WHMIS1988/WHMIS 2015 Program Standard Example:

Intent: This program standard outlines the responsibilities and procedures to meet WHMIS 1988/WHMIS 2015 legislation and program requirements for our company’s 2017 health and safety program.

The WHMIS 1988/WHMIS 2015 standard will be communicated by posting and it will be distributed along with JHSC meeting minutes.


  1. Train employees in WHMIS 1998 and/or WHMIS 2015 based on the current status of the WHMIS program within your firm. The WHMIS program will be comprised of both generic and workplace specific components.
  2. Management will coordinate necessary training. Selected supervisors who have completed the WHMIS train the trainer program will conduct the workplace generic and specific training.
  3. The JHSC will assist in the development of the workplace specific training.
  4. The JHSC will also evaluate training at the end of the training program using the participant evaluation form. Annually, the program will be reviewed by the JHSC.
  5. To ensure the maintenance of Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and/or Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all WHMIS controlled substances.
  6. Management will ensure that M(SDS)’s are provided with all new WHMIS controlled products; current M(SDS)’s are maintained in all WHMIS binders available in the workplace; and appropriate upgrading training is provided to new hires, transferred or promoted employees.
  7. To ensure that all WHMIS labeling or identified controlled workplace products is in place and maintained in the workplace
  8. Management will ensure that WHMIS labeling is in place for all WHMIS controlled products in the workplace.
  9. The JHSC will assess WHMIS labeling during their monthly Planned Workplace Inspection.
  10. Worker will bring to the attention of their supervisor any damaged or missing WHMIS labels for replacement.
  11. To ensure that responsibilities and procedures are known, understood and used by all workplace parties.
  12. Annually, the program will be reviewed by the JHSC and results reported to Management through JHSC meeting minutes.

Timetable By end of first quarter each year – all employees will receive the generic training Those employees who require workplace specific training will: (1) receive this training directly after their initial training or if that is not possible then (2) no later than one month. After the generic training.

January 2017.