Grasby Parish Council

Telephone (01652) 629169 Email:

Minutes of Meeting held Wednesday 18thMarch 2015

Present: R Bennett, (Chairman), Cllr. A.Brown (Vice-Chair) – late but apologies, Cllr. J. Brown, Cllr. L Walker.

Cllr. T. Turner – LCC, Cllr. L. Strange

14.15Apologies: Cllr. Haswell.

15.15Declaration of Interest: Cllr. R. Bennett (Chairman) P/A 131357

16.15The Chairman proposed that due to parishioners being present at the Parish Meeting to discuss the impending Planning Committee Meeting on application number 131357 – Bentley Lane, then Agenda Item Number 7 be brought forward, to Item Number 3, for the benefit of the parishioners concerned.

Planning applications & decisions and updates

P/A 131357 – Bentley Lane Affordable Housing.

The Chairman explained his position in relation to this application, with an indirect link with the proposed developers of this application. He furthermore explained that he would not be making any comment at all on this application, as previously stated.

This application is due to go to Planning Committee 1st April 2015, with the recommendation report due out one week before. The parishioners attending are due to attend the above meeting, along with Cllr. Strange WLDC, and Cllr. Alec Brown (Vice-Chair), and Cllr.EleanorHaswell. Speeches are in the planning stage with more detail to be added following the release of the recommendation report.

It is hoped that otherparishioners will also attend the meeting in Gainsborough.

The parish council will convey concerns, as originally stated in the August 2014 Extraordinary Meeting, the comments and minutes of which were made to WLDC, in respect of this application, and originally registered on-line. It was proposed that the clerk co-ordinate meetings between each group, and give updates when received. Proposed Cllr. Walker, Seconded Cllr. Brown.

17.15To Approve minutes of meeting held 21st January 2015 – proposed as a true record Cllr. J. Brown, Seconded Cllr. L. Walker.

18.15Chairman’s Comments – the Chairman had no comments to make at this time.

19.15Lincs County Council Matters – Cllr. Turner has been working hard to resolve the pot-holes on the A1084 Clixby bends . These have now been filled, our thanks to Cllr. Turner. It was noted that Highways have now been to assess the surface of the road, and although identified as requiring resurfacing, we are currently awaiting a centrally funded scheme or other funding to become available before it can be carried out.

Cllr.Turner has also been in discussions regarding the Rights of Way paths and shrubbery, which requires some maintenance this year. Currently in hand.

Two street lights have been repeatedly reported as requiring repair, Bentley Lane and Canty Nook, and with thanks to Cllr. Turner they have now been repaired.

Subsidence issues have been ongoing on Vicarage Lane for some time and a temporary repair has now been carried out.

20.15West Lindsey District Council Matters – Cllr. Strange has on one of his visits to WLDC obtained documentation regarding planning application 131357, and is currently co-ordinating his speech with Vice-Chair Alec Brown and the parishioners. All are due at the meeting on the 1st April at the Guildhall.

21.15Clerks Report

The clerk reported that the entry to Best Kept Village was now due. After brief discussions of last years’ results it was proposed that no entry be processed this year, due to maintenance works being carried out throughout the village – proposed Cllr. Bennett (Chair), seconded Cllr. Brown.

The clerk reported that the Elections are due to take place, and delivered the nomination papers. The last day for these to be passed to WLDC is the 9th April.

The clerk reported that she would be preparing the accounts and vat return within the next month.

The clerk reported that she would be temporarily unavailable for two weeks following planned surgery on the 1st April 2015.

22.15Finance: Accounts for payment it was proposed that the following be approved: Cllr. R. Bennett, Seconded Cllr. Walker. Resolved.

●Mrs. J. Grainger£ 277.84

●LALC (Subs) £ 156.08

23.15Correspondence – to include letters, emails, etc.

A Letter from the Grasby Village Hall Committee has been received, requesting funding for 2015/16. The request is significantly smaller than previous years, due to cost savings on behalf of the village hall. It was proposed that the funding request of £600 be granted, and suggested that in September an agenda item be added to discuss if any further additional funding could be granted for the Village Hall, after essential maintenance repairs have been concluded around the village. The Village Hall is an essential part of the Villagelife and continues to support the parish council, and to offer a wide range of activities for the parishioners. Proposed Cllr. A. Brown (Vice-Chair), Seconded Cllr. Walker.Resolved.

24.15To Discuss the Maintenance of the Church Wall

Cllr. A. Brown has contacted a local builder to discuss work required to make the pointing and stones around the church wall more secure. It was proposed that a budget be set for initial works to be carried out, and funding be sought for more extensive works to be undertaken later in the year. Proposed Cllr. Bennett, Seconded Cllr. Walker.Resolved.

25.15To Discuss the Grass Cutting Contract 2015/16

2 contractors have been met and tenders placed. We are currently awaiting supporting documentation from one of the contractors, after which the contract will be awarded. This will take place for the 1st April. Proposed Cllr. J. Brown, Seconded Cllr. A. Brown (Vice-Chair).

Meeting Closed 9.15pm

Date of Next Meeting & AGM

Wednesday 20thMay 2015.