CALVERT GREEN PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of Ordinary Meeting held on

Tuesday 25 October 2016 – 7.30pm – Calvert Green Community Hall

Signed: Chairman Brian Pethick ………………………………………………………………………………………



Cllr Brian Pethick (Chairman) (BP)

Cllr Marie Swan (MS)

Cllr Jim O’Rourke(JOR)

Clerk Andrea Curtis (AC)


Cllr Carl Blakeley

Cllr A Macpherson (AVDC/BCC)

Also present:

Members of the Public: 2 ACTIONS

  1. Declarations of Interest: Cllr Marie Swan – Steeples broadband
  2. The minutes of the September meeting were approved and signed.

3.  Cllr Brian Pethick

·  Adoption of The Steeples – Cllr Pethick and Cllr O’Rourke attended a meeting with a cabinet member, technician and Cllr Macpherson. Road markings will be done w/c 31-10-16. There will be no road signs. The snagging list is incomplete and will be addressed.

·  Anti-Social Behaviour – drugs - David Russell (neighbourhood watch) has been checking CCTV footage and liaising with TVP who have put on extra patrols. It has been suggested that TVP put notices on the gates at the entrances to Calvert Green warning that patrols are being carried out. Dog Fouling – David has been in touch with the dog warden, AVDC etc. It is not easy to do anything unless someone is caught in the act. Dog bins have not been emptied to schedule – Cllr Pethick and the clerk have chased AVDC regarding this. The clerk will chase again. Clerk

·  Existing greens and paths – AVDC are doing a good job of the green. Garden-Master will be asked to do another verge cut as there have only been 6 this year against the planned 8 due to the Gigaclear work. The clerk will contact them. Clerk

·  The bus shelter has been cleaned at the cost of the PC and weeding around the shrubbery has been done. The petanque court fence has collapsed and AVDC will not replace – Cllr Pethick will ask Chris Ashton to arrange its removal. BP

In Tudor Close the Persimmon fence is falling down due to a broken post. The clerk will contact Persimmon. Clerk

The footpath around the green is out for a quote according to AVDC.

  1. Cllr Marie Swan

·  Community Hall Extension – The NHB grant has been extended to end April 2017. WREN have declined to extend theirs so this runs out end of Februryl 2017. For WREN, we have to prove spending and submit to WREN by 14 March to ensure they have time to check it and raise payment. Timelines will be tight but we can purchase equipment needed in advance (WREN grant is for fit-out only). We cannot go into contract with WREN until the main contractor is appointed and WREN have approved our publicity plan. They also require a copy of the AVDC leasehold for the strip of land by the green. MS

The PWL needs to be in the bank account by Christmas. Clerk

Leasehold – AVDC initially agreed a 999 year lease in principle. However, the paperwork sent to the lawyers says 99 years. Cllr Swan has gone back to AVDC regarding this but has not yet had a reply. Worst case scenario is to accept the 99 year lease.

The survey results are leading toward pile footings which are considerably more expensive. Cllr Swan tried to push for raft slabs but the structural engineer has worked on another project built on old brickworks using the raft system and says they are failing after only 5 years. Cllr Swan has written to Persimmon to ask if the original hall was piled.

The initial £5k contingency on the fee schedule is virtually spent. The M & E is still to be agreed. Cllr Gaskin pointed out that if CG were to get an equal share of the HS2 £1M mitigation fund this could be used toward the build or to reduce the PWL.

Timetable – Cllr Swan has a meeting on Friday. Tender documents will be sent out to the 3 main contractors chosen - the tender period will be between 7/11 and 16/12. The clerk will need to check the accounts of each contractor. W/c 19/12 the tenders will be reviewed and the contactor appointed at the December PC meeting. The earliest start date would then be 20/1/17. The hall will be closed sometime in January through to July, possibly earlier – the clerk will enquire as to the availability of Twyford Committee room for PC meetings. It was agreed that one PC meeting should be organized at the incinerator meeting room, perhaps combined with a tour. The defibrillator will move to the shop either on a temporary or permanent basis.

·  Persimmon development – no response at the moment. No updates on Dunsty Hill.

·  BCC devolution – Cllr Swan wrote to BCC but no reply has been received yet.

  1. Cllr Gaskin

·  HS2 – Cllr Gaskin will be attending the House of Lords on Thursday to present the joint Calvert Green/Charndon petition. He showed the meeting the 8 slide presentation he is making. The TWAO regarding the moving of the sidings has been referred for public review.

·  E/W rail –they have produced a large integration report for our area. E/W construction in the Calvert corridor now falls under the HS2 hybrid bill which means construction should take place at the same time as HS2.

·  Landfill/EfW –Pit 6 - 10 years’ worth of quarry landfill; pit 5 – looking to reduce maximum 12m height. There have only been 2 odour complaints in August and none in September. Cllr Gaskin complained about HGV’s still trying to get access via Brackley Lane – he was told these were unfamiliar drivers that had only used the site when Brackley Lane was open. They have now been advised. The gas fill generation from landfill is 15.5 MgW, reducing by roughly 500Kw per year. The red light at the top of the incinerator is being reduced in brightness. The incinerator is now generating 26 MgW. FCC are taking responsibility for grass cutting and litter picking the new roundabout on the A41. Currently the site is treating an average 900 tonnes per day. Bottom ash is not land filled until it is tested.

6.  Cllr O’Rourke

·  Broadband – the cabinet goes live 1st November. Cotswold Way and Kiln Close are scheduled to go live end of November. They have increased the amount of contractors to keep on target. There is no update on the Steeples yet. Cllr O’Rourke has asked Gigaclear to work with BT regarding the ducting.

·  VALP – AVDC are holding a meeting at their Aylesbury offices on 14th November. Cllr O’Rourke and the clerk will attend.

·  Verney Junction Garden City – Cllr O’Rourke showed the meeting a coloured plan of the proposal put forward by Garden Cities LLP. Phase 1 at Verney Junction would be 6,700 dwellings. Phases 2-4 are for a further 6,300 and these back onto Steeple Claydon and Calvert.

7.  Clerk

·  Summary of spend and items for approval. Items listed were approved plus an additional cheque for GMT services £60.00

·  Website – the clerk advised that the current website met the transparency rules. Cllr Swan said that if we merge our website with CGCA we must ensure that we have equal input and that it meets our criteria.

·  Unitary Council – there have been no further updates

8.  Meetings

·  Feedback from NBPPC meeting – there are 600 houses that are currently being considered for wither Winslow or Haddenham. The latter is currently favourite. NBPPC are writing to AVDC regarding the Great Horwood resolution where planning was granted against the Neighbourhood Plan and subsequently turned over on appeal.

The next meeting is 29th November 2016.

The meeting closed at 21:55

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