Anatomy and Physiology 2013-2014
Teacher: Gayle Perman
Website: Francis Howell High School--->staff--->Perman--->Anatomy and Physiology
General Goals—although we address a variety of specific goals throughout the year as we progress through the curriculum, I hope that these basics come across regularly:
1. The biological sciences are continually evolving as technology advances and the resulting body of knowledge increases.
2. These advances offer tremendous improvements in our quality of life but sometimes present new problems and challenges as well.
3. An understanding of the fundamentals of biological science can increase one’s awareness of the rapid changes taking place in today’s world and offer a variety of career options as well.
Text: Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology 6th ed. Martini/Bartholomew
Replacement Cost: $156.00
We will be using MasteringA&P -- on on-line supplement to our text. Please let me know if you have problems with accessing the internet.
Grading Scale
1st Semester: 70% Exams and Quizzes, 30% Homework
2nd Semester: 80 % Exams and Quizzes, 20% Homework
Tests will consist of multiple choice, matching, fill-in short answer and practicums (lab tests). It is imperative that you not only study your notes, but also read you book to excel on the tests!! It is your responsibility to monitor your grade on-line. Any discrepancies concerning your grade must be resolved ASAP. Don't wait until the end of a quarter to tell me you are missing an assignment or believe that you achieved a different grade on a test than was posted.
NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. Homework is due on the day specified on theboard. All make-up work must be completed by the end of the unit. If you are absent on the day of a test, the school rules concerning make-up work will apply. If you are absent on the day of a lab activity, it is your responsibility to arrange for time to make up the lab (if that is possible, it may not be) before or after school. It is up the discretion of the teacher as to whether another activity will be substituted for the activity that was missed.
Field trips
From time to time, some of you may be involved in field trips that cause you to miss class. Understand that it is your responsibility to ask for the work before the field trip takes place and you must be ready to rejoin the class as if you haven’t been gone when you return. For example; if your field trip happens on the day before a test, you are expected to take the test with the rest of the class. This is also true of a pre-arranged absence.
Classroom Rules and Responsibilities
1. Be on time
2. No late work
3. No cheating
4. Be respectful
5. Come prepared for class
6. No cell phones are to be heard or displayed.
7. No iPods, or MP3 players are to be used in class, you will always have something better to do in here.
8. Use only blue or black ink on assignments.
Course Outline
Semester ISemester II
Fundamentals of AnatomyNervous System
Chapter 1: An Intro to Anatomy &PhysiologyChapter 8
Chapter 2: The chemical level of OrganizationTest #1
Test #1: Chapters 1 &2Senses and Integumentary
Cells and TissuesChapter 9
Chapter 3: Cell structure and FunctionChapter 5
Chapter 4: Tissue Level of OrganizationTest #2
Test #2: Test Chapters 3& 4Cardiovascular System
Skeletal SystemChapters 10,11,12,13,14
Chapter 6: The Skeletal SystemTest #3
Test #3: Chapter 6Respiratory System
Muscular SystemChapter 15
Chapter 7: The Muscular SystemTest #5
Test #4: Chapter 7Reproductive System
Digestion and Urinary SystemsChapters 19,20
Chapter 16Test #6
Chapter 18Cat Dissection
Test #5Test: External Muscles
End of First SemesterTest: Internal Structures
Final Exam Semester IFinal Exam Semester II