Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology

Conflict of Interest Policy

The Japanese Society for Lymphoreticular Tissue Research (JSLTR) requires authors and editors to disclose any potential conflict of interest related to articles submitted for publication in “Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology”. A conflict of interest exists when anyone has financial or personal relationships that could inappropriately influence (bias) toward his or her actions. The intent of the JSLTR conflict of interest disclosure policy is to provide authors, editors, and readers with all the facts necessary to make informed judgments about the content of Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology.

All authors will be required to complete a conflict of interest form as part of the manuscript submission process. The corresponding author is responsible for obtaining completed forms from all authors of the manuscript. The disclosure of a potential conflict of interest does not necessarily affect the manuscript’ s chances of acceptance.

Disclosures, only when clearly related to the topic of the present manuscript, will appear as “Disclosure Statement” in published article. Disclosures that the author deems relevant will be disclosed publicly. Serious failure by any author to disclose a conflict that later comes to light will result in a ban on the author publishing in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology for a period of maximum 3 years.

Editors and Associate Editors are required to fill out conflict of interest forms on an annual basis. Editors, Associate Editors and persons asked to peer review a manuscript, should voluntarily remove themselves from involvement in any manuscript review or discussion if they believe they could have a conflict of interest.

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Manuscript title

Author’s name

AUTHORS: Complete this form ONLY as it relates to the manuscript you are currently submitting.

• Cite by company name or other description, all commercial and/or financial relationships within the past 1 year that may be relevant to the topic of the manuscript and might be perceived as a real or potential conflict of interest.

• “Relevant” means that the relationship involves the same or similar subject matter; the same, similar or competing drug or device, product or service, intellectual property or asset; or has the potential to result in financial, professional or other personal gain or loss for you or an immediate family member (spouse or child).




Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Categories / No / Yes (Give names of authors, spouse or child and entities)
1. Employment/Leadership position/ Advisory role (1,000,000 yen / US$10,000 or more)
2. Stock ownership (Profit of 1,000,000 yen / US$10,000 or more/ownership of 5% or more of total shares)
3. Patent royalties/licensing fees (1,000,000 yen / US$10,000 or more)
4. Honoraria (e.g. lecture fees)
(500,000 yen/US$5,000 or more)
5. Fees for promotional materials (e. g. manuscript fee) (500,000 yen/US$5,000 or more)
6. Research funding
(1,000,000 yen/US$20,000 or more)
7. Others
(e.g. trips, travel, or gifts, which are not related to research)
(50,000 yen/US$500 or more)

Please attach any additional details as necessary.

I confirm that the information reported above is accurate. I understand that this information will be disclosed publicly. The JSLTR reserves the right to decline to publish my work if the Association believes a serious conflict of interest exists. I understand that failure to complete this form will disqualify my manuscript from consideration for publication. Serious Failure by any author to disclose a conflict that later comes to light will result in a ban on the corresponding author publishing in Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hematopathology for a period of maximum 3 years.

Corresponding Author’s Name______
