Geddes City Council Meeting
Monday, January 11, 2016
The monthly meeting of the Geddes City Council was held in the Finance Office at the Fire Department building. The meeting was called to order by Mayor, Dan Schulte, at 7:30 p.m. with the following council members present: Sharon Ackley, Carol Oberbroekling, Duane Hubers, Mike Krietlow, Raymond Mushitz and Monica Vander Pol. Also present were Dale Larson, Rich Strehlow and Donna Paulson, Finance Officer.
Established changes in the agenda were Development Corporation and the budget.
Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to approve the December, 2015 minutes. Ray Mushitz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
December, 2015 financial reports were presented. A motion was made by Mike Krietlow and seconded by Monica Vander Pol to approve these reports. Motion carried unanimously.
January, 2016 disbursements were presented. Ray Mushitz made a motion to approve the January, 2016 disbursements and Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Bills as followed were paid:
To Whom / CK # / Total All / DescriptionNorthWestern Energy / 4851 / $1,479.36 / Electricity
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4852 / $42.84 / Bacteria Sample
Midstate Communications / DWD / $145.12 / Phone/Internet
Geddes Farmers Coop / 4853 / $527.49 / Gas/diesel
Charles Mix County News / 4854 / $85.37 / Publishing
Rural Development / DWD / $2,030.00 / Sewer payment
Dan Schulte / 4855 / $138.52 / Salary
Sharon Ackley / 4856 / $78.50 / Salary
Duane Hubers / 4857 / $78.50 / Salary
Mike Krietlow / 4858 / $78.50 / Salary
Raymond Mushitz / 4859 / $78.50 / Salary
Carol Oberbroekling / 4860 / $78.50 / Salary
Monica Vander Pol / 4861 / $55.41 / Salary
Donna Paulson / 4862 / $1,147.62 / Wager
Dale Larson / 4863 / $412.98 / Wages
Richard Strehlow / 4864 / $221.36 / Wages
IRS / DWD / $392.38 / Payroll Tax
Whalen Law Office / 4865 / $125.00 / Retainer fee
Department of Revenue / 4866 / $30.00 / Total Coliform
Unemployment Ins. Div. / 4867 / $15.04 / 4th Quarter UI
Berens Excavating / 4868 / $2,704.08 / Water breaks
Planning & Development III / 4869 / $456.00 / 2016 Dues
Randall Comm Water Dist. / 4870 / $2,750.50 / Water
Total / $ 13,151.57
Maintenance report: Dale Larson reported that he spoke with Dave Kranig and had him order the radiator for the pay loader, shut off and turned back on water, emptied garbage cans, contacted Gary Iedema regarding a street light not shutting off, checked lagoons, bladed the snow on the streets and Rich did the alleys with the tractor, adjusted the temperature in the tower shed and spread gravel on the corners due to icy roads. Rich cleaned off snow at the cementary.
Old Business:
Donna informed the council that she tried to email Tim Whalen, City Attorney, regarding the clean up efforts in town. Due to no internet service, Donna was not able to send the emails. Donna will contact Tim again to see what our next step is.
Donna informed the council that she and Ron Gillen, Brosz Engineering, have been in contact through emails. Donna had sent Ron Gillen some reports and it appears that the City is losing 15 gallons of water per minute and that leak needs to be found. Ron was going to attend a water conference in Pierre, SD and will talk with Morris Ellcott regarding this problem. Donna also informed the council that she and Ron Gillen have been in contact with ASYST regarding reports that the council wants. Donna was informed by ASYST that they are a billing system and cannot produce the reports that the council wants at this time. Donna and Ron Gillen will continue to work on this situation.
Donna presented to the council a chart from the State Fire Marshall’s Office on the number and distribution of fire hydrants. After discussion, Duane Hubers made a motion to replace the fire hydrant that was broke off on the corner of 4th and Minnesota. Ray Mushitz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Dale Larson was informed to contact Rod Berens and have him order and replace the fire hydrant.
New Business:
Donna received a letter from Planning & Development District III regarding the current information for District III representative and also for updated information. Sharon Ackley was asked if she would continue to be the representative for the City. Sharon agreed.
A discussion was held by the council on salary and wages for all officers and employees. After discussion, Ray Mushitz made a motion to adopt the following wage rates to be disbursed in the calendar year 2016. Donna Paulson, Finance Officer - $17.35 per hour, Dale Larson, Maintenance Man - $13.65 per hour and Rich Strehlow, Maintenance Man - $10.50 per hour. Monica Vander Pol seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mayor and council’s salary will remain the same for 2016.
Donna informed the council that the following council members will be up for reelection in 04-16, Dan Schulte, Mayor, Ray Mushitz in Ward 1, Carol Oberbroekling in Ward 2 and Duane Hubers in Ward 3.
The Operating Agreements with the Lone Tree Steakhouse and Blue Room Bar were reviewed. Duane Hubers made a motion to offer operating agreements with the Lone Tree Steakhouse and Blue Room Bar for 2016. Mike Krietlow seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
The $162.50 license fee that the City has been paying for the retail (on-off sale) malt beverage and SD farm wine for both the Lone Tree Steakhouse and Blue Room Bar were discussed. Donna was informed to check into this fee.
Sharon Ackley advised that the City has paid for 2 life time memberships with the Development Corporation, so she and 2 other members of the council could be attending the Development Corporation meetings each month.
Donna informed the council that the excel worksheet that she completed on the budget for 2015 was not correct and all the information was lost. Donna has completed a new worksheet on the disbursements and informed the council that Legal did not need any money transferred to it. Mike Krietlow made a motion to rescind the motion made at the December, 2015 meeting to transfer $85.00 to Legal. Sharon Ackley seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Donna informed the council that Telephone and Office needs $645.00 transferred to that account. Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to transfer $645.00 from Wheel Tax to Telephone and Office. Monica Vander Pol seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Ray Mushitz made a motion to transfer $40,930.00 from General, instead of $45,710.13, and $5801.38 from clean up, instead of $1021.25. Carol Oberbroekling seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Water testing is safe at this time.
Carol Oberbroekling made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m. Sharon Ackley/ seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
Dan Schulte, Mayor Donna Paulson, Finance Office
“This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.”