The Sound of Music IV

European Training course for youth workers to explore the power of music in non-formal education activities with young people, with different aims (to relax, to activate, to cooperate, to reflect, to promote learning, etc)

While doing activities with young people, it is very common to use music in a bigger or smaller scale, and in a more conscious or unconscious way. The music can influence the atmosphere that is created in a group, it can transmit emotions and/or words, it can be a fundamental part of one activity or even affect in a negative way when we are not using the right music for the situation.

The conscious use of music, the awareness of its impact on emotions, the right choice for the different moments, the options about public use (copyright, creative commons licenses), the digital tools to work with music, etc… are different aspects not always known and successfully used by trainers, youth leaders and/or workers in the field of youth.

Therefore, the purpose of this training is to develop the participants’ competences in the use of music as a powerful tool in non-formal education activities with young people.“The Sound of Music IV” is an example of good practice of the Spanish National Agency for the Erasmus Plus Programme. Due to the success of this training concept we are pleased to introduce you the fourth edition of this innovative course, implemented this time, in Iceland


1. Provide participants with a theoretical framework of music and its influence on our body and our emotions.
2. Raise awareness of the influence and the impact that music can have (both positive and negative) in the participants’ mood, during the development of non-formal educational activities (NFE).
3. Develop the participants’ skills of in the creation of thematic musical sets ordered by purpose (e.g.: music for teamwork, for reflection, for energizing, for exploring own emotions, create trustful inspiring moments and settings, etc...)
4. Develop participants’ ability to create atmospheres using music (e.g.: selection of the adequate music, distribution of the space in the room, temperature,) that boost the learning experience of young people in NFE activities
5. Provide the participants with digital tools related to music (to create playlists, edit, search, playback, music without royalty, where to buy music, etc.)
6. Support participants in the creation of live music as a resource for trainings as well as to elaborate their own soundtracks for their workshops, youth exchanges or trainings, learning how to “musicalize” their activities.
7. Provide a space to participants for exchanging experiences and resources among them about the use of music.
8. Discover the value of Erasmus +: Youth in Action, as a program for developing youth activities.

Dates: 25 April - 1 May 2018

Country: Iceland

Application Deadline: 15 February 2018

More information, as well as the online application form can be found at the following link: