Quality Plan - PID

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Quality Plan

<Version 1.0

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© University of Tasmania │ ABN 30 764 374 782

Project ID: Version 0.3Page 1 of 4

Quality Plan - PID

Table of Contents

1Quality Plan......

1.1Management Approach......


1.3Alignment with (Corporate) Standards & Quality Products......

1.4Quality Elements......

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Project ID:Version 1.0Page 1 of 4

Quality Plan - PID

1Quality Plan

1.1Management Approach

<This section describes how the project will manage quality at a global level. The following list gives an indication of the considerations for this section.>

-Quality Assurance

-Quality Improvement


Basic principles:

  • Quality checks are always carried out by persons independent of a particular product development process.
  • Quality responsibility exists at different functional levels.

Quality Responsibilities at Project Level
Role / Primary Responsibilities
Project Assurance / Check that agreements and standards are maintained (both the specifications of products, and the quality of project management.)
Ensure correct people are selected for Quality Control activities.
Project Manager / Ensure quality checks as part of Quality Control are planned and take place according to schedule.
Safeguard the execution of quality checks as agreed and, if necessary, escalate the reported quality omissions.
Prospective Users of Deliverables / Supply product specifications at an early stage.
Approve Product Descriptions, including quality criteria.
Execute interim acceptation tests on products.
Acceptance of completed and tested products.
Team Members / Assist with describing quality criteria per product.
During development, safeguard the product criteria.
Inform Quality Reviewers when quality checks may be carried out.
Quality Reviewers / Measure/verify objectively that products meet the required quality standards.
Supply Project Manager with relevant criteria which have not been specified.

1.3Alignment with (Corporate) Standards & Quality Products

The project is carried out in accordance with the following company standards:

  • PMM@UTas
  • <List other standards here>

1.4Quality Elements

Quality Element / Description
Product Descriptions / <Agree the level of products that require a Product Description.>
For every deliverable, a Product Description is made. See the Product Description Template for further detail.
Quality Control / The quality review of products will be addressed by the following approach:
Preparation: Confirm the product is ready for review and ensure all stakeholders are prepared. Reviewers assess product for alignment with the product description.
Review Meeting: Discuss, clarify and agree on review.
Follow-up: Confirm any follow-up work has been completed.
Configuration Management / The purpose of Configuration Management is to identify, track and protect the project's products. Within this project Configuration Management will do this through recording completed products in a Configuration Management Database.
Change Control / Approved products are subject to formal Change Control. This means that it is not allowed to modify these products without an explicit decision making process. Applications to alter any of the products may be made to the Project Manager by means of a ‘Request for Change’. The Project Manager evaluates the request and escalates it, if necessary, to the Project Board.

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