Casey Grasso

Professional Development


Dr. McCall was the first professor I have had at Rowan who introduced me to the organizations AAHPERD and NJAHPERD. Since that introduction, I have become a member and have learned so much. Being a member of NJAHPERD gives a future professional of HES many benefits. Some of these benefits include the opportunity to attend conventions, workshops and classes, as well as grants, and awards programs. Unfortunately, this year I was not able to attend the annual convention. However, I have heard about many great experiences from people who have attended the convention, so I will definitely go next year. Being a member has been helping me become an outstanding future educator in HES.

WORKSHOP- 10 pts

The volleyball team was supposed to attend a social media workshop along with other Rowan Athletic teams, however because of the hurricane it was cancelled or postponed until further notice. Surprisingly we haven’t had any more workshops except a 7:00 AM one with athletic director Dan Gilmore about sportsmanship. Last year, we attended a social media workshop with a speaker. It was surprisingly interesting because the speaker, a Rowan Staff member, showed the dangers of putting photos and statuses on face book. He pulled up athletes’ photos of inappropriate actions that could hurt their future professions. This workshop allowed me to realize the real dangers of putting inappropriate pictures on the Internet, even when you believe their private.

Here is a photo of one of my teammates funneling a beer that was shown at the workshop.

Rowan Athletes
Important Dates
Spring 2012

March 7th-- Register for Relay for Life using your boro bucks in the student center between 4-8:30. $10 allows your participation in the event and ability to run with the "torch of knowldege" along with Interim President Houshmand.
March 27th- St. Baldricks Day---help raise money to fight childhood cancer! Women's soccer coach, Scott Leacott will be shaving his head! Follow the link to get involved:
March 30th- Student-Athlete Day in Esby Gym at 1:45
March 30-31st- Relay for Life--Register your team or run with the torch!! Ask your coach for more information. We would like as much participation as possible so please get your team to come out to participate.
April 9th- Mandatory social media presentation in the ballroom of the student center at 7pm. If you are unable to attend because of class please notify your coach
If you have any questions please email me:
Thank you!


In the 2012 Rowan University volleyball season, coach Libby Ranero nominated me captain, along with Junior Krissy Collins and Junior Lauren Ruffalo. Being named captain was an honor and boosted my confidence even more in order to be a leader on and off the court for my team. I was already a vocal asset to the team, but I was taken a little more serious when named captain. It was a great opportunity to be able to make decisions for my team as well as have their back when things needed to be brought up with the coach. Overall it was a great experience and I hope to be nominated once again next year in 2013.


Playing for Rowan University’s Collegiate Volleyball team has been an amazing experience. Not only do I get to continue playing the sport I love, but I also have had many positive experiences. When I first entered the program as a freshman in the fall of 2010, I was accompanied by 12 other freshman and three upperclassmen. I have become so close with the girls that they are almost like family; I even live with three of them. If I entered Rowan as a non-athlete, it would have been harder to find my circle of friends. Additionally, playing for the team has given me the chance to balance life as a student-athlete. With practices, games, and meetings, it is hard to find time for a social life and schoolwork. Since I have a big responsibility to maintain a high GPA, enjoy upholding a social life, and strive to succeed on the court, I had to learn to balance many tasks at once. Fortunately, I adjusted well to the college experience. I think the reason I succeeded is because I had the chance to play volleyball and get my priorities straight. I am honored to be a part of the program, and am not afraid to show it. Being a part of the collegiate volleyball team means a lot to me and I do not know what my experience at Rowan would be like without it.


Volunteer coaching for Mystique Volleyball Club was a great experience for me. It was my first coaching job, and I have learned a lot from the other coaches and the players. The team I coached consists of 13-year-old girls from a high socio-economic area in Pennsylvania. In many peoples’ eyes, this is a great opportunity; however, this age group is hard to coach, especially given their background. Although the age group is a struggle and the girls can be arrogant and snooty, I am very happy I have the opportunity to have coached them my first year. I have learned how to deal with players who have not yet developed a love of the game, and who bring a negative attitude to the court. Having girls who have never played a competitive version of volleyball gives me the opportunity to create outstanding volleyball players. My love for the game shows when I coach them, and I think it is obvious to them that my motivation and desire is for them to love the game as well. Each practice and tournament allowed me to see the girls grow on the court both skill-wise and attitude-wise. Next year, I hope to have the same opportunity to coach the same group of girls. I have grown as a coach, as well personally, learning new responsibilities, techniques, and meeting new people who can advance my career as a coach and physical education instructor.


I am lucky to the chance to help my Mom and other volunteers cook for the Emmanuel Dining Hall in Wilmington, DE. My Mom Judy Grasso is the organizer for my church Limestone Presbyterian located on Route 7 in Wilmington, Delaware. Every so often my church is required to provide and serve food for the dining hall. Every year my family serves on Christmas Eve day. It is a reward to serve to people who are less fortunate and grateful for my time and the help from the church. On Friday at 4:00 pm, I was able to help with the process of cooking the chicken noodle casserole for the dining hall to be served on the following Saturday. My family is signed up to cook on this year Christmas Eve once again.