February 8, 2017

Chairman Victoria Nicholson called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag at 6:30pm. The following members attended; Linda Buffenmyer, Larry Feeser, Verna Feeser, Ronald Groft, Mario Iocco, Robert Martin,Victoria Nicholson and Secretary Beverly Shriver.

Motion on previous meeting minutes: Larry Feeser second by Linda Buffenmyer motioned to approve January 11, 2017 meeting minutes as written. 7 Aye Votes

Public Comments Non-Agenda Issues:

Plans with Representation: Ed Mort P.E. /Group Hanover Inc. was present on behalf of the Cedar L. & Suzanne E. Eckert Final Subdivision Plan. The developer is requesting waivers for this plan since no new construction is proposed and is for consolidation purposes only. Mort supplied a letter with waiver requests of Section 22-308 #13. Contour line; #15 & 16 Cartway & right-of-way widths for existing streets; #20 Location of existing and proposed rights of ways and easements; #23 Building setback lines; #25 Location & size of existing utilities; and #26 Location of any bodies of water, watercourses, tree masses, building or structures, wells, onsite sewage facilities, and any other man-made or natural features. And a waiver request to Street and Highway Standards, Section 22-403.13 Existing Streets; the requirement for street widening, realignments and improvements on Brickyard Road. There is no curb, sidewalk or widening in this area and the existing width of the Township roadway is adequate for this use.

After reviewing Myers’s revised letter dated February 8, 2017,the opened items under General Comments: a. Needs proof of ownership before recording

b.Needs exterior combined deed description. Ed Mort said is done;

c. NeedZoning Officer’s comments

d. Need Adams County Planning comments

Under SALDO Comments:

22-308.B. 8 Needprofessional surveyor seal, signature and date Ed Mort said this is done.

22-308.B.10. Bearings and distances shall be provided for the street right of way lines so

that a gross and net lot size can be established. Ed Mort will confirm with Myers.

22-308.B.13. Waiver request

22-308.B.20. Waiver request

22-308.B. 23. Waiver request

22-308.B.25. Waiver request

22-308.B.26. Waiver request

22-308.B. 27 Neednotarized signatures of owners

22-403.13 Waiver request

Mario Iocco added a block needs added to the plan for theTownship Engineer’ssignature.

Shriver reported Terry Myers’s recommendation to the Planning Commission in his absence. 22-308.13 approves waiver

22-308.15 no waiver is needed, it’s complete

22-308.16 no waiver is needed, it’s complete

22-308.20 approves waiver

22-308.23 Myers advised to deny this request; Myers wants the setback lines added to

the plan. Ed Mort will question why he wants the setback lines shown.

22-308.25 approves waiver

22-308.26 approves waiver

22-403.13 approves waiver

Taking the recommendation of the Township Engineer; Mario Iocco second by Larry Feeser motioned to recommend the Board of Supervisors grant waivers to Section 22-308.B.13. Contour line; 22-308.B.20 Location of existing and proposed rights of ways and easements; 22-308.B.25 Location & size of existing utilities; and 22-308.B.26 Location of any bodies of water, watercourses, tree masses, building or structures, wells, onsite sewage facilities, and any other man-made or natural features and Section 22-403.13 Street widening to existing Streets. 7 Aye Votes

Review Adams County review comments on Proposed Amendment to Chapter 27-203, “Specific Words and Phrases”; 27-302, “Permitted Uses Section”; 27-402, “Accessory Uses and Structures”;27-403, “Storage Sheds”; 27-404, “Detached Garages and Other Accessory Buildings”; 27-560, “Off Lot Accessory Building”; 27-806, “Variances”; 27-807, “Special Exceptions”; and 27-903, “Conditional Uses”:

Iocco informed the Planning Commission this draft ordinance will be rewritten since a section was taken out that needs to be put back in; how to figure what size building can be built. This will be resubmitted to Adams County Planning and Township Planningagain.

Larry Feeser second by Mario Iocco motioned to table the revised ordinance amendment to Chapter 27-203, “Specific Words and Phrases”; 27-302, “Permitted Uses Section”; 27-402, “Accessory Uses and Structures”; 27-403, “Storage Sheds”; 27-404, “Detached Garages and Other Accessory Buildings”; 27-560, “Off Lot Accessory Building”; 27-806, “Variances”; 27-807, “Special Exceptions”; and 27-903, “Conditional Uses” until they receive a revision. 7 Aye Votes

Linda Buffenmyer second by Ronald Groft motioned to adjourn the meeting. 7Aye Votes Meeting adjourned at 7:10P.M.