This is the rubric I use in class to score your child’s writing assignments.

1 Beginning Writer / 2 Early Writer / 3 Developing Writer / 4 Progressing Writer / Totals


£ Is the writing clear and on topic? / £  The writing is not focused on the topic or the purpose of the assignment (perhaps due to penmanship or spelling errors). / £  The writing does not have a clear focus on the topic. Sentences may be hard to understand (perhaps due to penmanship or spelling errors). / £  The writing is somewhat on topic but has sentences that do not go with the topic or are hard to understand (perhaps due to penmanship or spelling errors). / £  The writing is mostly on topic but may have sentences that do not relate to the topic.


£ Does the author use details that help explain the topic?
£ Does it have descriptive words and good word choices (words chosen by the author; over used words; etc)? / £  There are very few or no supporting details in the writing.
£  May have written a list, and/or sounds babyish or silly.
£  May have sentences that are off topic. / £  The writing uses a couple of supporting details.
£  The writer did not use a mixture of word choices.
£  May have sentences that are off topic. / £  The writing has few supporting ideas or examples focused on topic but may seem incomplete
£  Word choice is pretty good but could be better. / £  The writing has some supporting ideas focused on topic, which contain specifics and describing details that help with understanding the topic (but may not seem complete).
£  Word choice pretty good


£ Is the writing in an order the reader can understand?
£ Does it use transitional words? (First, next, last, then, when, later, etc) / £  The writing has no organization (order).
£  Few, if any, transitional words / £  The writing has some organization (order).
£  Few, if any, transitional words / £  The writing has some organization (something is missing like the beginning, middle and/or the end of the writing). It seems incomplete or unfinished.
£  Some transitional words used / £  The writer made a noticeable effort to use an order.
£  Transitional words used
£  May seem incomplete or unfinished


£ How many spelling and grammar errors are there in the writing?
£ Do the conventions get in the way understanding what the author is trying to say? / £  There are numerous errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, & capitalization.
£  The writing has incomplete and/or unclear sentences
£  The writing is hard to understand. (Penmanship may be poor). / £  Commonly used words are usually spelled correctly
£  There are many or some errors in basic grammar, punctuation and capitalization.
£  Number of errors depends on the assignment and length of the writing. / £  There are few errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
£  Commonly used words are mostly spelled correctly
£  Writer uses simple, complete sentences (with few errors)
£  Number of errors depends on the assignment and length of the writing. / £  There are few errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization in this writing.
£  Writer has attempted to use a variety of sentence types (quotes, questions, exclamations, compound, etc).
Notes: / Total points:
Paper Score: / Divide by 4:

Students should begin the school year at a Level 2 and grow to 3.0 or 4.0 by the end of the school year.