CASFAA 2010 Executive Council Meeting

Conference Call

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Executive Council Members Present: Barbara Bickett, Lindsay Crowell, Kentiner David, Denise Donn, Lynn Fox, Sunshine Garcia, Yvonne Gutierrez-Sandoval, Melissa Moser, Lawrence Persky, Susan Murphy, Beryl Schantz, Jamie Shrode

Others Present: Angelina Arzarte, Dewayne Barnes, Addalou Davis, Michael Dear, Bryan Dickason, Colleen MacDonald, Wayne Mahoney, Thalassa Naylor, Daniel Reed, Merilyn Sweet, Kim Thomas

Absent: Joanne Brennan, Kevin Hoover,Maureen Mason-Muyco,Pat Robles-Friebert, Ryan Smith

Call to Order/Introductions – Yvonne Gutierrez-Sandoval, President (10:00 a.m.)


If you have not already done so, please make your necessary flight arrangementsfor the June EC meeting, or contact Joanne Brennan to book a flight.

EC and Committee Reports Due on June 2nd for in-person EC meeting.

Approve Minutes from March 14-15th EC meeting

Motion: Sunshine moved to approve minutes as amended.It was seconded by Lindsay with no votes against or abstentions.

Motion Carried

“To-Do’s/Follow-Up Items”- Jamie Shrode

  • Addalou- Organize current point totals, with the names in which they are under, the user names andpasswords. Information to be sent to the Treasurer.
  • Joanne- Follow-up with Mindy Bergeron regarding how many signatures were required in the past for checks and the dollar amount threshold.
  • Susan- Draft of training survey based on previous draft versions.

From January 31st EC Meeting

√ Colleen and Addalou to review CASFAA Brochure (update)

√ Wayne to correct accounting entries so that the report can be approved during the EC’s conference call in February.

  • Barbara to compile year in reports, enter into the measures tracking tool and present at the next EC meeting.
  • Lawrence to see about developing a numerical identifier for members. Inquire with MemberClicks for advice.

From Last EC Meeting

√ All to email/send Susan Murphy any evaluation surveys or draft evaluation surveys that they may have. (Done)

√ Wayne to print and send Susan Murphy any and all evaluation surveys that he may have. (In progress) (Done)

  • Angelina to send her contact info to Susan Murphy
  • Angelinato work with Kris Zavoli, at College Board, in regards to HS counselor training.
  • Denise to discuss with PowerFAIDS, in August, the option of purchasing a vendor booth at the 2010 conference.
  • Wayne to renegotiate contract with food at a max cost of $75K
  • Joanne to speak with Mindy Bergeron in regards to how signatures were handled for checks in the past.
  • Denise to contact auditors for suggestions on how we may strengthen our internal controls by the May conference call.

√ Yvonne to forward Colleen CASFAA’s donation request letter previously sent to EdFund

√ Yvonne to contact HSR committee chair regarding a possible partnership with the College Board.

√ Wayne to follow up with Bank of America to see if the signature card has been approved. (Done)

√ Wayne to work with Louise in locating proof of receipt for the 2006 tax return (Done)

TO DO – Wayne to send IRS payment for the remaining balance of $0.92 due for 2008

TO DO – Joe must complete and submit form 8734

√ Colleen to search for WASFAA Webinar MOU and to forward to Lawrence

  • Wayne to send Denise questions/comments regarding the “deleted” accounts showing in QuickBooks.
  • Denise to work with Joe to resolve the “deleted” accounts showing in QuickBooks

√Colleen to email Maureen with contact info for someone at EdFund and Susan from AAICU.

√Yvonne to forward the names of NASFAA committee nominees to Kay Soltis

  • Yvonne to inform Merilyn of the updates to the sponsorship letter

Treasurer – Denise Donn

Oral Treasurer’s Report

It has been determined that CASFAA’s 2008 tax return was filed on time. Consequently, $241.61 will be refunded to CASFAA. The completion of form 8734 is no longer necessary, as our Non-Profit status has been confirmed by the IRS. Denise must now complete arequest for a letter of determination so that we have a copy on file.

TO DO - Denisewill forward a copy of our Letter of Determinationto Merilyn, Addalou, Yvonne and David upon receipt.

TO DO –Denise to forward a copy of the letter received confirming our Non-Profit status to: Merilyn, Addalou and David. This is to be used in absence of a Letter of Determination, with witch we are awaiting.

Payment to Peter Miller for WASFAA Webinar Contract- Paid

Coordinate with President-Elect for Bank Statement Reconcilation

Finishing up March’s reconciliation.

TO DO – Deniseto coordinate with Lynn Fox (president-elect) to reconcile accounts beginning with the April statements.

Nominations and Elections- Barbara Bickett

Tentative slate of Candidates (elections in 7 weeks)

A spreadsheet listing possible candidates was sent prior to today’s meeting. The names in peach indicate a person’s confirmation of willingness to run.

DewayneBarnes respectfully declines nomination, as well as Daniel Reed from CSU Chico.

LawrencePersky to be added as candidate for EDC

Maureen Mason-Muycoto be added as candidate for VP of State Issues

Melissa Moserto be added as candidate for CC rep

Lindsay Crowell to be added as candidate for UC rep

Casy Dinsmore to be added as candidate for CSU rep

By-Law Change

The importance of this issue needs to be made known to our membership as a whole, as well as stressed within each segment. It is suggested that an article be included in the newsletter and possibly posted on our website.

TO DO – Addalou to review by-laws and note any sections that may require a vote by membership.

TO DO – Wayne to forward “rationale for by-lay change” to Barbara.

Paper Ballots

Details to follow (June Meeting)

Federal Issues - Beryl Schantz

There is a request by schools for an extension of the end date for current year disbursementsto be moved to fall for schools currently in transition from FFEL to DL. It isdetermined that CASFAA will not take a political stand on this issue.

Also up for discussion is a bill to allow private educational loans to be dischargable through bankruptcies. This discussion assigned to the Federal Issues Committee with a recommendation to be presented to the Executive Council.

There is to be a session of Proposed Rule Making sometime in the future. Within such, gainful employment and it’s definition are to be discussed. Beryl urges all to review this issue to determine what it may mean for the different segments.

Conference Committee 2010 – Wayne Mahoney

Committee Update

One in-person meeting was held at the conference location. Both CASFAA and CCCSFAAA are working to isolate the rooms to be used to one section of the hotel, as the rooms allocated are spread throughout the property and are more than are necessary.

Negotiation of Hotel Contract

We may loose some, or all, of our comp suites. Wayne is waiting to here from Scott, (conference consultant), regarding the 2010 contract and it’s terms. There will most likely be amendments made to the current contract.

Conference Theme

Synergy(syn·ergy),n. Energy created by collective action

Invitation to Scott (conference consultant) to attend June EC meeting

Joanne has extended an invitation to Scott. It is not known if he has accepted the invitation or not.

Independent – Susan Murphy

Working with the state issues committee to make sure that the independent segment has a speaker for the Day at the Capitol Event. Susan is also working with her committee to create a possible summer event for the independent segment.

Electronic Issues Update- Lawrence Persky & Wayne Mahoney

MemberClicks- Update

CASFAA’s new site is currently up and running. The new site affords a lot of functionality. There have been six or seven people who have been given administrative access. Lawrence will be the contact for content to be posted on the site, i.e. newsletter.

TO DO - Lawrenceto elicit a recommendation from the EI Committee in regards to Catherine and her continued employment with CASFAA. The proposal is to be presented during our EC call in May.


In the future, some sort of publication will be made available to, at least, the EC in regards to how to operate MemberClicks. It was suggested that some “Tips” be included in future newsletter publications.

WASFAA Webinar Contract

WASFAA is having a GoToMeeting Training April 30th 11.30 to 12:30.

CSAC Update-Bryan Dickason

Bryan reports that it is appropriate for CASFAA to ask for trainers, but no one trainer in particular. CASFAA may pay for the travel expenses of CSAC members to traning activities.

Next week is the dealine for Cal Grants and as a result the CSAC system will most certainly be down at times.

Training – Dewayne Barnes

Training Committee Update

Has a conference call scheduled for Friday, April 30th. Committee now has a chair and co-chair

Cal Grant Workshops

Will begin plans now that Bryan has reported that we can request CSAC trainers

Cash for College Update- Michael Dear

Michael and Addalou have completed a job description. He recommends that at the conference the voluteers for Cash for College be gathered to meet at that time. He also recommends that there be two committee chairs, one for Northern California and one for Southern California.

Membership/Volunteers- Kim Thomas/Daniel Reed/

Summer Training Committee needs volunteers, as well as HSR Committee. Daniel is working to identify and communicate with those who have not yet renewed their memberships. Kim is working to identify and send communication to those who have not volunteered for a Committee.

Ethnic Diversity – Lawrence Perksy

Conference call scheduled for tomorrow, April 28th.

Newsletter Update- Colleen MacDonald

The deadline for article submission for the next publication is May 10th. The CASFAA brochure is currently being printed and will be ready to distribute at the Day at the Capitol event in May. Colleen received some positive feedback in regards to the last newsletter, which was published electronically.

Community College – Melissa Moser

Next meeting scheduled for Day at the Capitol – May 10th

Grad Professional – Sunshine Garcia

Is working on the creation of a training event in May and GP sessions to be held at the 2010 conference.

CSU – Kentiner David

Fees will increase, but exact figures are not yet known. This is creating difficulty with calculating the cost of attendance.

Motion: Denise moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Sunshine with no votes against or abstentions.

Motion Carried

Meeting adjourned (11:57 AM)

Summary of Motions

Motion: Sunshine moved to approve minutes as amended.It was seconded by Lindsay with no votes against or abstentions.

Motion Carried

Motion: Denise moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Sunshine with no votes against or abstentions.

Motion Carried