Regular Meeting

Training Room – Municipal Building

April 9, 2007

12:00 noon

PRESENT: Bart Bailey, Anne Garland, Chuck Hope, and Debra Solmonson

ABSENT: Ron Andrus and Randy Tedford


PRESENT: Tammy Dunn, Senior Staff Attorney

Alan Massengill, Administrative Captain


In the absence of the Chairperson, Ms. Dunn called the meeting to order at 12:04 p.m.


In the absence of the Chairperson, Mr. Hope volunteered to serve as acting chair for the meeting and all members voted to elect Mr. Hope as Acting Chairperson.


Mr. Bailey moved, seconded by Ms. Solmonson, to approve the minutes of the February 12, 2007 regular meeting and the motion carried unanimously.


Application No. 1341

Staybridge Suites

Amit Manhar Patel, Owner/Manager

420 S. Illinois Avenue

Class “D” Permit

Mr. Patel was present to discuss the application for the beer permit and manager approval. Acting Chairperson Hope asked about the ID policy and Mr. Patel stated the policy is to card everyone. Their current plans are to have two (2) two-hour-happy-hours each week, with only hotel guests invited to attend. Acting Chairperson Hope also asked about training and the business intends to go through the ABC program. After reminding Mr. Patel of the parking lot responsibility, Mr. Bailey moved, seconded by Ms. Garland, to approve the beer permit application and the manager application consecutively, and the motion carried unanimously.

Application No. 1342

Joye Montgomery for Arts Council of Oak Ridge

Secret City Festival (June 15-16, 2007)

Bissell Park/Civic Center

Class “E” Permit

Ms. Montgomery was present to represent the Arts Council. A brief discussion was held concerning past years events. There have been no problems with the sale of beer in the past. Ms. Garland moved, seconded by Ms. Solmonson, to approve the application and the motion carried unanimously.

Application No. 1343

Joye Montgomery for Arts Council of Oak Ridge

Fundraiser/Art Auction (April 21, 2007)

Family Life Center – St. Mary’s Catholic Church

Class “E” Permit

Ms. Montgomery was present to represent the Arts Council. There have been no problems with the sale of beer in the past. Ms. Garland moved, seconded by Ms. Solmonson, to approve the application and the motion carried unanimously.

Application No. 1344

Anderson’s Hilltop Market

Joey and Barbara Anderson, Co-Owners

Joey Anderson, Manager

350 N. Illinois Avenue

Class “B” Permit

Mr. Anderson was present to discuss the application for the beer permit and manager approval. A brief discussion was held concerning the business’ operations. Mr. Anderson has been operating the business for many years and the operations will remain the same as in past years. Having no further questions, Mr. Bailey moved, seconded by Ms. Solmonson, to approve the beer permit application and the manager application consecutively, and the motion carried unanimously.


Amit Manhar Patel


Staybridge Suites

420 S. Illinois Avenue

Approved during beer permit application. See above minutes.

Joey Anderson


Anderson’s Hilltop Avenue

350 N. Illinois Avenue

Approved during beer permit application. See above minutes.

Benjamin Ronald Chitwood


Rocky Top Market #21

400 N. Illinois Avenue

Mr. Chitwood and Mr. Greg Johnston (district manager) were present to discuss the application. Mr. Chitwood is TIIPS certified through the program established by Rocky Top Markets, as are all employees (the newest employee is scheduled to attend this week). The policy is to ID everyone who purchases beer and Mr. Chitwood is aware of the responsibility regarding the parking lot. Having no further questions, Ms. Garland moved, seconded by Mr. Bailey, to approve the application and the motion carried unanimously.

Mark Hendrix


Outback Steakhouse

402 S. Illinois Avenue

Mr. Hendrix was present to discuss the application. Mr. Hendrix has completed training and discussed the ID policy and is aware of the responsibility regarding the parking lot. Having no further questions, Ms. Solmonson moved, seconded by Mr. Bailey, to approve the application and the motion carried unanimously.


Ms. Dunn reported that a complaint/concern was reported to her by a citizen regarding the Atomic City Sports Bar’s outside patio and selling/serving alcoholic beverages on the patio during the times when school (Jefferson Middle) lets out. Ms. Dunn stated to the Board that she explained to the citizen that beer permits are valid for any contiguous outdoor serving areas, but that she would bring it to the Board’s attention since the serving area was not in place at the time of the beer permit application. Additionally, Ms. Dunn reported that this citizen has also sent information pertaining to the information listed in the newspaper about alleged criminal activity at this establishment, such as DUIs and theft from the parking lot. At this time, the Board was not concerned with the outdoor serving area and has not received any reports regarding the establishment from the Police Department. Ms. Garland asked Captain Massengill if he would remind the Police Department to send any reports involving beer establishments to the Board for review. This would enable the Board to have needed information to help determine whether establishments are following the ordinances pertaining to beer permits. Captain Massengill stated he would remind all patrol shifts of the need to send such information.


Having no more business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:31 p.m.