help immensely.
Let tonight's Lesson and every Invocation FIRST AND ALWAYS show you something you must FIRST AND ALWAYSdo in your own innate!
Now for some Housekeeping
We're not getting broadcast ready Invocations and/or Training Sessions. There isn't ONE recording in over a year we can use for broadcast purposes. The HOURS it takes to edit, even with our limited equipment and the Commander's even-more-limited TIME, should be everybody's FIRST consideration. WE SIMPLY CANNOT BROADCAST STUPIDITIES AND EXPECT TO HAVE ANYBODY PAY ATTENTION! An entire YEAR's worth of recordings are totally worthless because of this kind of perpetual nonsense. THAT is a YEAR of Bobby's teaching and invocations the world will never hear and for which THE MOST HIGH is going to ask each and every one of us!
Anybody who wants to take the time at EDITING THE NONSENSE and reclaim the editable and PRESENTABLE parts into suitable programs need only contact Bobby or Chylon for copies to work on. When you find YOU CAN'T REPAIR THEM EITHER, it's your cue to begin writing your excuses when THE MOST HIGH asks you about the SOULS that would have been secured had this opportunity to reach many thousands not been jackassed into stupidity.
And, for the record: Those who don't participate are as equally guilty of their share of the world's demise as the bastards who are manipulating it from the top-down!
a. Not everyone is saying their NAME when entering the room. It is fine that we all may know by voice recognition who is who, but for recording purposes this is unacceptable. It is also discourteous for newcomers who do not recognize your voice.
b. Not everyone is stopping or pausing appropriately when someone comes in the room. Please complete your sentence and courteously invite the newcomer to identify him or herself.
c. The check-in hour is 7:45PM MST and that allows ample time to get in BEFORE the 8:00 PM MST hour. We want to record these sessions and START at 8:00 PM MST. It is understood that sometimes people have problems getting in. Please be considerate that we want to record our sessions and get things ready for broadcast purposes. It is understood that you will check in and go on mute if you come in late. You will be encouraged to announce yourself after the invocation. If it is after 8 and we haven’t started, usually someone will ask who came in. At that time, please identify yourself.
d. The any 'title' other than Name and/or Rank is inappropriate. To most people that have no idea what our pet names are referring to, it is a derogatory. For broadcast purposes any pet-name is inappropriate and unacceptable whether or not we Broadcast the session. It will NEVER be appropriate for Broadcast purposes to address any Officer in such manner now or in the future. It must stop! Those who may be fortunate enough to experience these presentations years-from-now and turn to THE MOST HIGH need information: what, how, when, why and WHO in exacting detail are not frivilous points to the sincere seeker. But perpetual jackassing does NOT present or represent the common sense required of Akurians.
SOULS are on the line! Either you are a party to their restoration to THE MOST HIGH or you are a party to their DESTRUCTION! There is no middle ground. There is no other authority established by THE MOST HIGH! The True and Righteous Akurians are it! Period.
e. The interruptions and stepping over one another is inappropriate, rude, and inconsiderate in our teachings and/or discussion after our invocations. It is understood that sometimes it is difficult in a conference call. We must be mindful of the difficulty and be considerate. This is also an example why newcomers don't want to come back and many of them haven't.
f. Any individual hogging all the questions and/or not waiting long enough for them to be answered/addressed is inappropriate and destroys the recording for broadcast purposes.
g. Some words are inappropriate for broadcast purposes especially if listened to by families with their children. If you can’t say the word on the radio, you can’t say it for broadcast purposes.
h. Some people are not going on mute appropriately and their open phone line creates so much white noise, echoes and feedback we cannot get a good broadcast ready recording. Background noise and echos are a problem whether or not we record.
i. At the 8:00PM MST hour, the machine is already recording. All irrelevant conversation MUST stop.