Aspley Medical Centre
Patient Participation Group
Minutes of meeting held – Tuesday 9th January 2018
Present:BP -Radford Care Group
TW - Patient (PPG Member)
Valerie Morley-Practice Manager
JR -Patient (PPG Member)
JI - Patient (PPG Member)
SE -Patient (PPG Member)
Charlene Andrews - Speaker-NCGPA
Claudine Clarke-Secretary (Minutes)
Georgina Thomas – Practice Secretary
PF -Patient (PPG Member)
AC -(Patient)
GS -(Patient)
JS -(Patient)
Justine Straw-Practice Receptionist
Apologies:Cheryl Miller-Practice Business Manager
DW - Patient (PPG Member)
Agenda Items:
- Introduction welcome and sign in apologies
- Last meetings minutes to be agreed
- Dementia Support Talk by Radford care centre with Beverley Pearson
- Funding for premises
- Surgery update staff changes
- Thoughts on agendas for 2018 - researchers would like to meet our patient group
- Any other business
- Next meeting
1. Valerie Morley welcomed those present to the meeting.
2. The minutes for the meeting held on the 5th of September 2017 were accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
3. Beverley Pearson from the Radford Care Group introduced herself and gave the group an overview of all the services that are available at the Radford Care Group which is based in Radford on Prospect Street, It is a Dementia patient stimulation day service which is available: Monday to Friday for the over 50s, the centre also helps to support carers of people living with dementia. Beverley explained that they should soon be located in a purpose built new building to increase the capacity of care available. Beverley went on to give details about a 7 week program which is free of charge designed for carers called ‘making sense of dementia’. The contact details for the Radford care group are as follows all information can be found on their website please see the link.
4. Valerie explained to the group that we have now been granted funding from NHS England and that we were looking to make improvements on the flooring and Consulting room sinks and taps. Valerie also mentioned that the practice is currently in talks with the landlords of the building looking at future refurbishment and improvements to the practice to improve services for our patients.
5. Valerie and Georgina spoke about the loss of a longstanding member of staff, the practice Secretary and the retirement of another practice secretary. She also introduced Claudine a new Secretary and Georgina has changed her role to Practice Secretary. Valerie also mentioned that the practice have also taken on two new receptionists, both have previous practice experience.
Valerie asked the group if they were finding the Signposting of appointments and the changes that were implemented last June to the appointments system useful, from all responses were positive from patients that have used the service. They felt it saved time and prevented the booking of unnecessary appointments.
6. None- Brief discussion with PPG members that a research team based in Nottingham who look into all research aspects of healthcare have expressed an interest to attend one of our PPG Meetings.
7. Members of the meeting were concerned that the Pharmacies needed to co-operate more with the practice to prevent confusion with prescriptions. Valerie explained that the Practice has limited control once the pharmacy takes responsibility of prescriptions.
8. The group agreed that the next meeting would take place on Tuesday 22nd February 2018 at 12.00.
Valerie thanked everyone for attending and the meeting came to a close at 1.00pm