Mrs. Katie Key

7th grade English

Welcome to 7th grade English! I am thrilled to be teaching 7th grade English at St.Paul’s. I taught Gifted and Talented 7th and 8th grade English at Baker School and Causey Middle School for 10 years. I am fortunate to be back in the classroom here at SPS. I know we will have a great year. Below you will find the basic requirements and structure for this class. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Summer reading: The Liar and the Spy- We will review the novel in class and have a test on Thursday, August 20

Weekly vocabulary: The unit in My Satori will open on Monday mornings. The unit work is due on Wednesday and the test will be on Friday. This routine will rarely change. If we have a short week, we will most likely not have vocabulary for that week. The test will vary from writing the words in a complete sentence with context clues to matching or multiple choice.

Bring to class everyday: A three ring binder with sections labeled grammar, writing, and literature. You may combine your English binder with one other class, if the binder is big enough. The binder must have an adequate supply of loose leaf paper. Paper torn from a spiral notebook will not be accepted. The big binders with a zipper and covered in cloth are NOT allowed for this class. These binders take too long to open and are too big for the desk top. You will need a blue/black pen and a pencil every day in class. The above materials will not be dispensed in class. You will need to bring your grammar workbook with your name in it every day to class. You will not be allowed to retrieve forgotten items from your locker during class time. The above materials are due in class on Wednesday, August 19 for a homework grade. Also, bring this letter back signed by you and a parent. You will keep this in your binder. Also, a copy is on netclassroom for future reference.

**Bring your charged laptop EVERYDAY to class **

Note: If you feel that you have a laptop problem that requires assistance from tech support in the library, you MUST see me first.

Classroom rules and conduct: When you come into the classroom, sit down in your desk and get out your materials. You must be in your desk when the bell rings. Classroom time will not be wasted on asking St. Paul’s students to get in his/her desk, so that we may begin class. Everyone must be in his/her desk when the bell rings. NOTE: Many times class change time is a good time to talk with students’ individually about make-up work, after school tutoring or assignment questions. *When the class dismissal bell rings, all trash must be picked-up and classroom materials put away, before class will be dismissed.

When in class, raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment. Calling out questions or comments is disruptive to me and other students in the class.

Grading system: The quarter average will be based on overall points(actual points divide by possible points= % average). There will be grammar and literature tests, writing assignments, vocabulary tests(15-30 points each), and HW assignments.

Make-up work: See the SPS guidelines regarding make-up work in the handbook. The most important aspect of make-up work is to understand that make-up work is the responsibility of the student. Make-up work comes before sports and extracurricular activities. **If you choose to go to an optional assembly or meeting, you are responsible for the HW and material that we cover in class or that is due that day or the next day. TURN IN WORK THAT IS DUE PRIOR TO AN EARLY DISMISSAL.

Appropriate emails asking for help: The ability to email is a wonderful advancement in technology, but it is not be used as a crutch or an excuse. Please do not email saying that you simply “do not understand” a task, assignment or concept. Email correspondence should be respectful and be very specific about the issue and only used as a last resort. Email is not a substitute for taking the opportunity to ask questions in class, paying close attention to the directions in class, or speaking to me privately before or after class.

Late work- Late work is NOT make-up work. Late work is defined as assignments that were not turned in on the due date/time or not in the proper form and cannot be submitted for grading. Students who do not submit assignments on time will be given a ZERO in the gradebook. However, late work will be accepted with a penalty for the following items: writing assignments and major projects. The late work for these items will be penalized 10 points per day late. Late work that is more than four days late will begin at a 60 percent.

Student signature ______

Parent signature ______

*A copy of this document is posted on netclassroom.