Wroughton Junior School

Year 6 Residential Visit – Oct 2017

To the parents of children in Year 5

We have planned to take all of next year’s Y6 children on a five-day residential educational visit to Plas Pencelli in South Wales. The dates for the visit are Monday 9th October to Friday 13th October. We will leave school by coach at 8.30am and depart from Plas Pencelli at 2.30pm on the Friday. We should arrive back at Wroughton for around 5.00pm.

Plas Pencelli is a Georgian country house, set in the BreconBeaconsNational Park that is run by Swindon Borough Council as an outdoor education centre. Our visit will follow an “Adventure & Challenge” course provided by the instructors at the centre. All instructors are experienced and fully validated. The centre will provide all necessary safety equipment and clothing.

Year six visits have proved very worthwhile and have become an integral part of WroughtonJuniorSchool life. We encourage every child to participate. We have previously led visits to Pencelli. All participating staff feel that the trip has excellent benefits. The children develop a positive attitude to exercise, activity and working as a team. All the children developed their personal confidence, learnt new skills and improved their physical capabilities. Even children who normally do not particularly enjoy physical activities really enjoyed themselves. Your child will be in safe hands. Six to eight adults from Wroughton will be accompanying the children on the trip. We also call upon the use of at least six experienced instructors from the centre. So for all activities there are at least two adults per 12 children.

We always try to keep the cost as low as possible. The cost of the trip will be approximately £335.00. The price will include everything – accommodation, transport by coach and all pocket money. We ask parents to pay at monthly intervals – once a deposit is paid. We like all children to join us on these trips, so if this amount is likely to cause any problems then please contact me, as we may be able to offer some financial support. If your child is entitled to free school meals we need an initial deposit to secure the place but please make an appointment to see the Head discuss further payments if necessary.

Details of Plas Pencelli can be found on the website There are also photos from previous Wroughton trips on the school website

We are holding a short evening information meeting (30 minutes) for you and your children in the school hall on Tuesday15thNovember at 5.00pmto give you more information and answer any questions you may have about the trip. If you are able to attend this meeting, please complete the form below and return to school.

Mrs O Preene

Year 6 Teacher

Pencelli Residential 2017

Pupil ______Class ______

I confirm I am able to attend the Pencelli meeting on Tuesday 15th November at 5:00pm

Signed ______

S:\Admin\School Visits\Pencelli\Pencelli 2017