Supporting Information – Modelling Details

Title: Modelling Gas Separation in Metal-Organic Frameworks

Journal: Adsorption

Authors: Brad A Wells and Alan L Chaffee

Affiliation: Cooperative Research Centre for Greenhouse Gas Technologies, School of Chemistry, Monash University, Victoria, Australia.


Gas Molecules

Gas Geometries

Table 1 details the bond length and bond angle that defines each of the gas molecule geometries.

Gas Molecule / Bond Length / Ǻ / Bond Angle / degrees
Carbon Dioxide / 1.1600 / 180.0
Water / 0.9570 / 104.52
Nitrogen / 1.0977 / -
Hydrogen / 0.7412 / -
Methane / 1.1010 / 109.471

Table 1: Geometrical parameters of gas molecules

Gas Internal Forcefield

To parameterise the gas internal forcefield, each atom is assigned a type. Table 2 shows the atomic parameters of forcefield types for each gas atom.

Gas Molecule / Atom / Forcefield Type / σ / Ǻ / ε
/ kcal mol-1 / Charge
CO2 / C / c2= / 3.9150 / 0.0680 / 0.670
CO2 / O / o1=* / 3.3600 / 0.0670 / -0.335
H2O / H / h1o / 1.0870 / 0.0080 / -0.66
H2O / O / o2* / 3.8400 / 0.0800 / 0.330
N2 / N / n1n / 3.8008 / 0.0598 / 0.000
H2 / H / h1h / 1.4210 / 0.0216 / 0.000
CH4 / C / c40 / 4.0530 / 0.0700 / -0.212
CH4 / H / h1 / 2.8780 / 0.0230 / 0.053

Table 2: Atomic forcefield types of gas molecules

Atomic charges and van der Waals potentials were then assigned by atom type. These are listed in Table 3.

Forcefield Type / σ / Ǻ / ε / kcal mol-1 / Charge
c2= / 3.9150 / 0.0680 / 0.670
o1=* / 3.3600 / 0.0670 / -0.335
h1o / 1.0870 / 0.0080 / -0.66
o2* / 3.8400 / 0.0800 / 0.330
n1n / 3.8008 / 0.0598 / 0.000
h1h / 1.4210 / 0.0216 / 0.000
c40 / 4.0530 / 0.0700 / -0.212
h1 / 2.8780 / 0.0230 / 0.053

Table 3: Gas nonbonding potential parameters

Bond length energies were modelled with a quartic function of the form

V=k2r-r02+k3r-r03+k4r-r04 / 1)

The parameters, in angstroms and kcal/mol for each bond are given in Table 4.

Type I / Type J / r0 / k2 / k3 / k4
o1=* / c2= / 1.1600 / 1161.3421 / -2564.5706 / 3932.8735
h1o / o2* / 0.9570 / 553.2800 / -1278.9600 / 1788.6820
n1n / n1n / 1.0977 / 1651.3730 / -4069.3178 / 5984.9629
h1h / h1h / 0.7412 / 414.2185 / -805.6549 / 914.1296
c40 / h1 / 1.1010 / 345.0000 / -691.8900 / 844.6000

Table 4: Gas bond potential parameters

Bond angle energies were modelled with a quartic function of the form

V=k2θ-θ02+k3θ-θ03+k4θ-θ04 / 2)

The parameters, in degrees and kcal/mol for each gas angle is given in Table 5.

Type I / Type J / Type K / θ0 / k2 / k3 / k4
o1=* / c2= / o1=* / 180.00 / 57.1000 / 0.0000 / 0.0000
h1o / o2* / h1o / 104.5200 / 46.6500 / -11.7046 / -8.7911
h1 / c40 / h1 / 107.6600 / 39.6410 / -12.9210 / -2.4318

Table 5: Gas angle potential Parameters

To increase the accuracy of the forcefield bond-bond, bond-angle and angle-angle terms were also included for some gases. These are of the general form

Vbond-bond=kbbr1-r0,1r2-r0,2 / 3)
Vbond-angle=kbar-r0θ-θ0 / 4)
Vangle-angle=kaaθ1-θ0,1θ2-θ0,2 / 5)

The relevant parameters, in angstroms degrees and kcal/mol are listed in Table 6

Type I / Type J / Type K / kbb / kba / kaa
o1=* / c2= / o1=* / 275.435 / - / -
h1o / o2* / h1o / -10.932 / 23.8488 / -
h1 / c40 / h1 / 5.331 / 18.1030 / -0.3157

Table 6: Gas bond and angle cross-terms


Types were assigned to different atoms following the general type assigning rules in Compass. Types for boron and scandium were added in from the Dreiding and Universal forcefields. Table 7 lists the nonbonding types used, the types of atoms they were used to represent and the van der Waals parameters for that atom type.

Type / Atom / Description / σ / Ǻ / ε / kcal mol-1
b3 / B / Boron in COF-102 / 4.0200 / 0.0950
o2 / O / Oxygen in COF-102 / 3.3000 / 0.08000
c44 / C / sp3 carbon with 4 heavy atoms / 3.8540 / 0.02000
c3a / C / Aromatic carbon / 3.9150 / 0.06800
h1 / H / Generic hydrogen / 2.8780 / 0.02300
cu+2 / Cu / Copper 2+ ion / 2.6500 / 0.04500
o1- / O / Carboxylate oxygen / 3.3000 / 0.05000
c3- / C / Carboxylate carbon / 3.9000 / 0.07000
o_v / O / Oxygen interacting with vanadium in MIL-47 / 3.6270 / 0.38280
v3o / V / Vanadium oxide in MIL-47 / 3.5000 / 0.41278
o_m / O / Oxygen in Zn4O clusters / 3.6270 / 0.07841
zn2o / Zn / Zinc in Zn4O clusters / 3.9800 / 0.54423
sc+3 / Sc / Scandium in Sc-MOF / 3.2950 / 0.01900
o12 / O / Oxygen in nitro group in ZIF-69 / 3.4000 / 0.04800
n3o / N / Nitrogen in nitro group in ZIF-69 / 3.7600 / 0.04800
n2a / N / Aromatic nitrogen / 3.5290 / 0.09600
cl1 / Cl / Chlorine in ZIF-69 / 3.8230 / 0.28600
zn+2 / Zn / Zinc ion / 2.7000 / 0.04700
c4 / C / sp3 carbon in Zn2(BDC)2(TED) / 3.8540 / 0.06200
n3 / N / Tertiary amine in Zn2(BDC)2(TED) / 3.7200 / 0.07500

Table 7: Atom types and nonbonding potentials for framework atoms