Element Wanted Poster- 50 points maximum
Your element is wanted by the police. Use the following guidelines to create a wanted poster to identify it for capture. Your poster should be on poster board, not paper. It should measure about 22 inches tall by 14 inches wide, or half the size of a standard sheet of poster board. You will be assigned the element that you choose at random.
You are welcome to work individually on this assignment.
Your poster should include the following parts:
1. HEADING – Wanted! Name of element and symbol for element.
2. Description – This is valuable information! Include:
a. Pictures (at least 2… search Google images)
b. I.D. number (Atomic number… ex. Hydrogen has an atomic number of 1)
c. Physical properties – Describe at least 5 physical properties of the element (examples: color, odor, taste, clarity, texture, state of matter, luster, density, malleability, ductility, hardness, viscosity, melting point, boiling point, solubility, etc.)
d. Alias - Other names used for your element. Include historical names, common names, slang terms, etc.
2. Last known whereabouts
a. Hangouts (Location where your element is found in nature)
b. Buddies (Name something your element reacts with, and the compound that it forms).
3. Modus Operandi - describe at least 3 uses of the element.
4. Report on First Arrest
a. First Arresting Officer: Who discovered the element?
b. Date arrested: When was it discovered?
c. Particulars: How and where was it discovered?
(Note: some elements have been around so long that it is unknown when they were discovered)
5. Warnings – Are there any precautions that should be taken when handling this element? Is it reactive, poisonous, flammable, corrosive, explosive, dangerous to your health or to the environment?
6. Don’t forget to list your references (websites used)! You should have at least three different sources.
All required information is included / 25
Grammar, spelling, clarity of writing / 10
Poster is neat,attractive,and well-organized / 10
References (3) / 5
Total / 50
· All information on your poster must be written in your own words and factually correct.
· Neatness counts! Your lettering must be neat and straight. Do not have cross-outs, smudges, stains, wrinkles, or stray marks on your poster.
· Spelling and grammar count. Have someone proof your writing.
· Use your imagination. Make an interesting and exciting poster!
Element Poster – Worksheet
Use the following websites to find information:
http://education.jlab.org/itselemental/index.html (or type in Jefferson Lab Periodic Table in Google and click on the first link)
Fill out the worksheet below as you do your research. All information should be included on the poster.
Element name: ______
Chemical Symbol: ______Atomic number: ______Mass number: ______
Physical Properties: (5 of the following - colour, odor, taste, clarity, texture, state, luster, density, malleability, ductility, hardness, viscosity, melting point, boiling point, solubility, etc.)
Alias (other names) ______
Hangouts (where it is found in nature) ______
Buddies (other elements that your element reacts with, and the compounds that form) ______
Modus Operandi (3 uses) ______
First arresting officer: (Who discovered the element?) ______
Date arrested: (When was it discovered?)______
Particulars: (How and where was it discovered?) ______
Warnings (list any dangers): ______
References (websites, etc):____________