Protists Study Guide

Are protists prokaryotic or eukaryotic? Why?

Eukaryotes- they have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles

Are most protists unicellular or multicellular?

Most are unicellular, although some are colonial or multicellular

Which group of protists are heterotrophs?

Animal-like protists

Which group of protists are autotrophs?

Plant-like protists

What is an ideal environment for mold?

Warm, moist

How do amoeba’s eat?

They surround their food with pseudopods

What are the four parts of an amoeba? (be able to label these parts)

Contractile vacuole, nucleus, food vacuole, pseudopod

What causes each disease?

(sarcodines, flagellates, sporozoans,

Amebic Dysentery (sarcodines)

Parasitic intestinal discomfort (flagellates- giardia)

African Sleeping Sickness (flagellates-trypanosome)

Malaria (sporozoans)

How do sarcodines reproduce?

Binary fission

How do zoomastigina’s move?

Using flagella (tail)

Do paramecium belong to the ciliates or the flagellates?


What are the parts of a paramecium? (be able to label these parts)

Cilia, macronucleus, micronucleus, contractile vacuole, oral groove, gullet, anal pore

Which group has two nuclei?


Which group reproduces by a combination of binary fission and conjugation?


Which group reproduces with spores?


How do sporozoans move?

They don’t move, but they reproduce by releasing spores

How do the ciliates move?

Beating their cilia

How do zoomastigina move?

Moving their flagella (tails)

How do amoebas move?

Scissor-like motion, one body part moves, then the rest of the body catches up

What is the life cycle of a plasmodium carrying malaria?

Plasmodium carries Malaria through mosquitoes, spores migrate to the salivary glands and are injected while feeding, mosquito bites human, goes to liver, goes into red blood cells, split open and infect human

What are 3 ways plant-like protists are beneficial?

Habitats for organisms

Algae releases oxygen into the air

Base of food chain

Diatom shells in toothpaste, metal polishes, paint

What are 2 ways plant-like protists are harmful?

Cause disease

Kill fish

Algae blooms can limit the amount of sunlight

What is and what causes red tide?

Caused by dinoflagulates

Release a toxin that kills fish/animals

Are Euglena plantlike, animal-like, or both?


What do the Euglena use to respond to light?

An eyespot

Which plant-like protest is used in toothpaste?


How are fungus-like protists similar to fungi? (3 ways)

they are heterotrophs,

grow in damp, nutrient rich environments, and

recycle organic matter

How are fungus-like protists dissimilar to fungi? (2 ways)

Lack chitin in cell walls

Cells have centrioles

What can look like an amoeba or a fungi depending on the stage of the life cycle?

Slime molds

What are two types of slime molds?

Cellular and Acellular

What is the life cycle of a cellular slime mold?

Unicellular, amoeba like

Form colonies

Fruiting body grows from colonies

Releases spores

What is the life cycle of an acellular slime mold?

Begin as amoeba-like

Aggregate and cells fuse to produce plasmodia

Plasmodia- structures with many nuclei

Sporangia forms

Sporangia- fruiting body

What do water molds eat?

Dead matter in water

Plant parasites on land

Which slime mold has both sexual and asexual phases?

Water molds

Give an educated argument for using algae as fuel.


How is algae a beneficial food source?
